2022 Open Show Sat 29th Jan

Judge Katie Hamilton (Cromlechs)
73 dogs makies 95 entries plus 3NFC
BEST IN SHOW : Pickerings~ Picer Isabel Derby
RES BIS : Horners~ Stineval Memphis to Emblehope
Best Puppy in Show : Alpe's~ Pipruda Rum Deal
Minor Puppy Dog 4-0
1st: Alpe's Pipruda Rum Deal -Best Puppy in show
2nd: Suttons Pipruda Dark Rum at Beckholm
3rd: Blakeys Kentwone Monstro
Res: Price's Oxcroft Bobbie
Puppy Dog 3-0
1st: Peacocks Ragatam Eros
2nd: Stubbs Achouffe Aotearroa Fable
3rd: Kentwote Monstro
Junior Dog 6-3
1st: Bullens The Joker Let's Rock and Roll to Fevstone BEST DOG & BOS
2nd: Spence's Foxwater Captain Scarlet
3rd: Achouffe Aotearroa Fable
Novice Dog 1-0
1st: Kentwone Monstro
Post Grad Dog 5-1
1st: Singh's Raedwulf Alchemy at Vandamere
2nd: Dixon's Thornheswin Huntsman
3rd: Tabern's Hawkgreen Artful Dodger
Res:Jepson's Mysulan Easy Rider
Limit Dog 7-2
1st:Peacocks Baillieswells Nen'Ean RES BEST DOG
2nd: Dixon's Thornheswin Ring of Fire
3rd:Raedwulf Alchemy at Vandamere
Res: Wait's Farlacroft My Friend Walter
VHC: Sutton's Bordergold Rudolph at Beckholm
Open Dog 4-0
1st: Atkinson's Goldenmill Houdini at Raedwulf
2nd: Green's Terabyte Blue Rengade
3rd: Metcalfe's Billyboy Blue at Chevinor
Res: Bordergold Rudolf at Beckholm
Minor Puppy Bitch 8-4
1st: North's Northern Borders Chianti BEST BITCH PUP
2nd: Swallow's Otterbuck Chicargo
3rd: Cummin's Havencroft Emerald
Res:Gill's Lairhope New Beginnings
Puppy Bitch 3-1
1st: Jepson's MySulan Dizzy
2nd: Morley & Peacock's Bluebella Boo Pea
Junior Bitch 8-3
1st: Dixon's Thornheswin Huntress
2nd: Pickering's Bess Pool
3rd: Hall's Borderbrush Magic Bean
Res: Bluebella Boo Pea
VHC: Blakey's Arjaybe Another Chance
Novice Bitch 8- 5
1st: Northborders Chinati
2nd: Pitt's Foxwater Miss Adventure
3rd: Dawson's Silver Penny Glory
Post Graduate Bitch 11-2
1st: Dixon's Otterpaws Red Red Wine
2nd: Peacock's Olliesorchid Dame of Ragatam
3rd: Dixon's Otterpaws Lyin Eyes JW
Res: Hall's Otterwood Aura
VHC Spence Foxwater House of Jazz
Limit Bitch 6-2
1st: Pickerings Picer Isabel Derby BEST IN SHOW
2nd: Alpe's Pipruda Melting Moment
3rd: Thomas Blaisdon Stir of Echos
Res: Dixon's Otterpaws Firebird ShCm
Open Bitch 5-4
1st: Horner's Stineval Memphis to Embelhope RES BEST IN SHOW
Special Beginners Dog or Bitch 12- 3
1st: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
2nd: Otterbuck Chicago
3rd: Borderrush Magic Bean
Res: Foxwater House of Jazz
VHC: Achouffe Aotearoa Fable
Veteran Dog or Bitch 4-1
1st: Metcalfe 's Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor ShCm ShCex
2nd: Dixon's Caznray Just a Mystery from Thornheswin
3rd: Dixon's Wings of Speed at Otterpaws
Firstly I would like to thank the officers and committee of The Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge and showing a warming hospitality. Thanks also goes to my two stewards who made sure my day ran perfectly. A well ran show with a fabulous atmosphere and venue. Many thanks goes to all the exhibitors for allowing me to go over their dogs and making my day one to remember and thoroughly enjoyable. Bitches outweighed the dogs but I was happy with the overall quality on the day. I would say exhibits were presented well although some could benefit with some general canine care like nail clipping. The last few years haven’t been kind to the show world so let’s not forget that sportsmanship is vital in making the show and atmosphere what it is.
Minor Puppy - Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st - Pipruda Rum Deal (Mrs J Alpe) 6 month old grizzle Dog with a pleasing head and good ear set. Good reach of neck with a straight topline leading to a nicely set on carrot tail. Moved well for one so young with good angulation from behind allowing plenty of drive. Pleased to award this handsome young dog Best Puppy Dog & Best Puppy in Show
2nd - Pipruda Dark Rum at Beckholm (Mrs A Sutton) 6 month old Dog who is litter brother to 1st. Much of the same attributes as his brother though preferred length of body and movement of 1st. Shown in a lovely tight jacket and pleasing head.
Puppy – Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st - Ragatam Eros (Miss T Peacock) Very dark grizzle Dog that had a fabulous tight coat and was well presented. Strong head with large teeth and good scissor bite. Well placed shoulder and good length of body with level topline. Moved ok.
2nd - Achouffe Aotearoa Fable (Mrs A Stubbs) Shown in lovely coat with a loose pelt and overall good size for his age. Very attentive to his handler. His head is set with neat ears and a dark eye. Narrow Dog that was easily spanned.
Junior - Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 3
1st - The Joker Let's Rock and Roll to Fevstone (Mrs D Bullen) Beautiful Dog of good type. Strong masculine head with strong muzzle and correct scissor bite, keen eye and nicely set ears. Perfect reach of neck and correct shoulder flowing into a well set back rib and level topline with a good pelt. Not overdone in any way and moved soundly and freely around the ring with lots of drive from behind on neat feet. Pleased to award Best Dog and missing out on further top awards due to being short of coat today.Best Dog
2nd - Foxwater Captain Scarlet (Mrs J Spence) Grizzle Dog with a good coat, head and expression. Narrow throughout with a nice topline and carrot tail. Well presented and shown In super condition. Moved OK.
Novice - Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st - Kentwone Monstro (Mrs J Blakey) Grizzle Dog with pleasing head of correct expression and neat dark ears. Heavier type of Dog shown in a good harsh coat with a straight topline, rib carried well back and thick tapering carrot tail.
Post Graduate - Dog Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st - Raedwulf Alchemy at Vandamere (Miss J Singh) Well balanced Grizzle dog of good size in lovely coat and condition. Good broad skull, length of muzzle and keen expression. Nice reach of neck leading to a straight topline and tailstock. Moved well.
2nd - Thornheswin Huntsman (Mr. J.C.Dixon) Blue and tan Dog with a strong head, dark eye, strong jaw with big clean teeth. Good reach of neck and topline with ribs carried well back and racy hindquarters. Moved with drive.
Limit - Dog Entries: 7 Absentees: 2
1st - Baillieswells Ncn'ean (Miss T J Peacock) Grizzle dog short of coat today. This lovely dog presented a good otter head with dark eyes and a strong muzzle. Good reach of neck flowing into a well placed shoulder with a good length of body, a level topline and carrot shaped tail. Narrow throughout with correct rib and racy hindquarters. Moved out well. Delighted to award him Reserve Best Dog
2nd - Thornheswin Ring Of Fire (Mr J C Dixon) Grizzle dog in full coat. Strong head with the neatest of ears and short strong muzzle. Level topline and good rear angulation. Moved with drive.
Open - Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st - Goldenmill Houdini At Raedwulf (Mr M & Mrs V Atkinson) Lovely sized dog in super tight coat and condition. Pleasing head with dark ears and otter head. Well placed shoulder and good reach of neck. Tight front and narrow body with a good topline. Angulated well behind with a good bend of stifle and neat feet. Moved well
2nd - Terabyte Blue Renegade (Mr K Green) Blue and tan Dog who was larger to first but everything in the right place. Short of coat today. Beautiful masculine head with strong muzzle and correct scissor bite of large teeth. Nice length of body with good topline and rear angulation.
Minor Puppy - Bitch Entries: 8 Absentees: 4
1st - Northborders Chianti (Miss J North) Promising 6 month old blue and tan bitch shown beautifully on a loose lead. Not overdone for age in anyway. Sweet feminine head with a good reach of neck and straight topline leading to a well set on tail. Moved well for one so young with lovely front and rear angulation.
2nd - Otterbuck Chicago (Mrs V Swallow) Another sweet bitch of Grizzle colour with a nice tight coat. Nice length of body with a good shoulder and rib. Dark eye and neat ears. Preferred rear angulation of 1st.
Puppy - Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st - Mysulan Dizzy (Mr B Jepson) Lovely Grizzle puppy with a tight jacket. Everything where it should be for her age. Good head with nice dark ears. Level topline and narrow throughout with correct shoulder and front. Moved out well.
2nd - Bluebella Boo Pea (L Morley & S Peacock) Blue and tan bitch with a sweet head and good expression. Shown in a tight coat. Moved ok and with time will come together.
Junior - Bitch Entries: 8 Absentees: 3
1st - Thornheswin Huntress (Mr J C Dixon) Nice type, shown in a full coat this bitch was of correct size and good condition. Good head with a short muzzle and large teeth with a correct scissor bite. Narrow throughout with a good topline and front. Neat feet and and good pelt.
2nd - Picer Bess Pool (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering) Short of coat today but feminine head and neat ears and correct front and length of body. Moved well around the ring.
Novice - Bitch Entries: 8 Absentees: 5
1st - Northborders Chianti (Miss J North) See 1st Minor Puppy Bitch
2nd - Foxwater Miss Adventure At Dejurra (Mrs A E Pitt) Shown in the harshest of coats. Broad skull with short muzzle, rib carried well back and a nice carrot tail. Moved ok.
Post Graduate - Bitch Entries: 11 Absentees: 3
1st - Otterpaws Red Red Wine (Mrs J M Dixon) Grizzle bitch with a good coat and pelt. Lovely head and expression. Good front and shoulder leading to well placed rib and level topline through to a thick carrot shaped tail. Moved with drive.
2nd - Olliesorchid Dame at Ragatam (Miss T J Peacock) Grizzle bitch in short coat. Feminine head with dark eyes and ears. Good reach of neck and length of body. Moved well from behind.
Limit - Bitch Entries: 6 Absentees: 2
1st - Picer Isabel Derby (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering) Grizzle bitch shown in a fabulous jacket. Lovely otter head that has the most darkest of eyes and neat ears. Straight front and good shoulder with rib carried well back and narrow throughout with a good length of body. Racy hindquarters which allowed her to move out with plenty of drive on tight feet to complete the picture. Pleased to award this bitch Best Bitch and Best in Show
2nd - Pipruda Melting Moment (Mrs J Alpe) Another nice Grizzle bitch with a pleasing head. Good reach of neck and length of body. Shown in good condition and moved well.
Open - Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 4
1st - Stineval Memphis To Emblehope (Mr A & Mrs C Horner) Beautiful Grizzle bitch whom stood alone in her class. Tip top condition and shown loosely allowing her to flow around the ring. Lovely head with keen expression and good scissor bite. Correct proportions on this typey bitch with a good reach of neck, level topline and ribs carried well back. Good rear angulation and tight feet. Delighted to award her with Reserve Best Bitch and Reserve Best in Show
Special Beginners - Dog or Bitch Entries: 12 Absentees: 1
1st - Foxwater Captain Scarlet (Mrs J Spence) See 2nd Junior Dog
2nd - Otterbuck Chicago (Mrs V Swallow) See 2nd Minor Puppy Bitch
Veteran - Dog or Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st - Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor ShCM ShCEx (Mrs H A Metcalfe) The most divine otter head with big teeth. In fit condition and shown well with a narrow front and good level topline. Dense coat and good pelt. Moved with sprite around the ring. A deserving Best Veteran in Show
2nd - Caznray Just A Mystery From Thornheswin (Mr J C Dixon) Nice sized Grizzle bitch with a pleasing head and shown in good coat. Nice reach of neck and good topline. Moved well on tight feet.

April 16th 2022 - Open Show
Entries: 57 dogs making 67 entries
Best In Show: Beaconpike Dionysus
Reserve Best In Show: Mysulan Going Solo JW
Best Puppy - Dog: Tojamatt Night Watchman
Minor Puppy - Dog Entries: 5 Absentees: 2
1st - Tojamatt Night Watchman (Mr & Mrs D Matthews) BEST PUPPY
2nd - Pipruda Dark Rum at Beckholm (Mrs A Sutton)
3rd - Foxghyll Edwardian
Puppy - Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st - Tojamatt Night Watchman (Mr & Mrs D Matthews)
Junior - Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - Tojamatt Night Watchman (Mr & Mrs D Matthews)
2nd - Achouffe Aotearoa Fable (Mrs A Stubbs)
Novice - Dog
Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st - Glenorchy Rooney (Mrs M Davies)
Post Graduate - Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st - Beaconpike Dionysus (Mr S & Mrs K Golding) BEST DOG
2nd - Ycart In with Hounds (Mr K K & Mrs T J Fraser & Butler)
3rd - Mysulan Easy Street (Mrs V Hall)
Limit - Dog Entries: 7 Absentees: 1
1st - Mysulan Going Solo JW (Mrs S J Baxter) RES BEST DOG
2nd - The Joker Let's Rock and Roll to Fevstone (Mrs D Bullen)
3rd - Raedwulf Alchemy at Vandamere (Miss J Singh)
Res - Farlacroft My Friend Walter (Mr M Wait)
VHC - Fisherbloom Dont Stop Me Now At Louajak (Miss C Gwilliam)
Open - Dog Entries: 8 Absentees: 2
1st - Goldenmill Houdini At Raedwulf (Mr M & Mrs V Atkinson)
2nd - Billyboy Blue At Chevinor (Mrs H A Metcalfe)
3rd - Oxcroft Loganberry (Mr J Price)
Res - Bordergold Rudolph At Beckholm (Mrs A Sutton)
VHC - Terabyte Blue Renegade (Mr K Green)
Minor Puppy - Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 2
1st - Tojamatt Lacemaker (Mr & Mrs D Matthews)
2nd - Dejurra Blue Moon (Mrs A E Pitt)
Puppy - Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st - Tojamatt Lacemaker (Mr & Mrs D Matthews) RES BEST PUPPY
2nd - Otterbuck Chicago (Mrs V Swallow)
3rd - Havencroft Emerald (Mrs N A Cummins)
Junior - Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - Mysulan Rhapsody In Blue (Mrs S J Baxter)
2nd - Karison Kadbury (Miss K Johnson)
Novice - Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 2
1st - Pebbledyke Pure Theatre (Mr K L Foster)
2nd - Foxwater Miss Adventure At Dejurra (Mrs A E Pitt)
Post Graduate - Bitch Entries: 9 Absentees: 3
1st - Olliesorchid Dame at Ragatam (Miss T J Peacock)
2nd - Raedwulf Mata Hari (Mr M & Mrs V Atkinson)
3rd - Beaconpike Solstice (Mr S & Mrs K Golding)
Res - Sweet Olives Girl (Mrs L J Thornburn)
VHC - Karison Kurator (Miss K Johnson)
Limit - Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st - Raedwulf Nocturn (Mr M & Mrs V Atkinson) BEST BITCH
2nd - Sweet Olives Girl (Mrs L J Thornburn)
3rd - Ycart Hunts Bays N Stays (Mr K K & Mrs T J Fraser & Butler)
Open - Bitch Entries: 6 Absentees: 1
1st - Goldenmill Illusion at Vandamere (Miss J Singh)
2nd - Orangebox A New Hope At Itsaso (Miss L Tanton-Joy)
3rd - Borderxpress Echo Beach (Mr R Wright)
Res - Oxcroft Damson Of Glenorchy (Mrs M Davies)
VHC - Karison Kalluna (Miss K Johnson)
Special Beginners - Dog or Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 2
1st - Foxwater Miss Adventure At Dejurra (Mrs A E Pitt)
Veteran - Dog or Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st - CH Benattivo Best Bet Karison (Miss K Johnson) RES BEST BITCH
2nd - Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor ShCM ShCEx (Mrs H A Metcalfe)
3rd - Borderxpress Miss Potter (Mr R Wright)Judge:
Judge: Mrs C E Sansom (Tarkaswell)
I would like to thank the committee and members of the Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire border terrier club for the invitation to judge at this friendly club show. My stewards Tracey Anscombe and Sian Mckay were very efficient and kept the day running smoothly. Thank you to the exhibitors for a lovely entry and accepting my decisions in a sporting manner. It was a privilege to judge your dogs.
I had some quality borders to go over, and my decisions reflected my interpretation of the breed standard, on the day.
Some exhibits lacked the typical otter head, moderately broad with a short, strong muzzle and keen expression, which is definitive in our breed. Coats were generally good, harsh and dense with thick pelts, but several exhibits would have benefitted from having their feet trimmed. I found no kinked tails, dentition was generally good and all dogs were entire.
There was a lovely atmosphere, especially during the challenges, and I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
MPD (5,2a)
This 6 month old blue and tan puppy was balanced in his construction. He had a dark eye, keen expression and correct bite. His neck flowed into a narrow and fairly long body, with his ribs carried well back. His coat was harsh and dense, with a thick pelt. Correctly constructed, he had good angulation and a well set, carrot like tail. He showed with presence and moved out positively, although a little unsettled at times. I was pleased to award him BPD and BPIS
This 8 month old grizzle and tan puppy was presented in a super coat and pelt. He had a pleasing head, with dark eye and correct bite. His neck flowed into a level top line and well set tail. He was easily spanned, but I preferred the longer body length and narrower construction of my winner. He moved out positively and showed well.
This 7 month old puppy was slightly narrower in his head, with a dark eye, keen expression and slightly higher set ears. He had a lovely reach of neck, good length of body and top line, but was rather enthusiastic today, which made it difficult to assess his movement.
PD (2,1a)
Placed 1st in MPD
JD (2)
Placed !st in MPD
This grizzle and tan dog had a strong otter like head, with small, neat ears, a dark eye and correct bite. He was presented in a harsh, dense jacket with a thick, loose pelt. He was easily spanned, but I preferred the narrower construction and angulation of my winner. He was rather enthusiastic today, with unfortunately affected his movement.
ND (1)
A blue and tan dog with a broad head, dark eye and large teeth. He had a good reach of neck, which flowed into a fairly long body with a well set tail. Unfortunately he appeared unhappy being in the ring, which made assessment of his movement difficult. I hope that he will have gained some confidence from today.
PGD (3)
This grizzle and tan dog stood out for balance and moderation of construction. He could undoubtedly do the job that he was bred for.He had a masculine head with a dark eye, keen expression, strong muzzle and large teeth. He was narrow throughout, with a good shoulder placement and his ribs carried well back. His loin was firm and flowed into a well set carrot like tail. He was presented in a harsh, dense coat with a thick, loose pelt. Correct construction with good angulation, enabled him to move easily with purpose and drive, absolutely true fore and aft. Pleased to award him BD and BIS.
2 Fraser and Butler’s YCART IN WITH HOUNDS
This quality grizzle and tan dog had a lovely dark eye, varminty expression and correct bite with large teeth, although I preferred the broader head of my winner. A good reach of neck flowed into a well placed shoulder and narrow, fairly long body. His ribs were carried well back and he was presented in good coat. He moved out positively and showed well.
A smaller type, with a pleasing head and keen expression. He was moderate in his construction, with a good top line and well set tail, although his feet could have been smaller and neater. Unfortunately he was rather distracted today, which resulted in his movement being unsettled.
LD (7,1a)
This blue and tan dog was full of character and showed with presence, being very attentive to his handler. He had a super otter like head, with a dark eye, keen expression, short, strong muzzle and small, neat ear. Shorter in body length, he was balanced and narrow, with straight forelegs and neat, tight feet. His ribs were carried well back, with a level top line. His tail was thick at the base, moderately short and carried gaily. He moved out positively with purpose and drive. Pleased to award him RBD and RBIS.
A workmanlike dog with a dark eye and large teeth, although I preferred the slightly smaller ear and expression of my winner. His good reach of neck flowed into a narrow and fairly long body with a firm loin and well set tail. His coat was harsh and dense, with a thick, loose pelt. His ribs were carried well back and correct angulation enabled him to move positively with drive.
A well presented dog with a moderately broad skull, neat ear, and correct bite. He had a good reach of neck, which flowed into a narrow body with ribs carried well back. Straight forelegs, although his feet were not quite as small and neat as my winner. He had a good coat and pelt. Correct angulation enabled him to move out positively.
OD (8,2a)
He stood out for his moderate, balanced construction. He had a masculine head with a dark eye and keen expression. Narrow throughout, his ribs were carried well back, his loin was strong and his tail well set and carried gaily. He was presented in a harsh coat with a thick, loose pelt. He moved out positively.
This blue and tan dog had a masculine head, dark eye and keen expression. Balanced in his construction, he was narrow throughout, with a lovely reach of neck which flowed into a deep and fairly long body. His balanced front and rear construction enabled him to move with purpose and drive.Presented in correct double jacket, although I preferred the depth of coat and pelt of my winner.
This blue and tan dog had a short, strong muzzle and correct bite, although I would have preferred a slightly smaller ear. Balanced in his construction, he was narrow throughout with straight forelimbs and neat feet. He had a level top line, firm loin and well set tail. He was presented in a correct double coat, although without the depth of pelt of my winner. He moved out positively.
MPB (4,2a)
This 6 month old grizzle and tan puppy was litter sister to the winner of MPD. They share many qualities, and I am sure that they will change places at times in the future. Although immature, she had a feminine head with a dark eye and keen expression, lovely reach of neck, straight forelegs and small, neat feet. Narrow in her construction, she was fairly long with her ribs carried well back and a well set, carrot like tail.Her coat was harsh and dense, with a thick pelt. She moved out well. Pleased to award her BPB and RBPIS.
This 8 month old blue and tan puppy had a feminine head with a dark eye and short, strong muzzle. She had a lovely reach of neck, good top line and tail set, although I preferred the narrower construction of my winner. Stronger in bone, she was soundly constructed but would have benefitted from her feet being tidied. She moved out positively.
PB (4,1a)
Placed 1st in MPB
This 10 month old puppy had a pleasing expression, dark eye and small, neat ear. Narrow in her construction, she had a level top line which she maintained well on the move, and a well set tail. She had straight forelimbs and neat feet, but I preferred the angulation of my winner. Her coat was harsh and dense, with a thick pelt, and she moved out positively.
This 11 month old blue and tan puppy had a feminine head with a dark eye, small, well positioned ears and a correct bite. She had a good reach of neck, firm top line and her ribs were carried well back. She was presented in a good harsh coat with thick pelt, but I preferred the narrower construction of the two puppies that stood above her.
JB (2)
This blue and tan bitch had a feminine head with dark eye and short, strong muzzle. Her lovely reach of neck flowed into a level top line and well set, carrot like tail. She was balanced and narrow in her construction, although slightly straight in her upper arm. Her feet were small and neat, with thick pads. She was presented in a harsh, dense coat with a thick pelt. She moved out well with purpose and drive.
This grizzle and tan bitch had an attractive otter like head, with small, neat ears and a short, strong muzzle. She had a good reach of neck, although I preferred the slightly longer body length and narrower construction of my winner. She was presented in an excellent harsh, dense coat with a thick, loose pelt. She moved out positively.
NB (4,2a)
A feminine bitch with a lovely otter like head, dark eye and short, strong muzzle. A good reach of neck flowed into a level top line, firm loin and well set carrot like tail. Narrow throughout, she had straight forelegs and small, neat feet. She moved out positively, but was a little wide behind.
She had an attractive head with a dark eye, neat ear and correct bite.Her neck flowed into a level top line with her ribs carried well back. She was a little wide in the chest and I preferred the narrower construction and smaller, neater feet of my winner. Her coat was just coming through and she had a lovely thick, loose pelt. She moved out well.
PGB (9,3a)
This feminine bitch stood out for quality, balance and moderation. She had a lovely otter like head, with a dark eye, neat ear and short, strong muzzle. A good reach of neck flowed into a level top line, with a firm loin and well set tail.She had straight front legs and small neat feet. Narrow throughout, she was fairly long, with her ribs carried well back. She was soundly constructed, with correct angulation and showed with presence and confidence. However, rather excitable and unsettled on the move today. Presented in harsh, dense coat with a thick pelt.
This bitch had a feminine head, with a dark eye, neat ear and short strong muzzle. She had a lovely reach of neck, which flowed into a narrow and fairly long body, with her ribs carried well back. Correctly constructed, with good angulation, she was moved out positively. Well presented, but lacked the depth of coat and pelt of my winner today.
A feminine bitch, with an attractive head, dark eye and neat ear. She had a good reach of neck and was balanced and narrow in her construction, but was inclined to look up at her handler which didn’t show her to best advantage. She had a level top line, with a firm loin and well set tail. She moved out freely. Her coat was a little heavy around her neck, but otherwise good with a thick pelt.
LB (4,1a)
This grizzle and tan bitch stood out for her balanced, moderate construction, both standing and on the move. She had a feminine head, moderately broad in skull, with a neat ear and short, strong muzzle. A good reach of neck flowed into a narrow and fairly long body, with her ribs carried well back. Sound in her construction, she had straight forelimbs, small, neat feet and correct angulation in front and behind. She moved with purpose and drive, straight fore and aft. Pleased to award her BB and BOS
This grizzle and tan bitch had a feminine head with a small, neat ear and correct bite. She had a lovely reach of neck, which flowed into a fairly long body, with a level top line and well set tail. Balanced and without exaggeration, she moved out soundly. Presented in good coat and thick pelt.
3 Fraser and Butler’s YCART HUNTS BAYS N STAYS
This feminine bitch had an attractive head with a dark eye and correct bite with large teeth. Narrow in construction, she was easily spanned with a well laid shoulder flowing into a body of moderate length. She moved out positively with a good length of stride, but was inclined to stand a little wide and could not match the coat and pelt of those who stood above her today.
OB (6,1a)
This grizzle and tan bitch was balanced and sound in her construction. She had an otter like head with a dark eye, small, neat ears and a short, strong muzzle. A lovely reach of neck flowed into a level top line, strong loin with well set tail. Narrow in her construction, her ribs extended well back, she had straight forelimbs and small, neat feet with thick pads. Correct angulation enabled her to move positively with drive, straight fore and aft. Presented in harsh, dense coat with a thick, loose pelt.
A smaller type, this grizzle and tan bitch had a dark eye with a varminty expression. Her lovely reach of neck flowed into a level top line and well set tail that was carried gaily and never stopped wagging! Narrow throughout, she had straight forelimbs leading to small, neat feet. Balanced in her construction, her correct angulation enabled her to move with purpose and drive. Although well presented, I preferred the coat and pelt of my winner today. Well handled, she was very attentive and showed with presence.
This feminine bitch had an attractive head with a dark eye, although a slightly larger ear. A lovely reach of neck flowed into a fairly long body, with her ribs carried well back, a level top line and well set tail. She was sound in her movement and presented in good coat. I preferred the slightly narrower construction of those who stood in front of her.
SBD/B (3,2a)
Placed 2nd in NB.
VD/B (4,1a)
This 9 year old grizzle and tan bitch stood out for type and soundness of construction. She had a feminine otter like head, with a dark eye, small, neat ear and correct bite. Her well laid shoulder, flowed into a good top line and well set, carrot like tail that was carried gaily. She had straight front legs and small, neat feet. Correct angulation, without exaggeration, enabled her to move out well with drive, straight and true. Presented in excellent coat with thick, loose pelt. Pleased to award her RBB and BVIS.
This 8 year old grizzle and tan dog had a beautiful otter like head, with a dark eye, small, neat ear and correct bite. Balanced in his construction, he had a good reach of neck that flowed into a level top line and well set tail. Narrow throughout, his ribs were carried well back and he was presented in good coat and pelt. Sound in his movement, he could not quite match the drive of my winner today.
This 8 year old grizzle and tan bitch was a lovely type and size. Feminine with balanced construction, I preferred the top line and tail set of those in front of her. She was sound and positive in her movement and presented in good coat and pelt.
Clare Sansom
Tarkaswell Border Terriers
Yorkshire Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club
Championship Show -Sat 24th Sept 2022
Judge Margaret Bailey (Grindelvald)
129 dogs making 149 entries Plus 6NFC
Minor Puppy Dog 5-1
1: Bennativo Woody at Ploughdown ( E & Dr M Armstrong) BEST DOG PUPPY & BPIS
2: Glebeheath Oh Boy ( J Guvercin)
3: Southash Smurfski Cervela ( I Southam)
Res Langner’s,Cloughaview Fullmoon (M Langner)
Puppy Dog: 9-0
1: Totherend Argus (R & E Wright)
2: Howthwaite Godfrey to Otterbeck (V Swallow)
3: Dandyhow Postman Pat (K Irving)
Res: Hightarn Nightfall at Roseghyll (A Johnson)
VHC: Ycart Just to Ground (K Fraser T Butler)
Junior Dog 7-0
1: Stineval Lambert JW (A & C Horner)-DOG CC & BIS
2: Cobstoneway Stand By Me JW (R & J Stevens)
3: Pipruda Dark Rum at Beckholm (A Sutton)
Res Hunter Harry’s Son W & n Grace)
VHC: Hightarn Nighfall at Roseghyll
Yearling Dog 5- 0
1: Ch Awbrooksky Never Back Down JW (R & l Goddard)
2: Pipruda Dark Rum at Beckholm
3: Hunter Harry’s Son
Res Achouffe Fens Stalker (L Hammersley)
VHC: Kentwone Microscopium (S & S Sagar)
Novice Dog :4-1
1: Dandyhow Postman Pat
2: Achouffe Fens Stalker
3: Kentwone Microscopium
Graduate Dog:1-0
1: Achouffe Fens Stalker
Post Graduate Dog :4- 0
1: Ycart In With Hounds (K Fraser & T Butler)
2: Kentixen Mint Imperial at Roseghyll (A Johnson)
3: Achouffe Fens Stalker
Res Bevmar Bartholomew (B Bassett)
Mid Limit Dog: 6-2
1: Beaconpike Dionysus (S & K Golding)
2: Thornheswin Huntsman (C Dixon)
3: Glen Mara Oh Viedo at Kersfell (IMP Fra)JW
Res: Raedwulf Alchemy at Vandamere (J Singh)
Limit Dog 12-1
1: The Joker Let’s Rock and Roll to Fevstone (D Bullen)
2: Hartswelin Veritas with Oatberry (K Tuffin)
3: Cedarhill Dish of the Day for Dexlin (Anderson & Howard)
Res; Keesbank Just in Time (L Keefe)
VHC: Tyneotter Sun Stands Still ( Anderson and Howard)
Open Dog 5-2
1: Ch Otterbobs Tolson (H & J Gilpin) RES DOG CC & RES BIS
2: Cedarhill Melt in the Mouth (C Dean)
3: Terabyte Blue Renagade (K Green)
Special Beginner Dog 1-0
1: Hunter Harry’s Son
Veteran Dog 3-0
1: Mysulan Going Solo JW (S Baxter) BEST VETERAN
2: Blue Duke of Cumbria at Rosegyll ( A Johnson)
3: Dymanti Roman Warrior at Nottorg (P & A Taylor)
Minor Puppy Bitch 8-5
1: Mysulan Free & Easy (S Baxter) BEST BITCH PUPPY
2: Nottorg Nekesa (A Taylor)
3: Glenaig Gleeful (C Spencer)
Puppy Bitch 11-1)
1: Howthwaite Gaan Divilish (R & E Barrett)
2: Nurisha Run for Home to Comberdown (I & A Higham)
3: Brankell Angeleyes at Nantcoch (J Phillips)
Res Tojamatt Lacemaker (D & A Matthews )
VHC: Picer Mirabel Ostler (G & S Pickering)
Junior Bitch 8-2
1: Thornheswin Northern Lass (C Dixon)
2: Northborders Piot to Thornyhurst (L Illingworth)
3: Otterbuck Chicargo (V Swallow)
Res: Northborders Chianti ( J North)
VHC: oatberry Pandora at Southash (I Southam)
Yearling Bitch 7-1
1: Benattivo Silver Flame (C & S Girling) BITCH CC
2: MySulan Rhapsody in Blue (S Baxter)
3: Otterbobs Aira Force (M Fleming)
Res: MySulan Dizzy (B Jepson)
VHC: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck (H Haughton)
Novice Bitch 7- 1
1: Coral Gem Fiery Lucifer via Ycart Imp (K Fraser & T Butler)
2: Otterbeck Chicago
3: Nottarg Nekesa
Res Oatberry Pandora at Southash
VHC: Knowecrag Morning Dew (P & A Kennon)
Graduate Bitch 4-0
1: Emblehope One Wish for Cedarhill (C Dean)
2: Thornheswin Huntress ( C Dixon)
3: Foxwater Miss Adventure at Dejurra (A Pitt)
Res: Carrickfarm Marnie (M Armstrong)
Post Graduate Bitch 3- 0
1: Ebffinau Bluebell Before Summer at Tojamatt (E Brinkley)
2: Beaconpike Northern Lights at Knowecrag (A Kenyon)
3: Tyneotter Solar Eclipse (Harbottle & Anderson)
Mid Limit Bitch 9- 1
1: Raedwulf Mata Hari JW ( M & V Atkinson)
2: Foxfactor Happy Go Lucky (K Stockley)
3:Tarkaswell High Fidelity (C Samsom)
Res; Orangebox A new Hope at Itsaso (L Tanton Joy)
VHC: Borderxpress Echo Beach (R Wright)
Limit Bitch 11-4
1: Marsirdan Jemima Puddle ( M Service)
2: Southash Lavender Blue by Oatberry (K Tuffin)
3: Totherend Myrna Loy (R &E Wright)
Res: MySulan Go Easy (S Baxter)
VHC: Carrock Curiosity JW (J Fawcett)
Open Bitch 9- 3
1: Howthwaite Resolution (R & E Barrett) RES BITCH CC
2: Tarkaswell Sea the Stars (C Samson)
3: Picer Isabel Derby (G & S Pickering)
Res: Goldenmill Illusion at Vandamere (J Singh)
VHC: Hawcoat Patience (E & R Larner)
Special Beginners Bitch 4-1
1; Hightarn Nightinggale at Nottorg (A Taylor)
2: Knowbury Dream of Dreams (D & C Nightingale)
3: Roseghyll Lady Solitaire ( A Johnson)
Veteran Bitch 6- 1
1; Ch Cobstoneway Love Song JW (G Stevens)
2: Totherend Tickety Blue 9L & R Wright)
3: Crosby Dark Dutchess at Roseghyll (A Johnson)
Res: Foxfactor Fancy Free (K Stockley)
VHC: Borderxpress Miss Potter (R Wright)
Judge: Margaret Bailey (Grindelvald)
Sep 24th 2022-
Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
Venue: LONGRIDGE CIVIC HALL, Calder Avenue, Longridge, Lancashire. PR3 3HJ
Judge: Mrs Margaret Bailey (Grindelvald)
Entries: 129 dogs making 149 entries plus 6 NFC.
Show Critique:
I would like to thank the officers and committee for asking me to judge the show, also making me feel so welcomed.
A big thank you to my 2 stewards Tracey and Kathleen who kept me on track, also to all the exhibits and exhibitors,
who gave me a lots of quality Borders to go over. I wish I had more CC’s especially in the dog classes.
My concern with in the breed, is their fronts, straight shoulders, with very little angulation, which effects the front movement.
All dogs had a good bite, a couple with level bite, but not a problem. All males were entire. Grooming needs to be addressed, tidying their underneath, also
the feet need to be neatly trimmed and the nails cut correctly, it makes such a difference when presenting them to the Judge. 1or 2 needed ring craft classes.
However, overall what a great representation of the breed.
I was very pleased with my main winners.
Best In Show: Stineval Lambert JW
Reserve Best In Show: CH. Otterbobs Tolson
Best Opposite Sex: Benattivo Silver Flame
DCC: Stineval Lambert JW
RDCC: CH. Otterbobs Tolson
Best Puppy – Dog: Benattivo Woody At Ploughdown
BCC: Benattivo Silver Flame
RBCC: Howthwaite’s Resolution
Best Puppy – Bitch: Mysulan Free And Easy
Best Puppy: Benattivo Woody At Ploughdown
Best Veteran: Mysulan Going Solo JW
Minor Puppy -Dog
1st -Benavitto Woody At Ploughdown(Mr E & Dr M Armstrong) 8 mths
Promising Pup, good strong head, keen eye, neat ears. Moderate neck, well laid shoulders into level topline held on the move, short carroty tail. Excellent double coated harsh. moved out well for a youngster. BPD BPIS.
2nd – Glebeheath Oh Boy (Mrs J Guvercin) 8mths
Another promising pup, lovely head and neck, good expression, well laid shoulder placement. Stood on neat feet, narrow throughout. Moved well, preferred coat of 1, very unsettled on the table. These 2 pups could & will change places at other show.
3rd- Southash Smurfski Cervlo Blue(Mrs I Southam)
Res- Cloughaview Fullmoon ( Mr M. Langner)
Puppy – Dog
1st – Totherend Argus (Mr R G & E A wright) 11mths
Pleasing head and expression, short muzzle, well laid shoulders, level topline held on the move, good rear angulation. Nice size, in good harsh coat. Moved with drive.
2nd – Howthwaite Godfrey to Otterbuck (Mrs V Swallow) 10mths
Shorter coupled than 1, good expression, not as strong in muzzle as 1, narrow front. Moved well front & rear, in good double coat.
3rd – Dandyhow Postman Pat( Mrs K M Irving)
Res – Hightarn Nightfall At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)
Junior – Dog
1st – Stineval Lambert JW ( Mr A & Mrs C Horner)
I’ve watch this one from minor puppy from the ring side, I wasn’t disappointed when I got my hands on him. Excellent masculine head, good scissor bite, neat ear set, Standing on neat tight feet, correct amount of bone, excellent front & rear angulation, allowing easy free movement, Strong & well muscled hindquarters, In ideal coat with thick pelt. Well deserved DCC & BIS
2nd – Cobstoneway Stand By Me JW (Mr R & Mrs J Stevens)
Varminty expression, masculine strong head, nice length of neck into well laid shoulders, level topline into well set tail, correct rear angulation, presented in fit show condition. Excellent coat, moved with drive.
3rd – Pipruda Dark Rum At Beckholm (Mrs A Sutton)
Res – Hunter Harry’s Son (Mr W & Mrs N Grace)
Yearling – Dog
1st – CH. Awbrooksky Never Back Down JW ( Mr R & Miss L Goddard)
Another excellent dog, good head strong jaw and muzzle, keen eye, good bite, lovely size, well muscled & narrow throughout, Well set tail with level topline, he moved around the ring with ease. I concided him in the challenge but up against 2 stronger dogs on the day.
2nd – Piprude Dark Rum At Beckholm (Mrs A Sutton)
Good head & correct bite, nice expression, not as narrow as 1, good front & rear angulation, Moved well. 3rd in Junior.
3rd - Hunter Harry’s Son (Mr W & Mrs N Grace)
Res – Achouffe Fens Stalker (Miss L J Hammersley)
Novice Dog
1st Dandyhow Postman Pat ( Mrs K Irving)
Presented in lovely show condition, correct proportion head, good expression, neat ear set, thick pelt, harsh double coat. I would have preferred more angulation in the shoulders. Wide in front when on the move.
2nd – Achouffe Fens Stalker ( Miss L J Hammersley)
Nice size, good head & expression. Preferred coat of 1, thick pelt, fairly straight in stifle, moved ok.
3rd – Kentwone Microscopium (Mr S & Mrs S Sagar)
Graduate – Dog
1st Achouffe Fens Stalker (Miss L J Hammersley)
As above
Post Graduate – Dog
1st – Ycart In With Hounds ( Mr K K Fraser & Mrs T J Butler)
Well muscled, in hard fit condition, Varminty expression strong muzzle, good front and rear angulation in excellent coat, moved with drive.
2nd – Kentixen Mint Imperial At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)
Good border head, nicely balanced throughout, harsh coat thick pelt, moved well
3rd – Achouffe Fens Stalker (Miss L J Hammersley)
Res – Bevmar Bartholomew ( Mr B A Bassett)
Mid Limit – Dog
1st – Beaconpike Dionysus ( Mr s & Mrs K Golding)
Handy size, excellent head, keen expression . big teeth, nice neck into well laid shoulders. Level topline, correct tail set, Narrow throughout,. Moved with drive, presented in lovely show condition.
2nd - Thornheswin Huntsman ( Mr. J C Dixon)
Another fit looking dog, masculine head, good expression, Slightly legger than 1, well balanced, moved well.
3rd – Glen Mara Oh Viedo At Kersfell ( Mrs M Sneddon)
Res – Bevmar Bartholomew ( Mr B A Bassett)
Limit – Dog
1st – The Joker Let’s Rock And Roll To Fevstone ( Mrs D Bullen)
Good strong head, working type, well laid shoulders into muscular hindquarters, moved around the ring with drive.
2nd – Hartswelin Veritas with Oatberry. ( Mrs K Tuffin)
Shorter in the coupling than 1, good head, correct muzzle, nice front & rear angulation, in correct coat, moved well.
3rd – Cedarhill Dish Of The Day For Dexlin (Mr B & Mrs L P Inness)
Res – Keebank just In Time (Mrs L Keeffe)
Open – Dog
!st- CH. Otterbobs Tolson ( MrJ R & Mrs H Gilpin)
Ideal size, the best of heads, short muzzle, keen expression, well laid shoulders, level topline, short carroty tail, neat feet, moved with drive, he just lacked a double coat today, Which cost him the CC, but a worthy CH, so, pleased to award him Res CC & RBIS, a stunning male.
2nd – Cedarhill Melt In The Mouth ( Mrs C Dean)
Much Heavier set than 1, Broad skull strong muzzle, with good expression, nice neck into well laid shoulders, in harsh double coat, moved well.
3rd – Terabyte Blue Renegrade(Mr K Green)
Special Beginners- Dog
1st – Hunter Harry’s Son ( Mr W & Mrs N Grace)
Neatly presented, in good show condition. Ok in head, could be stronger in the muzzle, pleasing expression, little straight in shoulder. Moved ok.
Veteran- Dog
1st - Mysulan Going Solo JW (Mrs S Baxter)7yrs
Excellent Head, short strong muzzle, big teeth, keen expression, correct shoulders, nice neck into level topline, well angulated hindquarters,
In excellent coat, presented in superb show condition. BVD & BVIS
2nd – Blue Duke Of Cumbria At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)10yrs
3 years older than 1, but in lovely condition and enjoying his day. Good border head, narrow front, level topline , Moved around the with ease. In good coat.
3rd – Dymanti Roman Warrior At Nottorg (Mr P J & Mrs A K Taylor)
Minor Puppy – Bitch
1st – Mysulan Free And Easy ( Mrs S Baxter) 8mths
Neat feminine puppy, nice short muzzle, good expression, correct rear angulation, would preferred a better laid shoulder. In excellent coat.
2nd- Nottorg Nekesa (Mrs A Taylor) 8mths
Nice Size, Not the head as 1, Level topline , neat tail set, Moved out well for a youngster.
3rd – Glenaig Gleeful ( Miss C Spencer)
Puppy – Bitch
1st – Howthwaite Gaan Divilish (Mr R J & Mrs E A Barrett) 10mths
Well balanced, good head, short strong feminine muzzle, nice size, narrow throughout,, well laid shoulders, good rear hindquarters, in harsh double coat, moved with drive. Presented in fit show condition, lots to like about her BPB.
2nd – Nurisha Run For Home To Comberdown ( Mr I & Mrs A Higham) 9mths
Not the bone of 1, good head & expression, keen eye, well laid shoulders, correct hindquarters, moved well.
3rd – Brankell Angeleyes At Nantcoch (Mrs J M Philips)
Res – Tojamatt Lacemaker ( Mr & Mrs D Matthews)
Junior – Bitch
1st – Thornheswin Northern Lass ( Mr J C Dixon)
Good head & expression, neat ears, nice length of neck into a level topline, Correct tail set, in excellent coat, moved well.
2nd – Northborders Pinot To Thornyhurst (Mrs L Illingsworth)
Neat feet, good bone, nicely proportioned head, heavier in coat than 1, excellent topline which she held on the move, moved out well.
3rd – Otterbuck Chicago (Mrs V Swallow)
Res – Northborders Chianti ( Mrs J North)
Yearling – Bitch
!st – Benattivo Silver Flame ( Mrs S J & Mr C P Girling)
A well balanced bitch, she showed to perfection, so young but so mature, good head proportions, short strong muzzle, big teeth, nice front on neat feet, well laid shoulders into level topline, correct tail set. Well angulated stifle, moved with drive, excellent coat, a pleasure to award her the BCC, well deserved, I was told later that was her 3rdCC.
2nd – Mysulan Rhapsody In Blue (Mrs S J Baxter)
Another quality bitch, nice feminine head, level topline held on the move, good front and rear angulation gave her free flowing movement. Excellent coat.
3rd – Otterbob Aira Force Flegato (Mrs M Fleming)
Res – Mysulan Dizzy (Mr B Jepson)
Novice – Bitch
1st – Coral Gem Fiery Lucifer Via Ycart (Mr K K & Mrs T J Fraser & Butler)
Slightly up on the leg. Good head short strong muzzle, varminty expression. Narrow throughout, good bend stifle, moved with drive, harsh double coat.
2nd – Otterbuck Chicago (Mrs V Swallow)
Another nicely constructed bitch lots to like. Good head, in excellent coat & thick pelt, preferred movement of 1.
3rd – Nottorg Nekesa (Mrs A Taylor)
Res – Oatberry Pandora At Southash (Mrs I M Southam)
Graduate – Bitch.
1st – Emblehope One Wish For Cedarhill (Mrs C Dean)
Nice Size, feminine head, pleasing expression, narrow front, neat feet, correct front & rear angulations, level topline held on the move, neat short tail,In excellent coat.
2nd – Thornheswin Huntress (Mr J C Dixon)
Slightly up on the leg, not the head as 1, narrow, well ribbed back, good bend of stifle. Moved well.
3rd – Foxwater Miss Adventure At Dejurra (Mrs A E Pitt)
Res – Carrickfarm Marnie (Mrs V M Armstrong)
Post Graduate – Bitch
1st – Ebffiniau Bluebell Before Summer At Tojamatt ( Miss E Brinkley)
Neat feminine Head, fine in bone, good rear angulation, coat over its best. Moved ok
2nd – Beaconpike Northern Lights At Knowecragg (Mr P & Mrs A Kennon)
Not the head of 1, nice expression, good front and rear angulation, in good coat, moved out well
3rd – Tyneotter Solar Eclipse (Dr A, Ms V Harbottle & Mrs N Anderson)
Mid Limit – Bitch
1st – Raedwulf Mata Hari JW (Mr M & Mrs V Atkinson)
Correct size, good head, short strong muzzle, nice length of neck, narrow throughout, good bend of stifle, moved well.
2nd – Foxfactor Happy Go Lucky JW ( Mrs K D Stockley)
Feminine with nice expression, Not the strenght in the head as 1, good front & rear angulations, excellent double pin wire coat. Moved ok.
3rd – Tarkaswell High Fidelity ( Mrs C E Samson)
Res – Orangbox A New Hope At Itsaso (Miss L Tanton- Joy)
Limit – Bitch
1st – Marsirdan Jemima Puddle (Mr M Service)
I judged this bitch 4yrs ago, A typical border bitch, she as a lovely moderate broad skull with short strong muzzle, great expression.Narrow front, well laid shoulders into level topline, well muscled hinquarters, moved with ease, but not in show condition which let her down today.
2nd Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry (Mrs K Tuffin)
A pleasing feminine head & expression, nice front, not the rear angulation as 1, good coat, moved ok.
3rd – Totherend Myrna Loy ( Mr R G & Mrs E A Wright)
Res – Mysulan Go Easy ( Mrs S Baxter)
Open – Bitch
1st – Howthwaite’s Resolution ( Mr R J & Mrs E A Barrett)
A well balanced bitch, pleasing head, short muzzle, lovely eye, neat ears, moderate length of neck, nicely laid shoulders, level topline, Well ribbed back, correct rear quarters, moved with drive, coat & presentation in Challenge let her down Res BCC.
2nd – Tarkaswell Sea The Stars (Mrs C E Samson)
Another very nice typical border, head of correct proportion, good expression, Well balanced all round, narrow throughout,
In good coat, Nicely muscles hindquarters.
3rd – Picer Isabel Derby (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering)
Res – Goldenmill Illusion At Vandemere (Miss J Singh)
Special Beginners – Bitch
1st – Hightarn Nightingale At Nottorg (Mrs A Taylor)
Up on the leg, longer in muzzle, very good coat, moved well
2nd – Knowbury Dreams Of Dreams (Mr D & Mrs C Nightingale)
Nice size, good coat, lacked drive on the move.
3rd – Roseghyll Lady Solitaire ( Mrs A Johnson)
Veteran – Bitch
1st – CH Cobstoneway Love Song JW (Mrs G Stevens)7yrs
In good coat, great varminty expression, correct proportions of head, strong boned, but still feminine, well muscled hindquarters, in excellent coat, moved out well.
2nd – Totherend Tickety Blue ( Mr R G & Mrs E A Wright)10yrs
Good head just preferred 1, Narrow front and finer bone, nice front & rear angulation. Moved well & enjoyed her day.
3rd – Crosby Dark Duchess At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)
Res – Foxfactor Fancy Free ( Mrs K Stockley)
Special Open Dog Or Bitch Holding A Working Certificates
Entries 0