Sep 30th 2023 - Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
Judge: Mrs J Guvercin (Glebeheath)
Entries: 126 Dogs making 140 entries 3 NFC
Best In Show: CH Otterbobs Tolson
Reserve Best In Show: Barkanellie Blackadder
Best Opposite Sex: Glenbucket Oor Wee Dotty
DCC: CH Otterbobs Tolson
RDCC: Barkanellie Blackadder
Best Puppy - Dog: Ravenside Play The Game Kersfell
BCC: Glenbucket Oor Wee Dotty
RBCC: Rockslade Ravishing
Best Puppy - Bitch: Ravenside Home At Last
Best Puppy: Ravenside Home At Last
Reserve Best Puppy: Ravenside Play The Game Kersfell
Best Veteran: CH Cobstoneway Love Song JW ShCM
Minor Puppy - Dog
Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st - Botterox Flint (Miss S L Hillman)
2nd - Thornheswin Hellfire In Borderfox (Miss A & Miss E Dixon)
3rd - Northborders How The 'Eck (Mrs J Fletcher)
Res - Flegato Faust (Mrs S Taylor)
Puppy - Dog
Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st - Ravenside Play The Game Kersfell (Mrs M Sneddon)
2nd - Bluebabel Border Song (Mr K P & Mrs N B Yates)
Junior - Dog
Entries: 7 Absentees: 1
1st - Dassett Igglepiggle JW (Mrs S Spafford)
2nd - Jordith Roll Up And Shine (Mrs L.M.I & Mr A.M. Jordan-Smith)
3rd - Fevstone Polar Ajax at Saxheath (Mrs A Heathcote)
Res - Tyneotter Bolt From The Blue (Mrs N Anderson)
VHC - Redesholt Han Solo (Mrs S McKay)
Yearling - Dog
Entries: 5 Absentees: 2
1st - Ir CH Benattivo Woody At Ploughdown (Mr E & Dr M Armstrong)
2nd - Foxfactor Spick 'N Span At Northborders (Miss J North)
3rd - Arunmere No Fox Given (Mrs D A Kelly)
Novice - Dog
Entries: 7 Absentees: 2
1st - Ravenside Play The Game Kersfell (Mrs M Sneddon)
2nd - Botterox Flint (Miss S L Hillman)
3rd - Bealhollow Peter Pan (Mr M Nelson-Tonge)
Res - Foxfactor Spick 'N Span At Northborders (Miss J North)
VHC - Tyneotter Bolt From The Blue (Mrs N Anderson)
Graduate - Dog
Entries: 5 Absentees: 3
1st - Jordith Roll Up And Shine (Mrs L.M.I & Mr A.M. Jordan-Smith)
2nd - Alcumlow Painter Man On Hobhill (Mrs S Pickerin)
Post Graduate - Dog
Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st - Raedwulf Nightfall JW (Mr M & Mrs V Atkinson)
2nd - Ycart Just to Ground (Mr K K Fraser & Mrs T J Butler)
3rd - Pipruda Dark Rum at Beckholm JW (Mrs A Sutton)
Res - Tyneotter Sun Stands Still (Mrs N Anderson & Mrs A Howard)
Mid Limit - Dog
Entries: 5 Absentees: 3
1st - Thornheswin Huntsman (Mr. J.C.Dixon)
2nd - Botterox Chaos (Miss S Hillman)
Limit - Dog
Entries: 10 Absentees: 2
1st - Cobstoneway Stand By Me JW (Mr R & Mrs J Stevens)
2nd - Glen Mara Oh Viedo At Kersfell JW (Mrs M Sneddon)
3rd - Rockslade Romeo’s Revenge (Mr K Phillips)
Res - Ycart In with Hounds (Mr K K & Mrs T J Fraser & Butler)
VHC - Thornheswin Ring Of Fire (Mr J C Dixon)
Open - Dog
Entries: 6 Absentees: 1
1st - CH Otterbobs Tolson (Mr J R & Mrs H Gilpin)
2nd - Barkanellie Blackadder (Mr I & Mrs J Taylor)
3rd - Stineval Lambert JW (Mr A & Mrs C Horner)
Res - Ravenside Helissio (Mr M Lowry)
VHC - Ch Achouffe McKay's Fable of Redesholt (Mrs S McKay)
Special Beginners - Dog
Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st - Bealhollow Peter Pan (Mr M Nelson-Tonge)
Veteran - Dog
Entries: 8 Absentees: 5
1st - Mysulan Going Solo JW (Mrs S J Baxter)
2nd - Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM (Mrs H Haughton)
3rd - Bristoc Rock The Boat at Bluebabel (Mr K P & Mrs N B Yates)
Minor Puppy - Bitch
Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st - Carrock Complicated (Ms J Fawcett)
2nd - Thornheswin Look at Me (Mr J Craig)
3rd - Morley's Miss Zeva (Miss A Dawson)
Puppy - Bitch
Entries: 8 Absentees: 1
1st - Ravenside Home At Last (Mr M Lowry)
2nd - Irton Marmalade (Mr D G & Mrs A C Fryer)
3rd - Tojamatt Something Wicked (Mr & Mrs D Matthews)
Res - Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue (Mrs V Mason)
VHC - Arunmere Artemis (Mrs A Parsons)
Junior - Bitch
Entries: 6 Absentees: 0
1st - Otterbobs Beatrix (Mr J R & Mrs H Gilpin)
2nd - Stineval Sasha (Mr A & Mrs C Horner)
3rd - Hollyherd Platinum Jubilee (Mrs W Shepherd)
Res - Dassett Upsy Daisy JW (Mrs S Spafford)
VHC - Fevstone Rosie Posie (Ms M Masefield)
Yearling - Bitch
Entries: 7 Absentees: 2
1st - Ycart Just Stood Baying (Mr K K Fraser & Mrs T J Butler)
2nd - Picer Mirabel Ostler (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering)
3rd - Tojamatt Lacemaker (Mr & Mrs D Matthews)
Res - Nottorg Nekesa (Mrs A Taylor)
VHC - Alcumlow Show And Tell At Riseburn (Miss C Tutin)
Novice - Bitch
Entries: 5 Absentees: 0
1st - Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue (Mrs V Mason)
2nd - Liatch Tenacious (Malcolm, Glen & Knowles)
3rd - Fevstone Rosie Posie (Ms M Masefield)
Res - Barkanellie Flashheart (Mr I & Mrs J Taylor)
VHC - Carrickfarm Myra (Mrs M Armstrong)
Graduate - Bitch
Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - Glenbucket Oor Wee Dotty (Mrs M J Alexander)
2nd - Alcumlow Show And Tell At Riseburn (Miss C Tutin)
Post Graduate - Bitch
Entries: 5 Absentees: 2
1st - Glenbucket Oor Wee Dotty (Mrs M J Alexander)
2nd - Picer Bess Pool (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering)
3rd - Knowecrag Morning Dew (Mr P and Mrs A Kennon)
Mid Limit - Bitch
Entries: 6 Absentees: 3
1st - Raedwulf Mata Hari JW (Mr M & Mrs V Atkinson)
2nd - Gameway French Fancy Avec Orangebox (Mr M & Mrs T Anscombe)
3rd - Borderxpress Echo Beach (Mr R Wright)
Limit - Bitch
Entries: 13 Absentees: 3
1st - Rockslade Ravishing (Mrs D E Harris)
2nd - Mysulan Rhapsody In Blue (Mrs S J Baxter)
3rd - Earthtaw Making Magic with Clipstone (Mrs E & Mrs J Jackson)
Res - Barkanellie Sirencraft (Mrs J & Mr I Taylor)
VHC - Thornheswin Northern Lass (Mr J C Dixon)
Open - Bitch
Entries: 12 Absentees: 5
1st - CH Liatch Madame Pommery at Wilholme JW (Mr D Shields & Ms I Glen)
2nd - CH Ravenside Marsha At Jordith JW (Mrs L.M.I & Mr A.M. Jordan-Smith)
3rd - Goldenmill Illusion at Vandamere (Miss J Singh)
Res - Orangebox A New Hope At Itsaso (Miss L Tanton-Joy)
VHC - Rockslade Russian Roulette JW (Miss G Lowe & Mr T Miles)
Special Beginners - Bitch
Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - Fevstone Rosie Posie (Ms M Masefield)
2nd - Carrickfarm Myra (Mrs M Armstrong)
Veteran - Bitch
Entries: 7 Absentees: 2
1st - CH Cobstoneway Love Song JW ShCM (Mrs G Stevens)
2nd - Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath (Mrs A Heathcote)
3rd - Borderxpress Miss Potter (Mr R Wright)
Res - Caznray Just A Mystery From Thornheswin (Mr J C Dixon)
VHC - Beaconpike Northern Lights At Knowecrag (Mr P and Mrs A Kennon)

Sat 22nd April 2023
Judge Debbie Lorraine
Minor Puppy Dog: 3-1
1st: Johnson's Karison Kirsch
2nd: Turnbull's Foxwater One Off
Puppy Dog: 3-0
1st: Spafford's Dassett Igglepiggle Best Dog PUP
2nd:Foxwater One Off
3rd: Heathcote's Fevstone Polar Ajax at Saxheath
Junior Dog: 5 -2
1st: Haughton's Chorbeck Curtain Call
2nd: Johnson Hightarn Nightfall At Rosegyll
3rd: Thomson Blaisdon Mr Nice Guy
Novice Dog: 6-0
1st: Chorbeck Curtain Call RES BIS & RES BD
2nd:Karison Kirsch
3rd:Foxwater One Off
Res: Waudby Brandycarr Bertie Boy
Post Grad Dog: 4-1
1st: Sutton's Pipruda Dark Rum at Beckholm
2nd:Spence's Foxwater Captain Scarlet
3rd: Johnson's Kentixen Mint Imperial at Roseghyll
Limit Dog: 7-1
1st: Gwilliams Fisherbloom Don't Stop Me Now at Louajak
2nd:Jepsons Mysulan Easy Rider
3rd: Metcalfe's Billyboy Blue at Chevinor
Res: peacocks Onthill Marksman at Ragatam
VHC: Suttons Bordergold Rudolph at Beckholm
Open Dog 5-1
1st: Baxters Mysulan Going Solo BEST IN SHOW
2nd: Hightarn Nightfall At Rosegyll
3rd: Greens Terabyte Blue Renagade
Res: Bullens Blaisdon One Step Beyond to Fevstone
Minor Puppy Bitch: 5-1
1st:Dixons Otterpaws The Thunder Rolls
2nd: Peacocks Miss Blue Sky by Ragatam
3rd:Spence's Foxwater Alma Jazz
Res: Johnsons Karison Kampari
Puppy Bitch: 4-0
1st: Spaffords Dassett Upsy Daisy Best Puppy in SHOW
2nd: Masefields Fevstone Rosie Posie
3rd: Waltons Blaisdon One Step Up
Res:Sidebottoms Bordeian Lorna De Carracou
Junior Bitch: 8-0
1st: Ellis;s Normbar Maggie May
2nd: Pickering's Picer Mirabel Ostler
3rd: Haughtons Chorbeck Razzle Dazzle
Res: Taylors Nottorg Nekesa
VHC: Bullens Blaisdon Mekya Mindup Mavis at Fevstone
Novice Bitch: 5-0
1st: Peacocks Ragatam Brodie
2nd: Chorbeck Razzle Dazzle
3rd: Pitt's Dejurra Blue Moon
Res: Fevstone Rosie Posie
VHC: Fevstone Alma Ann
Post Grad Bitch: 7-1
1st: Baxters Mysulan Rhapsody in Blue RES BB & BOS
2nd: Thorburns Sweet Olive's Girl
3rd: Wright Totherend Honeybee
Res: Illingworth's Northborders Pinot to Thornyhurst
VHC: Dixon Otterpaws Lyin' Eyes JW
Limit Bitch: 6-1
1st: Pickerings Picer Bess Pool
2nd: Haughtons Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
3rd: Johnsons Karison Kadbury
Res: Dixons Otterpaws Red Red Wine
VHC; Potts Kaderedhills Henley Star
Open Bitch: 2-1
1st: Wrights Totherend Blue Jean Topsy
Special Beginners Dog or Bitch:5-1
1st: Otterpaws The Thunder Rolls
2nd: Foxwater Alma Ann
3rd: Ragatam Isla at Louajak
Res: Blaisdon One Step Up
Veteran Dog or Bitch: 8-0
1st: Mysulan Going Solo
2nd: Metcalfe's Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor SHcm SHCX VW
3rd: Johnsons Blue Duke of Cumbria at Roseghyll
Res: heathcote's Wadesliea Lady Madonna Saxheath.
Apr 22nd 2023 - Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
Venue: Thorpe Willoughby Village Hall, Leeds Road, Thorpe Willoughby, Nr. Selby. YO8 9PA
Judge: Debbie Lorraine (Raleniro)
Entries: 66 Dogs Making 84 Entries
Best In Show: Mysulan Going Solo JW
Reserve Best In Show: Chorbeck Curtain Call
Best Opposite Sex: Picer Bess Pool
Best Dog: Mysulan Going Solo JW
Reserve Best Dog: Chorbeck Curtain Call
Best Puppy - Dog: Dassett Igglepiggle
Best Bitch: Picer Bess Pool
Reserve Best Bitch: Mysulan Rhapsody In Blue
Best Puppy - Bitch: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Best Puppy: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Reserve Best Puppy: Dassett Igglepiggle
Best Veteran: Mysulan Going Solo JW
I would like to thank the Club for the invitation to judge this show. It was originally planned for me to judge in April 2020, but this was rearranged due to the pandemic and other outstanding appointments. I would like to thank the Committee for the wonderful hospitality shown to me throughout the day, and thank you to my Steward who kept things running smoothly. I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
I have not judged for just over 4 years, so it was a pleasure to see so many new dogs and new faces around the ring. I was pleasantly surprised by the strength and quality throughout the classes, and pleased to see a return to a more narrow dog, as I was seeing a trend for wide fronts last time I judged.
All dogs were entire and temperaments throughout were good. Bites were correct, with just the odd broken, misplaced or dirty tooth. Coats were, as to be expected, at various stages. There were a few close decisions, and some classes where I wish I had more prize cards to give out. Thank you to all the exhibitors for the privilege of judging your dogs, and also for the sporting way in which they accepted my decisions.
Lastly, can I please apologise for the delay in submitting my critique, as I usually have them done within a day or two of the show. There has been an ongoing issue with the health of a close relative which has taken up a lot of my time, so again, apologies for the delay.
Minor Puppy - Dog
Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st - Karison Kirsch (Miss K Johnson) – Almost 9 months blue and tan. Typical head with lovely expression, good bite. Very narrow throughout and easily spanned. Lovely straight front with tight feet. Good angulation and length of rib .Coat past it’s best but was still of good texture. Moved out well once settled.
2nd - Foxwater One Off (Mr S & Mrs M Turnbull) – 8 months grizzle and tan with super strong head and correct bite. Slightly bigger build than 1, but still narrow and easily spanned. Good coat and pelt with level topline. A bit unsettled on the table. Movement a little erratic and difficult to assess in this class.
Puppy - Dog
Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st - Dassett Igglepiggle (Mrs S Spafford) – Almost 12 months grizzle and tan. Quality puppy with superb head and expression, dark eye and good earset. Strong underjaw with correct bite and large teeth. Up to size for me, but easily spanned, with excellent level topline and good tailset. Correct jacket with thick pelt. Moved with ease around the ring showing economy of movement. A very promising dog. BPD and RBPIS.
2nd - Foxwater One Off (Mr S & Mrs M Turnbull) – see 2nd in MPD. Much more settled in this class. Showed what he could do and moved around the ring with drive.
3rd - Fevstone Polar Ajax at Saxheath (Mrs A Heathcote)
Junior - Dog
Entries: 5 Absentees: 2
1st - Chorbeck Curtain Call (Mrs H Haughton) – Just over 12 months grizzle and tan with wonderful strong head and the best of expressions. Large teeth with correct scissor bite. Straight front and so narrow with tight feet. Lovely topline with well set on tail, strong loin and good angulation fore and aft. Easily spanned, with a thick, loose pelt. Shown in full jacket but still of good harsh texture. Flowed around the ring. My notes said like this dog a lot. Should have a promising future. RBD and RBIS
2nd - Hightarn Nightfall At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson) – 17 months blue and tan. Typical otter head with good scissor bite. Narrow throughout with good layback of shoulder and topline. Easily spanned. Thick pelt and excellent jacket with plenty correct ticking. Moved with ease around the ring. Another lovely dog, just preferred the overall picture of 1 on the day.
3rd - Blaisdon Mister Nice Guy (Mr J N & Miss A J Thomas)
Novice - Dog
Entries: 6 Absentees: 2
1st - Chorbeck Curtain Call (Mrs H Haughton) – see 1st in JD
2nd - Karison Kirsch (Miss K Johnson – see 1st in MPD)
3rd - Foxwater One Off (Mr S & Mrs M Turnbull)
Res - Brandycarr Bertie Boy (Mr J Waudby)
Post Graduate - Dog
Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st - Pipruda Dark Rum at Beckholm JW (Mrs A Sutton) – 21 months grizzle and tan of pleasing type. Good for size and presented a nice picture. Typical head with very keen expression, good scissor bite with big teeth. Excellent angulation fore and aft, with well set carroty tail. Spanned well. Good , harsh coat with thick pelt. Moved with drive around the ring.
2nd - Foxwater Captain Scarlet (Mrs J Spence) – 15 month grizzle and tan of slightly larger type than 1. Not quite the strength of head of 1. Good scissor bite. Well put together and easily spanned. Shown in excellent jacket. Moved well holding topline on the move. Another nice young dog, just preferred the head and expression of 1.
3rd - Kentixen Mint Imperial At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)
Limit - Dog
Entries: 7 Absentees: 1
1st - Fisherbloom Dont Stop Me Now At Louajak (Miss C Gwilliam) – Almost 4 years old grizzle and tan of lovely type. Nice for size with strong, masculine head and good expression. Correct scissor bite. Lovely reach of neck, narrow and easily spanned, with good angulation and strength of loin. Lovely harsh coat. Strode out around the ring which won him the class. Liked him a lot and he pushed hard for RBD.
2nd - Mysulan Easy Ryder (Mr B Jepson) - 5 year old blue and tan of nice type. Liked his size and balance . Typical otter head. Lovely straight front and tight feet. Spanned well. Excellent harsh coat. Level topline and well set tail. Moved well coming and going.
3rd - Billyboy Blue At Chevinor (Mrs H A Metcalfe)
Res - Onthill Marksman At Ragatam (Miss T Peacock)
VHC - Bordergold Rudolph At Beckholm (Mrs A Sutton)
Open - Dog
Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st - Mysulan Going Solo JW (Mrs S J Baxter) – Almost 8 years old blue and tan that I have admired for some time. Excellent size and type with a strong, masculine head and the best of expressions. So straight in front with just the right amount of bone. Tight feet. Narrow throughout with good layback of shoulder. Lovely angulation, level topline, strong in loin. Spanned with ease. Best of coats, harsh with plenty ticking and a thick pelt. Presented such a balanced picture and owned the ring as he strode out with drive. Excellent, fit condition which belied his age. I could happily have taken him home with me. Delighted to award him BD, BV and BIS.
2nd - Hightarn Nightfall At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson) – see 2nd in JD
3rd - Terabyte Blue Renegade (Mr K Green)
Res - Blaisdon One Step Beyond To Fevstone (Mrs D Bullen)
Minor Puppy - Bitch
Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st - Otterpaws The Thunder Rolls (Miss A M Dixon) – 8 months grizzle and tan. Feminine head with sweet expression and neat ears. Correct bite. Nicely balanced with level topline and nicely placed tail. Good angulation and length of rib. Easily spanned. New, crisp jacket just coming through. Moved with economy covering the ground with ease. Won the class on her movement. A nice pup.
2nd - Miss Blue Sky By Ragatam (Miss T J Peacock) – Another nice puppy, almost 9 months blue and tan. Typical head with correct bite. Shown in harsh coat with correct ticking just coming through. Narrow and easily spanned. Just preferred the movement of 1 on the day.
3rd - Foxwater Alma Ann (Mrs J Spence)
Res - Karison Kampari (Miss K Johnson)
Puppy - Bitch
Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st - Dassett Upsy Daisy (Mrs S Spafford) – Almost 12 months littermate of BPD. Another cracking pup. Grizzle and tan with the harshest of coats and thick pelt. Beautiful head and expression with dark eye and good bite. Good reach of neck and layback of shoulder. Spanned with ease. Moved with purpose giving a pleasing outline on the move. A quality . pup that will surely do well in the future. Just preferred her for size over her littermate. Delighted to award her BPB and BPIS
2nd - Fevstone Rosie Posie (Ms M Masefield) – 9 month old blue and tan of finer type. Not quite the strength of head of 1, keen expression and good bite. New jacket just coming through of good, harsh texture. Narrow and spannable with just enough bone. Moved really well around the ring.
3rd - Blaisdon One Step Up (Mr C Walton)
Res - Bordeian Lorna De Carracou (Mr I Sidebottom)
Junior – Bitch
Entries: 8 Absentees: 0
A really strong class
1st - Normbar Maggie May (Mrs N Ellis) – Almost 13 months grizzle and tan with a lovely feminine head and expression, good scissor bite. Nice for size, balanced and nothing overdone. Shown in full coat today, but still of a harsh texture. Narrow, with straight front and nice length of rib. Carroty tail well set on. Moved with purpose to give her the class.
2nd - Picer Mirabel Ostler (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering) – 16 months blue and tan of larger type than 1, deeper in brisket but easily spanned. Lovely head and expression with neatly set ears. Strong scissor bite with big teeth. Very thick pelt and jacket of harsh texture. Good angulation and level topline. .Moved well around the ring .Another nice bitch, just preferred the overall picture of 1.
3rd - Chorbeck Razzle Dazzle (Mrs H Haughton)
Res - Nottorg Nekesa (Mrs A Taylor)
VHC - Blaisdon Mekya Mindup Mavis At Fevstone (Mrs D Bullen)
Novice - Bitch
Entries: 6 Absentees: 0
1st - Ragatam Brodie (Miss T J Peacock) – Almost 13 months grizzle and tan of nice size. Feminine head with good bite. Narrow throughout and spanned well. Enough bone, good
length of rib and strength of loin. Loose pelt with good harsh coat. A nice, balanced bitch who kept her topline on the move and had good reach and drive which gave her the edge in this class.
2nd - Chorbeck Razzle Dazzle (Mrs H Haughton) – Just over12 months grizzle and tan of nice type. Strong head with lovely expression. Narrow in front with tight feet. Slightly shorter in length of rib than 1.Easily spanned .Loose pelt and good coat of correct texture. Another nice, young bitch who just missed out today as not quite as enthusiastic as 1on the move.
3rd - Dejurra Blue Moon (Mrs A E Pitt)
Res - Fevstone Rosie Posie (Ms M Masefield) .
VHC - Foxwater Alma Ann (Mrs J Spence)
Post Graduate - Bitch
Entries: 8 Absentees: 1
1st - Mysulan Rhapsody In Blue (Mrs S J Baxter) – Just over 2 years old blue and tan of nice type. Beautiful head and expression with strong bite and neat ears. Gun barrel straight front with tight feet and thick pads. Well laid shoulders, narrow throughout and spanned with ease. Excellent angulation, topline and tailset. Thickest of pelts and dense, harsh coat with correct ticking. Moved well coming and going. Presented a lovely picture. RBB.
2nd - Sweet Olives Girl (Mrs L J Thornburn) – Almost 3 year old grizzle and tan with sweet head and expression. Correct bite. Neat ears. Slightly deeper in brisket than 1 but spanned easily. Level topline. Excellent, harsh coat and loose pelt. Moved ok both ways.
3rd - Totherend Honeybee (Mr R G & Mrs E A Wright)
Res - Northborders Pinot to Thornyhurst (Mrs L Illingworth)
VHC - Otterpaws Lyin Eyes JW (Miss A M Dixon)
Limit - Bitch
Entries: 6 Absentees: 1
1st - Picer Bess Pool (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering) – Almost 2 and ½ year old grizzle and tan. Superb head with broad skull, neat ears and dark eye giving the keenest of expressions. Straight front with tight feet and good bone. Enough depth of brisket, easily spanned. Lovely level topline with strong loin. Balanced angulation fore and aft. Thickest of pelts and shown in a superb, harsh coat. Moved straight and true coming and going, holding her topline on the move. Delighted to award her BB and BOS.
2nd - Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck (Mrs H Haughton) – Just over 2 year old grizzle and tan with good, feminine head and expression. Nice for size, slightly longer coupled than 1. Good layback of shoulder, narrow throughout and spanned easily. Strong loin with good
tailset. Balanced angulation. Good, harsh jacket. Moved ok, just not quite the drive of 1 on the day.
3rd - Karison Kadbury (Miss K Johnson)
Res - Otterpaws Red Red Wine (Mrs J M Dixon)
VHC - Kadaredhills Henley Star (Mrs J Potts)
Open - Bitch
Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st - Totherend Blue Jean Topsy (Mr R G & Mrs E A Wright) – Almost 7 years old blue and tan shown in excellent, fit condition. Typical head with keen expression. Easily spanned with super harsh coat and loose pelt. Good angulation and straight front. Moved around the ring with ease.
Special Beginners - Dog or Bitch
Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st - Otterpaws The Thunder Rolls (Miss A M Dixon) see 1st MPB
2nd - Foxwater Alma Ann (Mrs J Spence) – 8 months grizzle and tan of nice type. Feminine head with dark eye. Correct bite. Spanned easily. Harsh coat and loose pelt. Moved ok but not as purposeful on the move as 1.
3rd - Ragatam Isla At Louajak (Miss C Gwilliam)
Res - Blaisdon One Step Up (Mr C Walton)
Veteran - Dog or Bitch
Entries: 8 Absentees: 0
What a privilege to judge this class of golden oldies which were a credit to our breed. I wish I’d had more place cards. A lovely class.
1st - Mysulan Going Solo JW (Mrs S J Baxter – see 1st OD)
2nd - Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor ShCM ShCEx VW (Mrs H A Metcalfe) – Just over 9 years grizzle and tan whom I have admired for a long time. Lovely for type with the strongest of otter heads, neat ears, dark eye, giving correct, keen expression. Scissor bite with big teeth and strong underjaw. Narrow, easily spanned, with balanced angulation, level topline and correct tailset. Strong in loin .Loose pelt, and thick, harsh coat of excellent texture. Fit and well-muscled, another who belies his age. Moved with ease around the ring, presenting a lovely, balanced picture. Unlucky to meet my eventual BIS in the veteran class, as he would on another day, have been my BVIS.
3rd - Blue Duke Of Cumbria At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)
Res - CH Benattivo Best Bet Karison (Miss K Johnson)
VHC - Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath (Mrs A Heathcote)
Debbie Lorraine

2023 LIMITED SHOW Sunday 29th Jan 2023
Judge: Dr Margaret Armstrong (Ploughdown)
Minor Puppy Dog 3-0
1st: Heathcote's Fevstone Polar Ajax at Saxheath
2nd: Johnson's Karison Kirsch
3rd: Stamp's Goxfell Gotcha
Puppy Dog 5-4
1st: Armstrongs Normbar Beretta best dog Pup
Junior Dog 7-1
1st: Horner's Stineval Lambert JW Res Best Dog
2nd: Fraser & Butler's Ycart Just to Ground
3rd: Atkinsons Raedwuulf Daybreak
Res:Thomas's Blaisdon Mr Nice Guy
VHC: Mann's Lynsett The Huntsman
Novice Dog 4-1
1st: Fevstone Polar Ajax at Saxheath
2nd: Tabems' Hawkgreen Artful Dodger
3rd: Kentwone Grindelwald
Post grad Dog 7-1
1st: Pickerings's Picer Abraham Darby
2nd: Atkinsons's Raedwulf Nightfall
3rd: Barber's Alcumlow Aramis
Res: Sutton's Pipruda Dark Rum at Beckholm
VHC: Davies Glenorchy Rooney
Limit Dog 6-2
1st: Price's Oxcroft Loganberry
2nd: Jepsons Mtsulan Easy Rider
3rd: Haugh's Skyeisla Blue Reflection at Oxbeck
Res: Dixon's Thornheswin Huntsman
Open Dog 6-1
1st: Inness's Cedarhill Dish of the Day for Dexlin Best Dog & ResBIS
2nd: Bailey's Brankell Big Break for Grindelvald
3rd: Bullens The Joker Let's Rock and Roll to Fevstone
Res: Dixon Thornheswin Ring of Fire
VHC: Sutton's Bordergold Rudolph at Beckholm
Minor Puppy Bitch 4-1
1st: Johnsons Karison Kampari
2nd: Bullens Fevistone Rosie Posie
3rd: Sidebottoms Bordean Lorna De Carracou
Puppy Bitch 6-3
1st: Ellis's Normbar Maggie May Best Bitch pup and BPIS
2nd: Barbers Alcumlow Monet's Garden
3rd: Bullens Blaisdon Mekya Mindup Mavis at Fevistone
Junior Bitch 6-0
1st: Pickerings Picer Mirabel Ostler Best Bitch & BIS
2nd: Fraser & Butler Coral Fiery Lucirer via Ycart
3rd: Thornheswin Northern Lass
Res: Tutin's Alcumlow Show and Tell at Riseburn
VHC: Mann's Lynsett Miss Molly
Novice Bitch 3-1
1st: Alcumlow Show and Tell at Riseburn
2nd: Taylor's Nottorg Nekesa
Post Grad Bitch 4-2
1st:Jepsons Mysulan Dizzy. res Best Bitch
2nd: Thorburns Sweet Olive's Girl
Limit Bitch 8- 5
1st: Pickerings Picer Bess Pool
2nd: Ellis Normbar Estee Lauder
3rd: Dixons Thornheswin Set to Strike
Open Bitch 7- 3
1st: Fryers Irton Sovay
2nd: Armstrong Rogers Otterwood Daidem
3rd: Singh's Goldenmill illusion at Vandamere
Res:Heathcotes Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath
Special Beginners Dog or Bitch 3 -2
1st: Kentwone Grindelwald
Veteran Dog or Bitch 5-2
1st: Irtons Morse Code
2nd: Johnsons Ch Benattivo Best Bet Karison
3rd: Dixons Caznray Just a Memory from Thornheswin
Jan 28th 2023 - Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Limit Show
Judge: Dr. Margaret Armstrong (Ploughdown)
Entries: 77 dogs making 84 entries
Best In Show: Picer Mirabel Ostler
Reserve Best In Show: Cedarhill Dish Of The Day For Dexlin
Best Opposite Sex: Cedarhill Dish Of The Day For Dexlin
Best Dog: Cedarhill Dish Of The Day For Dexlin
Reserve Best Dog: Stineval Lambert JW
Best Puppy - Dog: Normbar Beretta
Best Bitch: Picer Mirabel Ostler
Reserve Best Bitch: Mysulan Dizzy
Best Puppy - Bitch: Normbar Maggie May
Best Puppy: Normbar Maggie May
Reserve Best Puppy: Normbar Beretta
Best Veteran: Irton Morse Code JW
I’d like to thank Yorks, Lancs and Cheshire Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their January Open Show. It was a privilege. I was given a really warm welcome and the hospitality was second to none. The venue was bright and airy and provided for a large ring with plenty of room for exhibitors. I was very ably assisted on the day by my two stewards, Margaret Davis and Sian McKay, who organised the ring with cheerful good humour and efficiency. It was also super to be present for the presentation by the Club to Pat and Brian Baxter, who always add a convivial and kindly presence to any gathering. Lastly I’d like to thank the exhibitors for coming out in numbers in chilly January and who accepted my placings with such good grace.
Minor Puppy - Dog. Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st - Fevstone Polar Ajax at Saxheath (Mrs A Heathcote)
6 month old blue/tan dog. Head in good proportion for one so young with short, strong foreface, correct mouth and small dark eye, all set off by neat ears. Neat feet set on well boned legs. Rib carried well back and a level topline that he kept on the move. Rear angulation good. Lovely coarse double coat, showing blue coming through. Moved out happily and showed very well for such a youngster.
2nd - Karison Kirsch (Miss K Johnson)
Another blue/tan 6 month old. Very much a baby, seeming to enjoy himself in the ring, giving his handler some challenge. Promising head showing a good balance between skull and foreface. Scissor bite. Dark eye with a lovely expression and small ears set close to his cheek. Graceful neck flowing into a narrow body. Short carroty tail. Super double coat for a pup and showing evidence of blue. Vey good pigmentation. Still tightening in the forehand. Moved out with drive.
Puppy - Dog Entries: 5 Absentees: 4
1st - Normbar Beretta (Mr P Armstrong)
10 month old grizzle dog. Broad skull and strong short muzzle. Correct dentition. Head set off by a dark eye and small typical ears. Narrow front, well boned straight front legs with well padded feet. Spanned easily. Good angulation to the rear. Harsh coat with thick pelt. Carrot tail. Moved out with ease and showed really well for his handler. Best Puppy Dog.
Junior - Dog. Entries: 7 Absentees: 1
1st - Stineval Lambert JW (Mr A & Mrs C Horner)
Very smart grizzle dog. At 17 months he shows clean, balanced lines. Well proportioned head set off by the neatest of ears and a keen eye. Scissor bite. Good reach of neck flowing into well laid shoulders. Narrow thoughout. Rib carried well back, with strong loin and good tail set. Level topline that he maintained whilst going round the ring. Moved out well. Coarse double coat and deep pelt. Just lost a bit of focus in the challenge for best dog. Res Best Dog.
2nd - Ycart Just to Ground (Mr K K Fraser & Mrs T J Butler)
Another balanced youngster. Flat, moderately broad skull, small dark eye and small well placed ears. Good length of neck leading to clean shoulders. Stood on neat feet and just right for bone. Good rib and level topline that he held on the move. Correct tail set and short thick tail that he carried well. Pliable pelt and coarse coat with depth of undercoat. Stifles well bent and moved out with drive.
Novice - Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st - Fevstone Polar Ajax at Saxheath (Mrs A Heathcote)
See minor puppy dog.
2nd - Hawkgreen Artful Dodger (Mrs G Tabern)
Blue/tan with a head, broad in skull and short in foreface and set off by a keen eye and small well set ears. Correct bite. Front and rear angulation good and he moved out well. Would have preferred narrower lines in general but he was spannable.
Post Grad Dog Entries: 7 Absentees: 1
1st - Picer Abraham Darby (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering)
Blue/tan dog showing balance in strength. Very pleasing head with broad, flat skull, shallow stop, short muzzle, scissor bite and dark eye. Very well off for bone and stood on well made tight feet. Showed length of rib and strong loin. Front and rear angulation correct and he moved out well fore and aft. Short carrot tail held well. Very harsh double coat.
2nd - Raedwulf Nightfall (Mr M & Mrs V Atkinson)
I have judged this youngster before and was pleased to see he had matured well. Not as strong as 1. A balanced dog. Typical head with a short muzzle and broad cranium and a pleasing, varminty expression. Showing some length of rib and good bend of stifle. Easily spanned. Moved with some drive.
Limit - Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 2
1st - Oxcroft Loganberry (Mr J Price)
Blue/tan with typical otter head, showing short, strong foreface, flat cranium and shallow stop. Scissor bite. Head piece set off by neat ears falling close to his cheek. Ok for bone and narrow throughout. Carried his rib well back and strong in the loin. Well turned stifle and a good tail set. A little tentative at times on the move but revealed enough in moving to show soundness and drive. Harsh coat with good pelt.
2nd - Mysulan Easy Ryder (Mr B Jepson)
Smaller type than 1. Pleasing head with varminty expression and enhanced by neat ears carried correctly. Good length of rib and easily spanned. Small, well-padded feet. Well angulated behind and moved out well coming and going. A little more drive would have completed the picture. Very coarse double coat with some blue evident.
Open - Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 1
1st - Cedarhill Dish Of The Day For Dexlin (Mr B & Mrs L P Inness)
Smart grizzle dog with no exaggerations. Broad skull, shallow stop, strong foreface, correct bite, good pigmentation. Keen expression. Moderate neck running to well laid shoulders. Standing on strong straight forelegs. Good bone and small well padded feet. Narrow deep body lines and some length of rib. Correct rear angulation. Level topline and good tail set. Moved well and shown to full advantage. Reserve Best In Show.
2nd - Brankell Big Break For Grindelvald (Mrs M Bailey)
Grizzle dog in tip top condition. Flat, moderately broad skull, short muzzle, correct bite. Small, neat ears completed the picture. Good reach of neck into clean well laid shoulders. Narrow throughout with lovely rib. Easily spanned. Harsh double coat and pliable pelt. Good bend of stifle and moved out well. Showed really well for his handler.
Minor Puppy - Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st - Karison Kampari (Miss K Johnson)
Grizzle 6 month old bitch, who shows promise at this tender age. Lovely length and built on racy lines. Good length of neck into well angulated shoulders. Balanced head with great expression and set off by super little ears. Level topline and good bend of stifle. Super double coat. Moved out well for a puppy and showed really well, although still very much a baby.
2nd - Fevstone Rosie Posie (Ms M Masefield)
Blue/tan 6 month old girl. Narrow in front with enough bone and strong pasterns leading to tight little feet. Level topline that she held when moving. Not as mature in head as 1 but lots of time for that. Shorter than 1. Very much a puppy when moving.
Puppy - Bitch Entries: 6 Absentees: 3
1st - Normbar Maggie May (Mrs N Ellis)
A young grizzle bitch that shows promise. Litter sister to the winner of Best Puppy Dog. Very clean, racy lines. Nicely balanced head with correct bite and typical keen expression in her small dark eye. Good length of neck into super shoulder, level topline and correct tail set. Narrow front and good length and depth of rib. Well bent stifles. Short strong tail that she carried well. Moved out well and with drive. No hesitation in awarding her Best Puppy in Show.
2nd - Alcumlow Monet's Garden (Mr P, Mrs B & Miss R Barber)
Blue/tan puppy bitch built along somewhat similar lines to 1, although a little shorter. Well proportioned head with short, strong muzzle and a varminty expression and correct scissor bite. Narrow front, good reach of neck, good bone and neat well padded feet. Easily spanned. Double coat which was coarse to the touch. Good bend of stifle and strong loin. Moved fine.
Junior - Bitch Entries: 6 Absentees: 1
1st - Picer Mirabel Ostler (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering)
I have judged this blue/tan bitch as a puppy and she has matured well. Balanced throughout, showing typical narrow lines. Lovely proportion to her head with broad flat skull, strong foreface, correct bite, a lovely eye and neat ears to complete the picture. Narrow front, well boned legs and small feet with thick pads. Well angulated fore and aft, correct rib which she carries well back. Strong loin. Level topline that she kept on the move. Moved out true at the front and rear and showed drive. Thick pelt and a harsh double, full coat, which is beginning to show signs of blue. Best In Show.
2nd - Coral Gem Fiery Lucifer Via Ycart (Mr K Fraser & Mrs T Butler)
Well balanced grizzle bitch. Built on racy lines. Narrow throughout, showing good length of rib. Well angulated at shoulder and stifle. Pleasing head showing typical lines. Dark eye and lovely expression. Good bone and neat tight feet. Moved out well coming and going and showed drive in side profile. Super harsh double jacket and deep pelt.
Novice - Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st - Alcumlow Show And Tell At Riseburn (Miss C Tutin)
Balanced grizzle bitch who shows some length. Neat head with flat skull and some strength of foreface. Correct scissor bite and dark eye complete the headpiece. Well boned legs and tight, neat feet. Stifles well bent. Moved out well. Double jacket. Spannable and showed depth of pelt.
2nd - Nottorg Nekesa (Mrs A Taylor)
Strong head throughout, showing depth of muzzle and skull. Good length of rib and strong loin. Well angulated behind and movement OK. Short thick tail. Spanned well and showed depth of pelt. Out of coat today.
Post Graduate - Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 2
1st - Mysulan Dizzy (Mr B Jepson)
Grizzle bitch with pleasing lines. Typical head with short muzzle, flat cranium, shallow stop and sporting a varminty expression. Well angulated at the shoulder and showing a narrow front, good bone and neat feet. Topline level with good tail set and short carrot tail. Moved out well, showing some drive and maintaining her top line. Hard double jacket with some depth of pelt. Res Best Bitch.
2nd - Sweet Olives Girl (Mrs L J Thornburn)
Thicker set than 1. Skull flat and with some breadth, short muzzle and pleasing expression. A little deep in the rib but spannable. Strong loin and good bend of stifle. Stood on small feet which perhaps could have been a little more well padded. Movement fine.
Limit - Bitch Entries: 8 Absentees: 5
1st - Picer Bess Pool (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering)
Grizzle bitch in full coat. Skull and foreface showing feminine strength and depth to provide a typical headpiece. Lovely lay of shoulder and narrow straight front. Good reach of neck into level topline, good tail set and completed by a typical carrot tail. Great rear angulation which showed in a driving action. Spanned well. Moved out truly coming and going.
2nd - Normbar Estee Lauder (Mrs N Ellis)
A strong bitch but spannable. Strong head with dark eye and correct bite. Well off for bone and standing on neat tight feet. Moderate neck into level topline which followed through in side movement. Good front and rear movement.
Open - Bitch Entries: 7 Absentees: 3
1st - Irton Sovay (Mr D & Mrs A Fryer)
Strong but feminine head with lovely head proportions. Broad skull, short strong foreface, dark eye and lovely pigmentation. Super expression. Narrow front with strong well boned legs and small well padded feet. Good reach of neck into well angulated shoulders. Flowed from neck to tip of her short carroty tail. Good bend of stifle. Moved out fine coming and going and showed drive. Deep pelt and harsh double coat.
2nd - Otterwood Diadem JW (Mrs L Armstrong-Rodgers)
Much to like about this grizzle bitch. Typical headpiece with flat cranium and some strength in foreface. Correct scissor bite. Good flow of neck into level topline. Fine for bone and standing on neat tight feet. Good bend of stifle and moved out well. In full double coat with good pelt. Not showing as true in front today as 1.
Special Beginners - Dog or Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 2
1st - Kentwone Grindelwald (Mrs A Lindsay)
Upstanding blue/tan dog, giving of his best for his young handler. Nicely balanced head with dark eye, neat ears and correct bite. Well off for bone and with a somewhat narrow front. Well bent stifle and harsh jacket. Moved out with enthusiasm.
Veteran - Dog or Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 2
1st - Irton Morse Code JW (Mr & Mrs D Fryer)
Can’t believe this boy is 12 years old. Smart dog in super condition. Most masculine of heads and expression, showing balance in skull and muzzle. Head set off by the darkest and keenest of eyes. Good neck flowing into level topline. Narrow in front, deep in rib and strong coupling. Moved out well. Best Veteran.
2nd - CH Benattivo Best Bet Karison (Miss K Johnson)
Another super golden oldie. At 10 she still shows her quality. Lovely feminine head with dark eye and pleasing expression. Neat ears complete the picture. Straight front, level in topline and well angulated, she stood on strong small feet. Moved out well for her age.