2017 Club Show Results & Critiques

Yorks Lancs Cheshire BTC Champ Show
Saturday 23rd Sept 2017
Judge: Julie Price (Oxcroft)
Dogs: 124 Entries: 152 + 8NFC
BEST IN SHOW:Bandicoot Dragon Glass
BEST PUPPY IN SHOW: Keebank Jack Frost
RES BIS:& BOS: Ravenside Rumours About Caldewgate
DOG CC: Ravenside Rumours About Caldewgate
RES DOG CC: Ch Bandicoot Doc Martin
BEST DOG PUP: Keebank Jack Frost
BITCH CC:Bandicoot Dragon Glass
RES BITCH CC:Olympia De paris Fiery Lucifer
BEST BITCH PUP:Keebank Snow Queen
Best Veteran: Ch Howthwaite In Violet
Minor Puppy Dog:5-1
1: Keebank Jack Frost.
2: Fieldsearch Physique
3: Remony For A'That
Res: Terabyte Trick or Treat
Puppy Dog: 6--1
1: Fieldsearch Firecracker
2: Remony For A' That
3: Bowencloud Busy Bee
Res: Fieldsearch Jump Jack Flash
VHC: Jrasamuyr Codex
Junior Dog:11 -0
1: Oakyard Out N'About at Dassett
2: Tojamatt Rhythm N'Blues at Raedwulf
3: Ravenside Le Gourmand
Res: Normbar Hussar
VHC: Howthwaite In Voice
Yearling Dog:6 -2
1: Thornheswin Red Ruffian
2: Tojamatt Moriarty
3: Karison Kustard
Res: Normbar Hussar
Novice Dog:4-2
1: Jrasamuyr Codex
2: Coolham Buck
Post Graduate Dog:9 -0
1: Stinval Pontiac from Thornheswin
2: Rhozzum Gwilym
3: Breckgreen Soldier Blue
Res: Oakyard Out N'About at Dassett
VHC: Tyrian Arrowsmith
Limit Dog:9 -1
1: Ravenside Rumours About Caldewgate
2: Chatmoss Bullet Tooth Tony (no 124 not in cat)
3: Manorborders Maverick By Tyrian
Res: Hawcoat Mr Fixit
VHC: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Open Dog: 9-1
1: Ch Bandicoot Doc Martin
2: INT Irish Ch Ploughdown Plato
3: Ch Karison Kosta
Res: Tythrop Timepiece
VHC: Kgills King Of Swing at Awbrooksky
Special Beginners Dog:2
1: Bowencloud Busy Bee
2: Coolham Buck
Veteran Dog:2 -1
1: Minx's Diamond
Special Open Dog /Bitch holding a Working Certificate 3:
1: Ragatam Equalizer via Ycart
2: Int Ch Stonchester Apostrophe von Jrasamuyr
3: Int Ch Stonechester Question Von Jrasamuyr
Minor Puppy Bitch:8 -3
1: Keebank Snow Queen
2: Ravenside Calima
3: Picer Beth Chatto
Res: Nottorg Nostalgia
VHC: Awbrooksky Tale As Old As Time
Puppy Bitch: 7-1
1: Blaisdon Step In Time
2: Ravenside Masena
3: Borderstream Maisie
Res: Bowencloud The Bee Charmer
VHC: Kelcraig Demona
Junior Bitch:8-1
1: Oakyard On Song
2: Karison Krumble
3: Lynsett Miss Marple
Res: Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath
VHC: Merumhor Blue Jasmine
Yearling Bitch: 13 -4
1: Bon Appetit by Tythrop
2: Ploughdown Paloma
3: Tojamatt Make Believe
Res: Borderigg Rewind to Ravenside
VHC: Tojamatt Myth for Chevinor
Novice Bitch :9-2
1: Oakyard On Song
2: Shiftyfox Fairymist
3: Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath
Res: Borderstream Maisie
VHC:Nottorg Nostalgia
Post Graduate Bitch: 9-1
1: Bandicoot Dragon Glass
2: Terabyte Dawnanna at Blaisdon
3: Howthwaite Gold Dust
Res: Hawcoat Ugo Girl
VHC: Picer Angelica to Nottorg ShCM
Limit Bitch: 10-2
1: Remony Frosted Ivy JW ShCM
2: Brankell Double Or Quits JW
3: Lynsett Bold Spirit JW
Res: Smalesmouth Skylark
VHC: Awbrooksky Geeteethree
Open Bitch: 10-1
1: Olympia De Paris Fiery Lucifer
2: Ch Chorbeck Gossip Girl at Blackmine JW
3: Ch Ianteg Red Rubi JW ShCM
Res: Borderxpress Miss Potter
VHC:Byrewick Valentine
Special Beginners Bitch 2:
1: Borderstream Maisie
2: Brackenfell I Go To Pieces
Veteran Bitch: 1
1: Ch Howthwaite In Violet
Thank you to the Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire Border Terrier Club for asking me to judge this show and for their great hospitality. It was an honour to stand in for Cynthia Knight who sadly passed away in April 2015. My stewards for the day, Cally and Anna did a sterling job in keeping things running smoothly, thank you, to both of them. I thoroughly enjoyed myself today and I was delighted with my top winners. In general some exhibits, even though made well were just too big and heavy, these would never get to ground to do the job, therefore not fit for purpose. I like a dog to be masculine and a bitch feminine, but both have to spannable and not overloaded in their shoulders, sadly quite a few exhibits were just this and were penalised for it. I found one exhibit to have a testicle with an abnormality. Some of the younger dogs were up to size already and have yet to stop growing. It will be interesting to see how some of them turn out. Not everybody accepted my decisions in a sporting manner, but the general atmosphere was great. I didn’t go to the pub at lunch time but did see the pictures afterwards. Glad you all had a great time!
Judge: Miss J Price
Entries: 124 Dogs making 151 entries 8 NFC
Minor Puppy Dog Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st - Keebank Jack Frost (Mrs L Keeffe) Under all that lovely thick jacket I found an eight month old puppy which was the right size for his age. Shown in full double jacket. He looked heavier than he was but it was all coat and pelt, and I was able to easily span him. He has a good head which is in proportion to his size. His has a narrow front with laid back shoulders and a good length of rib. A nice level top line, with a correct shaped carrot tail. He moved well for a youngster on nice small tight feet. BPIS
2nd - Fieldsearch Physique (A Pearson & D Towers) A six month old puppy, which has more leg under him the 1, and looked rangier. I was able to span him; he has a good length of body, but just not as happy on the move as the winner
Puppy Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 1
1st - Fieldsearch Firecracker (A Pearson & D Towers) Ten months old and already up to size. A puppy with a narrow front and a racy outline. He has a good bend of stifle and was the better mover overall.
2nd - Remony For A' That (Mrs A E Gregory) Deeper in chest than 1, good length of body. A little unbalanced in his outline.
Junior – Dog Entries: 11 Absentees: 0
1st - Oakyard Out N'about At Dassett (Mrs S Spafford) This is a dog with attitude, love it. A handsome red grizzle dog, with a good otter head and a very keen expression. He is balanced, with a pleasing outline. He has a good length of neck flowing into laid back shoulders, flat ribs and was easily spanned A little erratic on the move but he was really on his toes. A masculine dog without being overdone
2nd - Tojamatt Rhythm N'blues at Raedwulf (Mr M & Mrs V Atkinson) This dog also has a good otter head with a narrow front and is again masculine without being overdone. He stood on lovely tight feet although down on his pasterns a little.
Yearling - Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 2
1st - Thornheswin Red Ruffian (Mr J C Dixon) A red dog which has a balanced outline and narrow front. He has a level top line, he stands on tight cat like feet and moved well.
2nd - Tojamatt Moriarty (Mr & Mrs D Matthews) Better head than 1, also balanced with a good tight coat in excellent condition more angulated rear. He pulled on the move and this unfortunately spoilt his front or the placing could have been reversed.
Novice - Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 2
1st - Jrasamuyr Codex (Miss C Khatchikian) Narrower of these two exhibits with a racy outline and well muscled hindquarters.
2nd - Coolham Buck (Mrs F Markham) Wider in front and deeper in his brisket than 1. A nice level topline and a good bend of stifle.
Post Graduate - Dog Entries: 9 Absentees: 0
1st - Stineval Pontiac From Thornheswin (Mr C Dixon) A red grizzle dog, which was easily spanned and of the correct size. He has a double coat, nice level top line and good set on. He showed very well, he has a god bend of stifle and moved with drive.
2nd - Rhozzum Gwilym (Mrs M Sharp) Blue and Tan dog which is a bigger dog altogether than 1, although with a better, stronger head, I just prefer the size of 1.
Limit - Dog Entries: 9 Absentees: 1
1st - Ravenside Rumours About Caldewgate (Mr A E Burke) Love this dog for his type and character, he was vocal on the table but his demeanour reassured me that this was not a grumble. He is so engaging and aware of his surroundings in true terrier style. He has a good otter head and lovely kind eye. He has a good reach of neck flowing into laid back shoulders and a narrow front, standing on nice small feet. His length of body is in proportion with his size. He is constructed well and has well angulated hind quarters which allow him to move with drive. So pleased to award him the DCC.
2nd - Chatmoss Bullet Tooth Tony JW (Miss J Hughes & Mr M J L Kendrick) A lot to like about this dog, lovely balanced outline, just not as narrow in front as 1 which was noticeable when on the move.
Open - Dog Entries: 9 Absentees: 1
1st - CH Bandicoot Doc Martin (Ms V L K Docwra) A masculine dog which is up to size. He has good head with a dark eye and keen expression. Wearing plenty of jacket today and I think this just spoilt his outline a little especially around his neck, it made it look thicker than it actually was. He had better front movement than 2 today. RDCC
2nd - Int CH / Ir CH Ploughdown Plato (Mr E & Dr M Armstrong) Blue and Tan with a pleasing head and expression. Super topline and racy hindquarters, presented in an excellent condition, better rear movement than 1. This result could easily have been reversed.
Veteran - Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st - Minx's Diamond (Mrs M Anderson) A 10 year old dog in very good condition, with a tight, coarse jacket. He has good length of body however a little too deep in his brisket. He moved well.
Special Beginners - Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - Bowencloud Busy Bee (Mrs S J Ruth) Racier and narrower than 2.
2nd - Coolham Buck (Mrs F Markham) Better headed dog of these two exhibits.
Minor Puppy - Bitch Entries: 8 Absentees: 3
1st - Keebank Snow Queen (Mrs L Keeffe) I was pleased to see that she is the sister to the Minor Puppy Dog winner. She is a feminine puppy with a good otter head and kind eye. She has a narrow front and she also moved well.
2nd - Ravenside Calima (Mr M Lowry) An eight month old puppy blue and Tan with a better topline than class winner. Also narrow in front with nice length of body and flat ribs. I would just like her to be stronger in her muzzle to balance the picture.
Puppy - Bitch Entries: 7 Absentees: 1
1st - Blaisdon Step In Time (Miss A Thomas & Mr J Thomas) A ten month old puppy, with a lovely otter head and short powerful muzzle. She has a good narrow front She is shorter in her length of body than 2, making her look a little deeper in her chest. She was presented in excellent condition, moved and showed well.
2nd - Ravenside Masena (Mr M Lowry) Very much like her litter sister with a good length of body and balanced outline. She is feminine but again I would just like her to be stronger in her muzzle to balance the picture.
Junior - Bitch Entries: 8 Absentees: 1
1st - Oakyard On Song (Mr J Parry) A balanced, red grizzle bitch of a lovely type. She has a narrow front, spannable and stood on small cat like feet. She was a bit short of coat today so really easy to see how she is made. She moved and showed well.
2nd - Karison Krumble (Miss K Johnson) This bitch has better laid back shoulders than class winner and she was a smaller bitch altogether under her thick jacket. She has a narrow front and straight legs. Easily spanned, well muscled and angulated hind quarters.
Yearling - Bitch Entries: 13 Absentees: 4
1st - Bon Appetit By Tythrop (Mrs J L Lee) Good body line and balanced, with correct good laid back shoulders. She has a better otter head than 2 with a more powerful under jaw. However her dark muzzle gives her a harsh expression. She covered the ground well and showed beautifully.
2nd - Ploughdown Paloma (Mr E & Dr M Armstrong) Another nice bitch of correct proportions. She has a nice straight front, and well-angulated hindquarters, presented in good coat and condition. She stands on small tight feet and moved well
Novice - Bitch Entries: 9 Absentees: 2
1st - Oakyard On Song (Mr J Parry) Comments as before and this bitch was the better mover of them all.
2nd - Shiftyfox Fairymist (Pearson & Towers) This bitch has a lovely sweet feminine head a good reach of neck. Overall she was more compact being he was shorter in the leg and body. She has a good bend of stifle.
Post Graduate - Bitch Entries: 9 Absentees: 1
1st - Bandicoot Dragon Glass (Mrs V L K Docwra) Well, when I was looking through the CD of the photographs of the show, this one caught my eye and I was pleased to see it was my BIS winner. She is a quality bitch of the correct size and proportions. I liked everything about her and she moved soundly with drive.
2d - Terabyte Dawnanna At Blaisdon (Mr J N & Miss A J Thomas) A red bitch presented in excellent condition, A little longer in muzzle, bit with a pleasing expression. She has a correct straight narrow front was of a nice size and balanced. Did not show quite as well as class winner.
Limit - Bitch Entries: 10 Absentees: 2 This was the hardest class of the day to judge, as all of the exhibits were very different.
1st - Remony Frosted Ivy JW ShCM (Mrs A Gregory) A racy bitch which was slightly more balanced than 2, having a narrow front and more laid back shoulders although having quite a deep brisket. A well angulated rear, small feet and short carrot tail.
2nd - Brankell Double Or Quits JW (Mr P Brannan & Miss M Kelly) A lot to like about this bitch, lovely head, strong muzzle and dark eye. Looks well when stood, with a good bend of stifle. Just a little over loaded in her shoulders hence a touch wider in front than on the move.
Open - Bitch Entries: 10 Absentees: 1
1st - Olympia De Paris Fiery Lucifer (Mr Z Kubik) This bitch is very much like the BIS winner, they would make a lovely brace. She has a good reach of neck flowing into good laid back shoulders and a level topline, A lovely feminine bitch with a pretty otter head, dark eye and good teeth. She has a straight front and well muscled hindquarters and moved more soundly the 2. Her coat was just past its best. RBCC,
2nd - CH Chorbeck Gossip Girl At Blackmine JW (Miss Tracey James & Mrs Michelle Render) Not much to choose between this bitch and the class winner as they are very similar stood; my decision was made on class winner having more positive movement.
Special Beginners - Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - Borderstream Maisey (Mr & Mrs S J Ward) This puppy was 3rd in Puppy class. She has a good length of neck, not too deep in her brisket and showed well.
2nd - Brackenfell I Go To Pieces (Mrs T.J. & Miss C.A. Lister) This bitch has an otter head and a good straight front but I was unable to span her.
Veteran - Bitch Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st - CH Howthwaite In Violet (Mr R & Mrs E Barrett) Eight year old bitch in a shown in a fit and hard condition. Still spannable, she has a good length of neck and laid back shoulders. Moved happily around the ring.
Special Dog or Bitch Holding a Working Certificate Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st - Ragatam Equalizer Via Ycart (Mr K K & Mrs T J Fraser & Butler) 13 years old and still easily spanned. He has some teeth missing, which is understandable. Not over done in any respect and moved well.
2nd - CIB CH FR/IT/CRO/SLO/RSM Stonechester Apostraphe Von Jrasamuyr MFH (Miss C Khatchikian) Rangier than 1, but larger all round and wider in front. 3rd - CIB CH FR/IT/CRO/SLO Stonechester Question Von Jrasamuyr MFH (Miss C Khatchikian)

Yorks Lancs & Cheshire BTC Open Show
Saturday 13th May 2017
Judge: John Thomas (Blaisdon)
Dogs: 71 +1NFC Entries: 91
Best in Show: Oxcroft Freelander
Best Puppy in Show: Stineval Kordia
Best Opposite Sex in Show & RBIS : Sulan Strictly Blues Dancin'
Best Veteran in Show: Int US/Ch Ch Sulan Fancy That
Minor Puppy Dog: 2
1: Bowdencloud Busy Bee
2: Tojamatt Rhythm N'Blues at Raewulf
Puppy Dog: 4-0
1: Karison Kroupier
2: Redfox Dusty
3: Tojamatt Rhythm N'Blues at Raewulf
res: Winhaz The One
Junior Dog:10 -0
1: Oxcroft Jethro
2: Norbar Hussar
3: Chorbeck Space Cowboy
res: Karison Red Rock
VHC: Lynsett Lewis
Novice Dog:3 -0
1: Norbar Hussar
2: Bowdencloud Busy Bee
3: Borderstream Hunter
Post Grad Dog: 7
1: MySulan Going Solo
2: Tyneaster Special Agent at Raedwulf
3: Keebank Charlie's Diamond
res: Cedarhill Ghost Writer
Limit Dog: 7-2
1: Oxcroft Freelander
2: Chorbeck Chatty Man
3: Carrock Carnegie
res: Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor ShCM
VHC: Stineval Pontiac From Thorneswin
Open Dog:2
1: Ch Karison Kosta
2: Ycart Earth Stopper
Minor Puppy Bitch: 5-1
1: Stineval Kordia
2: Esyntona Whisper
3: Chorbeck Angel
res: Bowencloud The Bee Charmer
Puppy Bitch: 4-2
1: Karison Karousel
2: Redfox Magic
Junior Bitch: 10- 4
1: Tojamatt Myth for Chevinor
2: Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath
3: Oxcroft Damson of Glenorchy
res: Karison Krumble
VHC: Oxcroft Damsel
Novice Bitch: 6-3
1: Esyntonia Whisper
2: Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath
3: Brackenfell Boogaloo
Post Grad Bitch: 7-5
1: Hartswelin She's The One
2: Stineval Malizia
Limit Bitch: 6-3
1: Sulan Stritly Blues Dancin'
2: Picer Angelica to Nottorg Shcm
3: Holdenelms Lady Alice via Ycart
Open Bitch: 5-2
1: McBrook Miss Amelia
2: Ch Am Ch Sulan Easy Does It
3: Vallemoss Drama Queen via Saxheath
Special Beginners dog/bitch: 7-4
1: Brackenfell Boogaloo
2: Tojamatt Myth for Chevinor
3:Borderstream Huntsman
Veteran Dog /Bitch: 5-2
1: Int Am.Can Ch Sulan Fancy That
2: Ruelata Acrobat at Redfox
3: Vallemoss Drama Queen via Saxheath
Yorkshire Lancashire and Cheshire Border Terrier club
Open Show 13 / 5 / 2017
Thank you to officers and committee for inviting me to judge and to stewards for excellent work and also to the exhibitors for supporting the show.
MPD ( 2 - 0 )
1 Ruth Bowencloud Busy Bee. 8mth G/T dog good head and expression straight front good level topline well set tail moved well.
2 Atkinson's Tojamatt Rhythm N’Blues at Raedwulf Good head with good reach of neck just needs time.
PD ( 4 - 0 )
1 Johnsons Karison Kroupier nice G/T puppy good head with well set ears correct bite nice topline moved well
2 Marr Redfox Dusty Nice head good front moved ok but a little nervous today 3 Atkinson Tojamatt Rhythm N’Blues at Raedwulf . R Dixons Winhaz the one.
JD ( 6- 1 )
1 Price Oxcroft Jethro good headed dog nice reach of neck into well laid shoulders good topline well set tail moved ok.
2 Ellis Normbar Hussar nice young dog with good topline and tail set in good coat just preferred head of first.
ND ( 4- 0 )
1 Ellis Normbar Hussar
2 Atkinsons Tojamatt Rhythm N’Blues at Raedwulf
PGD ( 6 -2 )
1 Baxters Mysulan Going Solo nice sized with a good head good bite spannable moved well RBD.
2 Atkinsons Tyneaster Special Agent at Raedwulf nice type straight front good coat and pelt moved ok.
LD ( 7- 2 )
1 Julie Price Oxcroft Freelander workmanlike blue/tan dog good otter head and reach of neck into well laid shoulders nice turn of stifle and well balanced BD & BIS.
2 Haughton Chorbeck Man Similar type to first but grizzle/tan nice head and front level topline moved ok.
OD ( 2- 0 )
1 Johnsons Karison Kosta Strong headed dog nice reach of neck level topline straight front moved ok.
2 Fraser & Butlers Ycart Show Stopper not as strong in head as one straight front good coat and pelt looked better on the move.
MPB ( 5 -1 )
1 Horners Stineval Kordia nice 7mth old puppy good head level topline thick pelt and coat moved really well for such a young one this could be one to watch in the future. BPB BPIS & RBB.
2 Hoppers Esyntona Whisper good head neck and front thick coat and pelt moved well.
PB ( 4- 2 )
1 Johnsons Karison Karousal Racy Bitch good coat straight front moved well
2 Marrs Redfox Magic another nice one nice head and expression just a little nervous to day.
JB ( 10 -3 )
1 Metcalfs Tojamatt Myth for Chevinor Nice head good reach of neck with level topline moved well.
2 Heathcotes Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath Nice Type keen expression sound mover
NB ( 6 -3 )
1 Hoppers Esyntona Whisper
2 Heathcotes Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath
PGB ( 7 -5 )
1 Colemans Hartswelin She's The One Nice smart bitch handy size good head moves out well with plenty of drive.
2 Horners Stineval Malizia good head nice under bodyline able to span easy moved well just preferred first.
LB ( 6- 3 )
1 Baxters Sulan Strictly Blues Dancin' Super B/T bitch good head neck & shoulders level topline movement spot on BB RBIS BOS.
2 Taylors Picer Angelina to Nottorg another nice bitch good head straight front movement very good a pity it came up against first.
OB ( 5-2)
1 Manns Mcbrook Miss Amelia good reach of neck in to level topline in good coat movement sound
2 Baxters CH Sulan Easy Does It Five year old bitch in good coat nice head strode out well.
SBDB (7- 4 )
1 Axon & Taylors Brackenfell Boogaloo.
2 Metcalfs Tojamatt Myth for Chevinor.
VDB ( 5- 0 )
1 Baxters CH / CAN CH Sulan Fancy That good old fashioned Border nice head and expression moved out well with plenty of drive for her age
2 Marrs Ruelata Acrobat at Redfox nice G/T dog good head thick coat and pelt. 3 Heathcotes Vallemoss Drama Queen via Saxheath
Judge: John Thomas

(Photo left to right, BPIS, BIS, Judge, RES BIS.)
Yorkshire ,Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club
OPEN Show 28th January 2017
Judge: Ann Heathcote (Saxheath)
Dogs :68 + 2NFC Entries 87
Best In Show: Chorbeck Gossip Girl at Blackmine
Best Puppy: Norbar Hussar
Res BIS: Ch Stineval Napoleon JW
Best Opp Sex: Ch Stineval Napoleon JW
Best Dog : Ch Stineval Napoleon JW
Res Best Dog: MySulan Going Solo
Best Dog Puppy: Norbar Hussar
Best Best Bitch : Chorbeck Gossip Girl at Blackmine
Res Best Bitch : Sulan Strictly Blues Dancin
Best Bitch Puppy: Northborders Lady Mary
Best Veteran:Int AmCh/ Can/ Ch Ch Sulan Fancy That
Minor Puppy Dog: 3-1
1: Lynsett Lewis
2: Winhaz The One
Puppy Dog: 7-2
1: Norbar Hussar
2: Lynsett Lewis
3: Chorbeck Space Cowboy
res: Cedarhill Ghost Writer
Junior Dog:2
1: Chorbeck Space Cowboy
2: Rexlands Road Runner..
Novice Dog:6
1: Normbar Hussar
2: Ridgebow Hobgoblin
3: Cedarhill Ghost Writer
res: Brumberhill Breitling
VHC: Show Stopper Reggie Boy
Post Grad Dog: 6 -2
1: MySulan Going Solo
2: Derwenthow Basil Brightberry
3: Otterpaws Munnin
res: Showstopper Reggie Boy
Limit Dog: 3-1
1: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
2: Raleniro Second Time Around
Open Dog: 5
1: Ch Stineval Napoleon JW
2: Otterwood Caius JW ShCM
3: Dandyhow Freindly Fire at Chevinor ShCM
res: Blaisdon Bow Brilliant
VHC Keycharm Phantom by Ridgebow JW
Minor Puppy Bitch: 4-1
1: Fisherbloom Diaboli at Otterwood
2: Karison Knightingale
3: Lynsett Miss Marple
Puppy Bitch: 9-2
1: Northborders Lady Mary
2: Ridgebow Pendle Witch
3: Oxcroft Damson of Glenorchyres: Tojamatt Myth for Chevinor
VHC: Netherhill Cortado at Almoor
Junior Bitch: 2
1: Terabyte Dawnanna at Blaisdon
2: Netherhill Cortado at Almoor
Novice Bitch:3
1: Ridgebow Rusty Rivet
2: Fisherbloom Diaboli at Otterwood
3: Fairyyard Bright Beauty
Post Grad Bitch: 12-3
1: Stineval Malizia
2: Picer Flora McIvor
3: Hartwelin She's The One
res: Diggsad Dizzy Dizzy Dora
VHC: Calestone Alice at Coolins
Limit Bitch: 8-1
1: Chorbeck Gossip Girl at Blackmine
2: Sulan Strictly Blues Dancin
3: Stowthorney Miss Chief By Northborders
res: Rexlands Artic Red Pull
VHC:Lynsett Bold Spirit
Open Bitch: 4-1
1: Otterwood Domina Candesco
2: McBrook Miss Amelia
3: Picer Aimee Vibert
Special Beginners dog/bitch:8-1
1: Tojamatt Myth for Chevinor
2: Cainestone Alice at Coolins
3: Borderstream Huntsman
res: Otterpaws Muninn
VHC:Kenquartz Take a Bow
Veteran Dog /Bitch: 3-1
1: Int AmCh Can Ch Ch Sulan Fancy That
2: Stbedeshound Frank in Sense of Raleniro
Judge's Critique
Yorks Lancs & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
28th January 2017
My thanks to the Committee for asking me to judge this show , my Stewards Callie and Ian for their invaluable assistance and all the exhibitors for allowing me to judge their dogs . I had some quality dogs to go over with some close decisions in some classes , however , I found front movement in particular was rather disappointing in the lower classes .That aside I thoroughly enjoyed my day .
Best in Show : James and Renders Chorbeck Gossip Girl at Blackmine
Reserve Best in Show : Horners Ch.Stineval Napoleon JW
Best Opposite Sex : Ch Stineval Napoleon JW
Best Puppy in Show : Ellis’s Normbar Hussar
Best Veteran : Baxters Int Am Ch/Can Ch Sulan Fancy That
Dogs Minor Puppy 3. 1 abs.
1. Armstrong’s Lynsett Lewis 8 m b/t with a good head and expression and good mouth. He had a straight front, level topline and nice underline ,good bone and feet topped with a hard jacket and good pelt . Moved ok.
2. Dixon’s Winhazel the One (TAF) Raw 6m b/t puppy of lighter build than 1. Decent head ,good reach of neck, lovely bend of stifle which allowed him to move with plenty of drive and also had a hard jacket with a thick pliable pelt.
Puppy. 7 This was a quality class of puppies.
1. Ellis’s Normbar Hussar This lad had a head of correct proportions with a good skull, thick ears and good dentition. His nice reach of neck flowed into a level topline, he had good front and hind angulation and a carrot tail .His plentiful harsh coat, thck pelt and catlike feet completed the picture . He moved around the ring with plenty of drive and looked as if he would be capable of a days work . I was pleased to award him BPIS.
2. Lynsett Lewis
Junior. 2
1. Chorbeck Space Cowboy Red dog with a masculine head, good mouth, strong jaw, carrying a good jacket and pelt. Moved around the ring with good rear drive holding his level topline.
2.Pearson’s Rexlands Road Runner Another with a masculine head, good reach of neck ,good outline and bend of stifle and a tight hard jacket.
Novice. 6. 1 abs
1.Normbar Hussar
2.Duxbury’s Ridgebow Hobgoblin Well balanced b/t with a good head and expression , straight front, nice outline and .good rear angulation . A bit short of coat today.
Grad. 6. 2 abs
1.Baxter’s My Sulan Going Solo JW One I have watched from a puppy and is maturing nicely. He has a lovely head and expression with big teeth and strong underjaw. He has a straight narrow front, good front and rear angulation,level topline and harsh jacket and good pelt. Moved well front and rear. RBD
2.Robert’s Derwenthow Basil Brightberry Slightly bigger all round but has a good head and strong muzzle with a good mouth, straight front, good topline and tailset topped off with a pinwire coat and thick pelt. Moved very well.
Limit. 3. 1 abs
1.Haughton,s Chorbeck Chatty Man Another with good head properties from this kennel, correct skull, thick ears, pleasing expression, good dentition and underjaw. He has a straight front , well laid shoulders .nice outline and bend of stifle and stands on cat like feet. Moved around well holding his topline.
2. Lorraine & Thomas’s Raleniro Second Time Around Strong headed dog with a nice reach of neck into a level topline and correct tailset topped with a good jacket and pelt. Moved well.
Open. 5.
1. Horner’s Ch. Stineval Napoleon JW He has it all, good head ,dentition, straight front well, laid shoulders, straight topline and good underline,good bend of stifle, correct tailset, cat like feet,hard jacket and thick pelt. He moved very fore and aft and with drive. BD . RBIS. BOS
2.Hollingsbee’s Otterwood Caius JW SHCM Another really nice dog with a lovely head and the best of expressions.He too is very well constructed with very similar attributes to one but with a racier outline.His movement is true both ways but was not as animated today.One of the close calls of the day.
Bitches Minor puppy. 4. 1 abs. 1.Hollingsbee’s Fisherbloom Diaboli at Otterwood Racy b/t with a lovely feminine head and expression, good lay of shoulder and well ribbed back.Nice bend of stifle, well set tail, harsh jacket and thick pelt.Moved well both ways just needing to tighten up a little in front which should come with maturity.
2. Pearson’s Karison Nightingale Slightly shorter coupled than one but with a straight front, neat feminine head,good mouth, well ribbed back with a good topline and nice carrot tail. Another good jacket and pelt and moved well. .
Puppy. 9. 2 abs
1 North’s Northborders Lady Mary Lovely showgirl displaying her good points to advantage. Good feminine head, straight narrow front.good reach of neck into well laid shoulders,level topline and nice bend of stifle.Finished with a good pelt and jacket . RBPIS
2.Duxbury’s Ridgebow Pendle Witch Another well made bitch with a strong but feminine head .She had very similar good points to the winner and it was a close decision . On the day 1 had a better jacket .
Junior. 2.
1 Thomas’s Terabyte Dawnanna at Blaisdon Racy bitch with a nice head, straight narrow front,nice reach of neck, good in shoulders and rib and with a thick pelt. Moved soundly .
2. Batty and Smith’s Netherhill Cortado at Almoor VHC in a strong puppy class, Pretty head with a nice expression and a good topline held on the move.
Novice . 3.
1. Duxbury’s Ridgebow Rusty Rivet This girl has a lovely straight front, good reach of neck into a level topline and nice underline a well set carrot tail and thick pelt. Unfortunately in her underwear today. Moved soundly.
2. Fisherbloom Diaboli at Otterwood 3. Tucker and Makin’s Fairyard Bright Beauty Post
Grad. 12. 3 abs
1. Horner’s Stineval Malizia A bitch built on racy lines with a good head and expression, nice reach of neck into well laid shoulders, good topline, underline and rear angulation. She had a tight harsh jacket and good pelt and moved well around the ring .
2. Pickering’s Picer Flora McIvor This girl had a good head , eye and dentition, good front and rear construction, hard coat and moved well around the ring. Two bitches with so much to like , I just preferred the racier lines of 1.
Limit. 8. 1 abs
1. James and Render’s Chorbeck Gossip Girl at Blackmine This girl caught my eye on entering the ring.Lovely head,expression, dentition,reach of neck and lay of shoulder.Lovely outline standing and moving. Stood on catlike feet and moved around the ring with reach and drive. BB and BIS
2. Baxter’s Sulan Strictly Blues Dancing Racy girl with a good head, straight front and good front and rear angulation. She had a level topline held on the move topped off with a hard jacket. RBB
Open.4. 2 abs
1. Hollingsbee’s Otterwood Domina Candesco Head of correct proportions, good in neck, shoulder and rear angulation.Her coat was just coming through and was tight and harsh and she had a thick pelt. Moved very well front and rear with drive.
2.Mann’s McBrook Miss Amelia Another with a feminine head with correct skull and good dentition. She had a straight front, good topline and tailset but had to give way to the movement of 1.
Special Beginners.8. 2 abs
1.Metcalfe’s Tojamatt Myth for Chevinor Reserve in the strong Puppy class. Lovely head, straight front, good reach of neck , lay of shoulder, topline and underline.
2.Dobson’s Calnestone Alice at Coolins Very similar to 1 and with a harsh jacket and thick pelt. Just preferred the head of the winner.
Veteran.3. 1 abs
1 Baxter’s Int AmcCh/Can Ch Sulan Fancy That 9 yrs bitch in tip top condition.Good front construction,head properties,topline ,tailset and rear angulation. Topped with a harsh jacket and lovely thick pelt , she moved very well.
2.Lorraine’s St Bedehounds Frank in Sense of Raleniro Almost 9 yrs dog with a nice head and expression, good dentition,straight front and tight hard coat .He too was put down in excellent condition.
Anne Heathcote (Judge)