2018 Club Show Results & Critiques

Longridge Civic Hall
Sunday 30th Sept 2018
Judge: Mr Dave Fryer
149 Dogs making 156 Entries + 6NFC
Best in Show Ridgebow Two Hoots
Reserve Best in Show Howthwaite Grainsgill
Best Puppy in Show: Dassett Last Waltz
Dog CC: Ridgebow Two Hoots
Res Dog CC: Howthwaite Grainsgill
Best Dog Puppy: Dassett Last Waltz
Bitch CC: CH. Dowgri Demelza
Res Bitch CC: Remony Frosted Ivy JW ShCM
Best Bitch Puppy:Glenbucket Highland Queen
Minor Puppy Dog: 3
1: Cedarhill Melt in The Mouth
2: Stowthorney Wicker Man
3: Kadaredhills Breaking Free
Puppy Dog: 10 - 2
1: Dassett Last Waltz
2: Dallas Dhu
3: Glenbucket Highland Reel
Res: Mansergh Elevenses at Rhozzum
VHC: Mysulan Easy Ryder
Junior Dog: 8 -1
1: Ridgebow Two Hoots
2: Tojamatt Taboo
3: Northborders Marlon Brando
Res: Onthill Solomans Seal
VHC: Pikey Boy by Shiftyfox
Yearling Dog 7-1
1: Tojamatt Taboo
2: Keebank Jack Frost
3: Fieldsearch Firecracker
Res: Billyboy Blue at Chevinor
VHC: Jrasamuyr Codex
Novice Dog 2-1
1: Jrasamuyr Campbell Black
Post Graduate Dog: 7
1: Remony For A' That
2: Tyrian Arrowsmith
3: Karison Kustard
Res: Lairehope Topaz Design
VHC: Chorbeck Space Cowboy JW
Limit Dog 10 -2
1: Glenbucket Highland Lad
2: Oxcroft Jethro
3: Oakyard Out N' About at Dassett
Res: Cedarhill Authorisation
VHC: Lairehope Duke Diamante
Open Dog.13
1: Howthwaite Grainsgill
2: Tojamatt Moriarty
3: Tyrian Outlaw
Res: Orangebox Stewards Enquiry
VHC: Int/Ir Ch Ploughdown Plato
Special Beginner Dog: 1
1; borderstream Zodiac
1:Veteran Dog.8 -2
1: Ch Am.Can Ch Cedarhill Beyond The Stars
2: Beaconpike Red Storm
3: Ch Lairehope Lord of the Glen at Tweedburn
Res: Lairehope Viking Spark
VHC:Onthill Super Trooper
Minor Puppy Bitch 7 - 2
1: Karison Kalluna
2: Otterpaws Lyin' Eyes
3: Karison Koprosma at Staynorwood
Res: Smalesmouth Cadence
VHC: Ravenside Marsha at Jordith
Puppy Bitch: 6
1: Glenbucket Highland Queen
2: Onthill Daydreamer
3: Mansergh Eleven Plus
Res: Fehmarn Moel Wyncock
VHC: Bardenfox Queen of The Road
Junior Bitch: 11-3
1: Beaconpike River Sky
2: Onthill Crystal Rock
3: Goxfell Reivers Rose
Res: Venery Moonlight Shadow
VHC: Shiftyfox Black Pearl
Yearling Bitch 13-2
1: Marsirdan Jemima Puddle
2: Picer Beth Chatto JW
3: Nottorg Nostalgia
Res: Goxfell Reivers Rose
VHC: Carrickfarm Macey
Novice Bitch 5-1
1: Mansergh Eleven Plus
2: Otterpaws Lyin Eyes
3: Kirbyvalley Smart Music
Res: Jrasamuyra By Markham
Post Graduate Bitch: 11 -4
1: Beaconpike Venus
2: Glenbucket Sandy's Glinty at Lairehope
3: Chorbeck Angel Eyes
Res: Mansergh Brush and Palette
VHC: Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath
Limit Bitch: 16 -2
1: Remony Frosted Ivy JW ShCM
2: Ridgebow Pendle Witch
3: Mansergh Paint By Numbers
Res: Picer Flora McIvor JW
VHC: Tojamatt Debutante for Dowgri ShCM
Open Bitch: 11 -4
1: CH Dowgri Demelza
2: CH Chorbeck Gossip Girl at Blackmine
3: Ravenside Calima
Res: Smalesmouth Skylark
VHC: Ir CH Ploughdown Paloma
Special Beginner Bitch 4 - 2
1: Nottorg Nostalgia
2: Otterpaws Lyin Eyes
Veteran Bitch: 7 -2
1: Hollowmoor Casilva
2: Diamond Skys
3: Earthdog Kidnap
Res: Beaconpike In A Storm
VHC: Carrickfarm Mika
Special Working D/B 2
1: Stonechester Apostrophe von Jrasamuyr
2: Stonechester Question von Jrasamuyr
My thanks to the Club for an enjoyable day; and to my stewards Kevin and Julie who ensured that all flowed smoothly and that my only task was to judge the dogs. Thanks also to the rest of the committee and helpers who ensured a well run show. I was well pleased with the entry; real quality beyond the available cards in many classes. I had no bad mouths (a few lost and broken teeth, not a major problem to me); but quite a few with small teeth in a technically perfect bite. All males were entire. I had expected (from recent ringside observation) to find front movement, in particular, a problem; so was pleasantly surprised in the entry on the day in this respect. However, too many of the dogs did not have the construction and fitness to appear able to move efficiently over rough ground all day. Coats were variable, most being well prepared and tidy; pelts, on the whole, were good, but feet were often weak with thin pads.
Minor Puppy - Dog
Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st - Cedarhill Melt In The Mouth (Mrs C Dean) 6 mo grizzle dog, nicely balanced outline, nicely angulated both ends. Strong head and big teeth. Moving a little close in front and behind but getting over his ground well. Good coat and pelt.
2nd - Stowthorney Wicker Man (Mr R Brewster & Ms J Green) 7 mo .More upright profile and head not as strong as 1st , but technically better mover. Similar in coat.
3rd - Kadaredhills Breaking Free (Mrs J Potts) 7mo, and first time out. Potentially a better dog, but totally unschooled, to the extent that he was terrified on the table. Head needs to come on but moved out well when he settled.
Puppy - Dog
Entries: 9 Absentees: 1
1st - Dassett Last Waltz (Mrs S Spafford) nearly 12 mo. Neatly made with excellent front construction with neat little feet and straight legs. Rear angulation near perfect. Correctly made strong head with good expression. Moved true both ways and covered his ground well. Nice tight coat good pelt. Best Puppy in Show, a good prospect for the future.
2nd - Dallas Dhu (Mrs C Palmer) 10 mo. Handy size, good outline, harsh coat, not as strong in head, rather excitable but moved OK when settled
3rd - Glenbucket Highland Reel (Mrs M J Alexander) 10 mo. Larger framed dog, otherwise excellent all round . Well constructed body, frighteningly big teeth . Good coat, short and tight. Covered his ground extremely well
Res - Mansergh Elevenses At Rhozzum(Mrs M Sharp)
VHC - Mysulan Easy Ryder (Mr B Jepson)
Junior – Dog
Entries: 8 Absentees: 1
1st - Ridgebow Two Hoots (Mr N & Mrs A Duxbury) nicely shaped youngster, well angulated both ends. Good strong head with keen eye and expression. Good neck flowing into correct shoulder, nice legs and feet; well ribbed back, good rear angulation, nice hocks., coat and pelt excellent. Shown very fit. Earned the DCC on his overall type, balance and totally correct and driving movement; BIS, a close decision clinched by state of coats on the day.
2nd - Tojamatt Taboo (Mr & Mrs D Matthews) blue & tan, rangier type, well angulated and balanced. Coat of good texture and depth, moved quite well, better behind than in front. Head strong enough.
3rd - Northborders Marlon Brando (Miss J North) a bigger, narrower, dog, excellently prepared, looked good standing, and though slightly upright in front covered his ground well, tail longer than perfect, hope he’s finished his growing
Res - Onthill Solomans Seal (Mr R & Mrs A Ramus)
VHC - Pikey Boy By Shiftyfox (Mr G Wildey)
Yearling - Dog
Entries: 7 Absentees: 2
1st - Tojamatt Taboo (Mr & Mrs D Matthews) 2nd in junior, see above
2nd - Keebank Jack Frost (Mr S Russell & Miss D Maynard) quite a well made dog, short on coat, good pelt, nice mover both ways, good front and feet, good head and expression,
3rd - Fieldsearch Firecracker (D Pearson & A Towers) taller dog, tendency to be a little bit upright, excellent coat and pelt, once settled on the move covered his ground very well
Res - Billyboy Blue At Chevinor (Mrs H A Metcalfe)
VHC - Jrasamuyr Codex (Miss C Khatchikian)
Novice - Dog
Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st - Jrasamuyr Campbell Black (Miss C Khatchikian) blue & tan, finer boned than most, head needs to develop, moving close front and back, but covered his ground well. Good coat and pelt, neat feet.
Post Graduate - Dog
Entries: 7 Absentees: 0
1st - Remony For A' That (Mrs A E Gregory) On the leg, head and ears a trifle unbalanced to my eye. Neat front, good feet, whoppin’ great teeth. Good length of rib, well set tail, good shoulder and rear angulation, nice coat and pelt; excellently presented. Moved true fore and aft and covered his ground extremely well.
2nd - Tyrian Arrowsmith (Mrs K Dean) smaller, cobbier grizzle dog, well balanced outline. Good coat and thick pelt. Not as positive on the move but gave the impression of a good old fashioned Border Terrier
3rd - Karison Kustard (Miss K Johnson) good headed dog, short of coat on the day, not quite the movement of 1 &2, shoulder and rear angulations both good,
Res - Lairehope Topaz Design (Mr P & Mrs K Lothian)
VHC - Chorbeck Space Cowboy JW (Mrs H Haughton)
Limit - Dog
Entries: 10 Absentees: 2
1st - Glenbucket Highland Lad (Mrs M J Alexander & Mrs N Anderson) Perhaps a touch on the large side, strong head with big teeth, well off for bone , well angulated shoulder, tight feet, good for length and balance. Fit and well muscled, covered his ground well, true movement both ends, coat looks ready for a refresh but good quality and depth. Overall a very sound and typy dog.
2nd - Oxcroft Jethro (Mr J Price) totally different type, refined otter head, lighter in bone, narrow front, moved well once settled, excellent short, tight coat, good pelt, well angulated both ends, well balanced outline, ribs carried well back
3rd - Oakyard Out N'about At Dassett (Mrs S Spafford) Nice head, good shape , correct front and rear construction, v good coat and pelt, perhaps a trifle on the cobby side. Moved OK.
Res - Cedarhill Authorisation (Mrs J Alpe)
VHC - Lairehope Duke Diamante (Mr P & Mrs K Lothian)
Open - Dog
Quality in depth here, not enough cards to go round
Entries: 13 Absentees: 0
1st - Howthwaite Grainsgill (Mr R J & Mrs E A Barrett) Smart dog, perhaps a bit high on the leg, cracking coat perfectly prepared. Amongst the best movers of the day, covered his ground v well, good coat, pelt, head and expression, big teeth, good eye and expression, feet OK, RDCC
2nd - Tojamatt Moriarty (Mr & Mrs D Matthews) slightly cobbier looking dog, rougher coated, very sound on the move both ends and across, good head, coat , pelt and balance.
3rd - Tyrian Outlaw (Mrs K Dean) another slightly cobbier dog, good in rib, head, eye and expression, nicely balanced, another typy border. Moved soundly and without exaggeration.
Res - Orangebox Stewards Enquiry (Mr R & Mrs L Greenhill & Mrs M Thomas)
VHC - Int CH / Ir CH Ploughdown Plato (Mr E & Dr M Armstrong)
Special Beginners - Dog
Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st - Borderstream Zodiak (Mr & Mrs S Ward) quite a neat dog, good strong reddish coat, movement OK; suffered from meeting stronger dogs in previous classes.
Veteran - Dog
Entries: 8 Absentees: 2
1st - CH/AM/CAN CH Cedarhill Beyond the Stars JW (Mrs C Dean) Neatly built, well preserved, wouldn’t have been out of place in Open class. Competent mover, quality short, tight coat and good pelt. Well balanced outline, good head, neck and shoulder, and rear assembly,
2nd - Beaconpike Red Saturn (Mr S & Mrs K Golding) slightly rangier dog, exceptionally good coat, not quite as good in front movement, larger all round but still well spannable, feet not as good. Strong head.
3rd - CH Lairehope Lord of the Glen At Tweedburn (Mrs C Archibald) shorter in rib and more upright than 1 & 2, bite still perfect, good coat, in fit condition, moving well. Res - Lairehope Viking Spark (Mr P & Mrs K Lothian)
VHC - Onthill Super Trouper (Mr R & Mrs A M Ramus)
Minor Puppy - Bitch
Entries: 7 Absentees: 2
1st - Karison Kalluna (Miss K Johnson) nicely balanced , handy sized bitch, nice front and angulations. Strong head and good mouth. Coat quite thick and harsh, good pelt. Moving well across her ground, going slightly close fore and aft but only 7 months so will hopefully improve,
2nd - Otterpaws Lyin Eyes (Miss A M Dixon) similar type, slightly larger overall, head not as impressive, again, weaving a bit in front.
3rd - Karison Koprosma At Staynorwood (Mr G & Mrs C Richardson) smaller, slightly cobby bitch; head, perhaps more ‘feminine’, but less appealing to me, standing high at the rear, neat feet, tight coat, good pelt. Litter sister to 1, and very similar in movement.
Res - Smalesmouth Cadence (Mrs J Roberts)
VHC - Ravenside Marsha At Jordith (Mrs L.M.I & Mr A.M. Jordan-Smith)
Puppy - Bitch
Entries: 6 Absentees: 0
1st - Glenbucket Highland Queen (Mrs N Anderson & Mrs A Howard) well constructed bitch, big enough, good angulations, well balanced outline. Nice head, keen eye and expression, good coat. On the move, toed in a bit but covered her ground very well. Shown in good, fit, condition. Best Puppy Bitch.
2nd - Onthill Daydreamer (Mr R & Mrs A Ramus) well groomed, head not as strong, also toeing in a bit. Good quality coat, expertly prepared. A bit short on rear angulation
3rd - Mansergh Elevenplus (Miss A Roslin Williams) Excellent coat and pelt. A little short of substance , but maturity should correct this, hopefully also the over exuberant front movement. Well angulated, ribbed well back, covered her ground well. Will be interested to follow her development.
Res - Fehmarn Moelwyncoch (Mrs J Morton Shaw)
VHC - Bardenfox Queen of the Road (Mr I & Mrs J Broomhead)
Junior - Bitch
Entries: 11 Absentees: 3
1st - Beaconpike River Sky (Mr S & Mrs K Golding) handy sized grizzle bitch, well balanced, well angulated both ends. Strong head, good mouth. True movement both ends and driving well; enough(!) quality harsh coat.
2nd - Onthill Crystal Rock (Mr R & Mrs A Ramus) taller, not as strong in head, well presented, moved OK
3rd - Goxfell Reivers Rose (Mrs J Stamp & Mr D Joyce) smaller B&T , not making the best of her front movement, well angulated both ends, good coat, head and expression
Res - Venery Moonlight Shadow (Mr C & Mrs C Warltier)
VHC - Shiftyfox Black Pearl (Mr G Wildey)
Yearling - Bitch
Entries: 13 Absentees: 2
1st - Marsirdan Jemima Puddle (Mr M Service) Neatly made, well angulated bitch, good tail and tailset and topline. Strong head and good mouth. Well off for bone and ribbed well back. Lots of quality coat, good pelt. Moved competently fore and aft, but better standing than moving. Well in contention for top honours, slight doubt re front movement tipping the scale.
2nd - Picer Beth Chatto JW (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering) slightly longer cast type, good strong head. Coat and pelt good. Moved OK
3rd - Nottorg Nostalgia JW ShCM (Mrs A Taylor) smaller, neater bitch, well angulated both ends but front movement not so tidy, decent coat and pelt
Res - Goxfell Reivers Rose (Mrs J Stamp & Mr D Joyce)
VHC - Carrickfarm Macey (Mrs M Armstrong)
Novice - Bitch
Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st - Mansergh Elevenplus (Miss A Roslin Williams) 3rd in puppy above
2nd - Otterpaws Lyin Eyes (Miss A M Dixon) 2nd in MP above
3rd - Kirkbyvalley Smart Music (Mr C & Mrs C Warltier) neat red bitch, a bit short on coat. Seems mostly sound but a wee bit wayward in front movement, nice overall shape, though a bit straight in stifle, Nice head, good teeth. Could place better with schooling.
Res - Jrasamuyr By Markham (Miss C Khatchikian)
Post Graduate - Bitch
Entries: 11 Absentees: 4
1st - Beaconpike Venus (Mr S R & Mrs K M Golding) neatly shaped bitch, good big coat, hiding a handy sized bitch. Level topline, well angulated in front and behind, good short tail. Strong head and big teeth, good eye, ear and expression. Moved true and covered her ground well,
2nd - Glenbucket Sandys Glinty at Lairehope (Mr P & Mrs K Lothian), bigger, not as neat in front; short on coat today. True movement, covered her ground well.
3rd - Chorbeck Angel Eyes (Mrs H Haughton)Slightly heavier in front, well angulated behind. Decent enough head, neat ear. Good rib, but her topline was a bit wayward today.
Res - Mansergh Brush And Palette (Miss A Roslin-Williams)
VHC - Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath (Mrs A Heathcote)
Limit - Bitch
Entries: 16 Absentees: 2
What a class! Pulled 6 for further attention, but could easily have placed more than that.
1st - Remony Frosted Ivy JW ShCM (Mrs A E Gregory) a well upstanding bitch, beautiful movement, front, back and across, well balanced with an excellent topline, with a bit more head she might be perfect. Nice tail, well set; cracking coat , good pelt, shoulder angulation totally correct, nice tight feet , good ear. RBCC
2nd - Ridgebow Pendle Witch (Mr N & Mrs A Duxbury) beautifully angulated both ends, moved well both ways, fit and well muscled. Good coat and pelt, nice short, fat, tail. Keen eye and expression,
3rd - Mansergh Paint By Numbers (Miss A Roslin Williams) Smaller made, but equally well balanced, moving true both ways, and covering her ground well. Good coat and pelt, nice tail, neat feet.
Res - Picer Flora Mcivor JW (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering)
VHC - Tojamatt Debutante For Dowgri ShCM (Mr W & Mrs T J Baird)
Open - Bitch
Entries: 11 Absentees: 4
1st - CH Dowgri Demelza ShCM (Mr W & Mrs T J Baird) Apart from a shortage of coat, had just about everything going for her. Strong head and muzzle, nice length of body, well ribbed back, correct shoulder placement and angulation, rear assembly equally good. Coat of good quality, but will be better in a few weeks. Moved true both ends, and covered her ground excellently. Just got decision for BCC despite lack of coat, on her overall excellence in balance, head and movement.
2nd - CH Chorbeck Gossip Girl At Blackmine JW (Miss Tracey James & Mrs Michelle Render) Good, well balanced outline. Excellent coat and pelt. Moved well behind and round the ring.
3rd - Ravenside Calima (Mr M Lowry) blue bitch, longer cast and finer in bone.Well made shoulder, long rib, long loin. Nice head and expression, moved competently.
Res - Smalesmouth Skylark (Mrs J Roberts)
VHC - Ir CH Ploughdown Paloma (Mr E & Dr M Armstrong)
Special Beginners - Bitch
Entries: 4 Absentees: 2
1st - Nottorg Nostalgia JW ShCM (Mrs A Taylor) 3rd Yearlig
2nd - Otterpaws Lyin Eyes (Miss A M Dixon) 2nd MP
Veteran - Bitch
Entries: 7 Absentees: 2
5 quality bitches, showing just about the full range of type, all sound as a pound.
1st - Hollowmoor Casilva (Mrs A D Williams)10 yr old,. Up to size, but sound all through. Good , balanced outline, angulations correct. Head strong, keen eye and expression. Shown in a good quality, well prepared coat; has a good pelt. Sound and driving on the move.
2nd – Diamond Skys (Mrs N Anderson & Mrs A Howard) Opposite end of the size range, 13 + yrs old and still fit and sound. Only fault noted was a significant shortage of teeth (enough left to verify perfect jaw & bite) – a long, well lived life! Angulations perfect, moved true and covered her ground. Fit and agile.
3rd - Earthdog Kidnap (Mr D Pearson) Moving smoothly and accurately, perhaps a tad upright in shoulder, good coat, nice tail, looked good standing.
Res - Beaconpike In A Storm (Mr S & Mrs K Golding)
VHC - Carrickfarm Mika ShCM (Mrs V M Armstrong)
Special Dog or Bitch Holding a Working Certificate
Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - CIB CH FR/IT/CRO/SLO/RSM Stonechester Apostraphe Von Jrasamuyr MFH (Miss C Khatchikian) long cast bitch, deepish and narrow in rib. Moved OK, but without enthusiasm, better behind than in front. A slightly smaller outline, and relatively more bone would improve the picture; head could be stronger. Decent coat.
2nd - CIB CH FR/IT/CRO/SLO Stonechester Question Von Jrasamuyr MFH (Miss C Khatchikian) Very similar type (litter mates) so most of above applies. Moved with a bit more animation, but less accuracy.
Dave Fryer (Judge)
Yorks Lancs Cheshire BTC Open Show
Saturday 12th May 2018
Judge: Carolyn Richardson (Staynorwood)
Dogs 59 Entries 70
Best in Show: Brackenfell Rock the Boat for Vandamere
Best Puppy in Show: Brackenfell Rock the Boat for Vandamere
Best Opposite Sex in Show: Stineval Kordia
Reserve Best in Show: Stineval Kordia
Best Dog: Brackenfell Rock the Boat for Vandamere
Res Best Dog:Chorbeck Space Cowboy
Best Dog Pup: Brackenfell Rock the Boat for Vandamere
Best Bitch; Stineval Kordia
Res Best Bitch: Byrewick Valentine
Best Bitch Pup: Oxcroft Jessie
Best Veteran in Show: Stoneygin Mo Cuishle
Minor Puppy Dog:3
1: Northborders Marlon Brando
2: Dassett Last Waltz
3: Thornheswin New Beginning
Puppy Dog: 3 (1)
1: Brackenfell Rock the Boat for Vandamere
2: Billyboy Blue at Chevinor
Junior Dog: 3
1: Brackenfell Rock the Boat for Vandamere
2: Redlands Kardinal
3: Otterpaws Mountain High
Novice Dog: 3
1: Northborders Marlon Brando
2: Redfox Dusty
3: Borderstream Huntsman
Post Grad Dog:5 (1)
1: Chorbeck Space Cowboy
2: Tojamatt Rythym n'Blues at Raedwulf
3: Otterpaws Muninn
res: Lynsett Lewis
Limit Dog:4 (1)
1: Breckgreen Soldier Blue
2: Oxcroft Jethro
3: Borderstream Huntsman
Open Dog: 8 (2)
1: Carrock Carnegie
2: Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor SHCM
3: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW SHCM
res: Tyneaster Special Agent at Raedwulf
VHC: Blaisdon Bow Brilliant
Minor Puppy Bitch:1
1: Esyntona Codeword Vandamere
Puppy Bitch:2
1: Oxcroft Jessie
2: Redlands Fieldfare
Junior Bitch: 7 (2)
1: Keebank Snow Queen
2: Marsirdan Jemima Puddle
3: Picer Beth Chatto JW
res: Chorbeck Cosmic Girl
VHC: Nottorg Nostalgia
Novice Bitch:3 (1)
1: Marsirdan Jemima Puddle
2: Wadesleia lady Madonna Saxheath
Post Grad Bitch: 9 (4)
1: Stineval Kordia JW
2: Totherend Blue Jean Topsy
3: Stowthorney Clairvoyant
res: Chorbeck Angel Eyes
VHC: Wadesleia lady Madonna Saxheath
Limit Bitch: 7 ( 4)
1: Northborders Lady Mary
2: Blaisdon Step in Time
3: Otterpaws Firebird SHCM
Open Bitch: 3 (1)
1: Byrewick Valentine
2: Vallemoss Drama Queen via Saxheath
Special Beginners dog/bitch:5 (3)
1: Wings of Speed at Otterpaws
2: Redfox Dusty
Veteran Dog /Bitch: 4 (1)
1: Stoneygin Mo Cuishle
2: Ruelata Acrobat at Redfox
3: Vallemoss Drama Queen via Saxheath
The YLBTC Border Terrier Club Open Show held on Saturday 12 May 2018 Judge-Mrs C Richardson(STAYNORWOOD)
Many thanks to the Officers and Committee of the YLBTC for their kind invitation to judge their Open Show and the exhibitors for the sporting way they accepted my decisions. Thank you also to my Ring Stewards Ian Hopper and Bridget Singh. I was very pleased with my winners on the day.
Class 1 Minor Puppy Dog – 3 entries
1 Northborders Marlon Brando – Masculine dog, typical head with strong jaw, big teeth. Good reach of neck and shoulders, nice length of back and well angulated rear. Correct double jacket. Tail set on Ok. Moved confidently around the ring.
2 Dassett Last Waltz – Another nice young dog, head ok, good reach of neck and good shoulders. Harsh double jacket, moved ok.
Class 2 Puppy Dog – 3 entries 1 abs
1 Brackenfell Rock the Boat for Vandamere – Very smart young dog, Mature for his age. Strong head with good strong jaw and big teeth, flat skull and good neck and rib. Harsh double coat with loose pelt. Carrot tail set on well. Shown in fit condition. Moved confidently both ways,. BP BOB
2 Billyboy Blue at Chevinor – Nice baby, not a lot of coat today, moved ok.
Class 3 Junior Dog – 3 entries
1 Brackenfell Rock the Boat for Vandamere – as above
2 Rexlands Kardinal – Nice type of border. Correct otter head and ear placement, harsh double jacket, moved well.
Class 4 Novice Dog – 3 entries
1 Northborders Marlon Brando – as above
2 Redfox Dusty – Smaller type of dog than 1, head ok, correct bite. Shown in little coat today, unsettled on the move.
Class 5 Post Grad Dog – 5 entries 1 abs
1 Chorbeck Space Cowboy – Strong otter head, flat skull and strong muzzle. Correct bite. Good reach of neck and shoulders. Loose pelt and harsh double jacket. Ok for rib and length of back. Tail set on well. Moved out well.
2 Tojamatt Rhythm N'Blues at Raedwulf – Typical head and expression. Good earset and flat skull. Correct double coat. Good angulation, just preferred movement of 1.
Class 6 Limit Dog – 4 entries 1 abs
1 Breckgreen Soldier Blue -Ok for head. correct earset and strong jaw with big teeth. Good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, ok for length of back, easily spanned withgood rear angulation. Best of harsh jackets. Moved well.
2 Oxcroft Jethro – Typical head and straight front on this boy, good shoulders and neat feet. Correct length of rib. Easily spanned. Good rear angulation. Short carrot tail set on well. Moved ok.
Class 7 Open Dog – 8 entries 2 abs
1 Carrock Carneigie – Masculine Dog shown in fit condition. Typical head with strong muzzle and big teeth. Good reach of neck leading into correct shoulders and straight front. Harsh double Jacket. Moved out well both ways.
2 Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor – smaller type than 1. Smart dog in fit condition, narrow throughout. Good coat. Moved ok
Class 8 Minor Puppy Bitch – 1 entry
1 Esyntona Codeword Vandamere – Nice baby with correct head and earset. Harsh double jacket. Moved well for a youngster.
Class 9 Puppy bitch – 2 entries
1 Oxcroft Jessie – Lovely otter head of correct proportions, good earset. Narrow throughout, correct front. Coat of harsh texture just coming through. Strong loin enabling her to move well from behind, although a little unsettled at times.
2 Rexlands Fieldfare – Slightly heavier type than 1st but a nice, balanced type of bitch. Feminine head with good earset and dark eye. Good double coat and loose pelt. short carrot tail. Moved well.
Class 10 Junior Bitch 7 entries 2 abs
1 Keebank Snow Queen – Smart bitch, feminine head of correct proportions, flat skull and good earset. Nice reach of neck and correct shoulders, good front and length of rib. Easily spanned. Harsh jacket with loose pelt, moved well.
2 Marsirdan Jemima Puddle – Another very nice bitch. Typical head and good length of neck leading into well laid shoulders. Just preferred front of 1. Moved out well.
Class 11 Novice Bitch – 3 entries 1 abs
1 Marsirdan Jemima Puddle – as above
2 Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath – ok for head and shoulders. Narrow front, coat ok.shown in fit condition, moved well around the ring.
Class 12 Post Grad Bitch – 9 entries 4 abs 1 Stineval Kordia – Feminine head of correct proportions, strong jaw with big teeth, Good shoulders and front. Ok for rib and length of back. Strong loin enabling good drive from behind. Feet small with thick pads. Shown in fit condition. RBIS.
2 Totherend Blue Jean Topsy – Another nice bitch, typical head, not as narrow as 1, good length of rib and correct tail set on well. Moved well.
Class 13 Limit Bitch – 7 entries 4 abs
1 Northborders Lady Mary – Feminine head with neat ears and strong muzzle with large teeth. Good neck and shoulders. Straight front and cat like feet. Shown in fit condition, best of double jackets. Thick loose pelt. Moved with purpose around the ring.
2 Blaisdon Step in Time -Nice type of bitch, rangy. Good head, flat skull and dark eye. Good length of back. Front ok. Short on coat today. Moved well.
Class 14 Open Bitch – 3 entries 1 abs
1 Byrewick Valentine - Smart bitch shown in fit condition. Ok for head. Good earset and flat skull. Good reach of neck, narrow shoulders and straight front. Ribs carried well back and strong loin with good rear angulation. The best of harsh double coats and loose pelt. Moved well.
2 Vallemoss Drama Queen via Saxheath – Head ok. Correct double jacket. Easily spanned. Moved ok.
Class 15 Special Beginners Dog or Bitch – 5 entries 3 Abs
1 Wings of Speed at Otterpaws - Bitch shown in fit condition, correct head with flat skull and good ear placement. Good reach of neck and well placed shoulders, correct tail set on well, moved steadily around the ring.
2 Redfox Dusty – as above
Class 16 Veteran Dog or Bitch – 4 entries 1 abs
1 Stoneygin Mo Cuishle – 10 year old bitch shown in good condition. Typical head and expression, moved out well, enjoyed her day.
2 Ruelata Acrobat at Redfox – Typical head and ears. Tail ok. Moved ok. **********************************

Yorks Lancs Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
Sunday 4th Feb 2018
Judge: John Todd (Roxess)
Best in Show: Karison Krumble
Best Puppy in Show: Ridgebow Two Hoots
BOS, RBIS & Best Veteran: Grettacs the Wizard
Best Dog: Grettacs the Wizard
Res Best Dog: Stineval Poniac from Thornheswin
Best Dog Pup: Ridgebow Two Hoots
Best Bitch; Karison Krumble
Res Best Bitch: Ridgebow Rusty Rivet
Best Bitch Pup: Picer Beth Chatto
Minor Puppy Dog:6
1: Ridgebow Two Hoots
2: Brackenfell Rock the Boat for Vandermere
3: Borderstream Zodiac
Res; Billyboy Blue
VHC: Archie Reggies Boy
Puppy Dog:4 -1
1: Pherlas Mister Ed
2: Brackenfell Rock the Boat for Vandermere
3: Borderstream Zodiac
Junior Dog: 6-1
1: Bowencloud Busy Bee
2: Keebank Jack Frost
3: Tojamatt Rhythm N'Blues at Raedwulf
res: Terabyte Trick or Treat
VHC: Nitefox Tico by Cragsedge
Novice Dog: 3-2
1: Brackenfell Rock the Boat for Vandermere
Post Grad Dog:6 -3
1: Holdenelms Worth the Wait via Ycart
2: Lynsett Lewis
3: Brumberhill Breitling
Limit Dog: 4-1
1: Stineval Poniac from Thornheswin
2: Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chervinor ShCm
3: Tyneeaster Special Agent at Raedwulf
Open Dog: 4-1
1: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
2: Ch Karison Kosta
3: Oxcroft Jethrores: Ycart Earth Stopper
Minor Puppy Bitch:4 -1
1: Oxcroft Jessie
2: Ragatam Chit Chat
3: Darkarmar Echo of Love
Puppy Bitch:4 -1
1: Picer Beth Chatto
2: Fieldsearch Forward Cry
3: Darkarmar Echo of Love
Junior Bitch: 8-1
1: Nottorg Nostalgia
2: Borterra Ruby Tuesday
3: Stineval Kordia
res; Blaisdon Step In Time
VHC: Bowencloud The Bee Charmer
Novice Bitch: 7-0
1: Nottorg Nostalgia
2: Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath
3: Totherend Blue Jean Genie
res: Cragsedge Rocket Queen
VHC: Keebank Snow Queen
Post Grad Bitch:11-5
1: Karison Krumble
2: Picer Angelica to Nottorg ShCM
3: Raleniro New Roseres: Foxcraig Magic Diamond
VHC: Oxcroft Damson of Glenochy
Limit Bitch: 7-3
1: Ridgebow Rusty Rivet
2: Borderxpress Miss Potter
3: Stineval Malizia
res: Keebank Charlies Cracker
VHC: Foxcraig Touch of magic for Dexlin
Open Bitch:2 -1
1: Vallemoss Drama Queen via Saxheath
Special Beginners dog/bitch:9
1: Boretta Ruby Tuesday
2: Raleniro New Rose
3: Cragsedge Rocket Queen
res: Wings of Speed at Otterpaws
VHC: Nitefox Tico by Cragsedge
Veteran Dog /Bitch: 8-2
1: Grettacs the Wizard
2: Ch Blue TuTu via Ycart
3: Stbedehounds Frank In Sense of Raleniro
res: Seymours Bubble and Squeak for Raleniro
VHC: Vallemoss Drama Queen via Saxheath
CRITIQUE Yorkshire Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier
Club Open Show Sunday 4th February 2018
I would like to thank the club for the invitation to judge and the hospitality I received. Thanks also to my steward Mr Ian Hopper for his great assistance. Finally thank you to the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to go over their dogs. I really enjoyed my day. I was impressed with the quality of the majority of dogs present and although some were top size all placed dogs were easily spanned and had correct bite.. I felt overall movement was good, coats were variable some full and some lacking however in the run up to Crufts this is to be expected. The majority had good pelts which was pleasing. Mouths were generally good most with large teeth but I was disappointed to see many with dirty teeth.
MPD 6 (1A)
1st Duxbury's Ridgebow Two Hoots 8mth grizzle/tan dog in fit condition moved well both ways with drive from behind. Presented with a quality coat harsh and dense with excellent pelt. Head is strong in correct proportion with good strength and depth of muzzle. Ribs narrow and deep with a strong loin. He showed really well pleased to award him BPD & BPIS
2nd Pollit's Brackenfell Rock the Boat for Vandamere 8mth grizzle/tan dog has a good balanced head with keen expression. Good length of rib he moved out well straight and true. Preferred coat and top line of 1st.
PD 4 (1A)
1st Young & Peacocks Pherlas Mister Ed 10mths grizzle/tan dog strong head and jaw, he looked to be heavy in profile however hands on proved otherwise. He was in full coat with a harsh texture and a good pelt. He has good rib and loin.
2nd Pollit's Brackenfell Rock the Boat for Vandamere 3rd Borderstream Zodiac
JD 6 (1A)
1st Ruth's Bowencloud Busy Bee 16mth grizzle/tan dog well proportioned head with strong muzzle, dark eye, top line good with well set tail would prefer slightly longer neck. He moved well with good quarters, was presented in excellent coat.
2nd Russell & Maynard's Keebank Jack Frost 13mths grizzle/tan dog good head with depth and width of muzzle he moved well, was longer in loin than 1st he was a little short of coat and feet could have been tidier.
ND 3 (2A)
1st Pollit's Brackenfell Rock the Boat for Vandamere PGD 6 (3A) 1st Fraser & Butler's Holdenelms Worth the Wait via Ycart 20mths grizzle/tan dog presented in excellent firm condition. Good thick pelt with a tight harsh top coat. Very good in head with a strong lower jaw, deep well proportioned muzzle. Moved out well with drive pushed close for top honours.
2nd Armstrong's Lynsett Lewis 20mths blue/tan dog another in excellent condition with good coat good in neck, top line and tail set. Handled really well just preferred rear movement of 1st.
LD 4 (1A) There were 3 good dogs of different types in this class but all had their own merits and places could change on another day.
1st Dixon's Stineval Pontiac from Thornheswin grizzle/tan quality dog with good head and ear carriage, top line and tail set, he has good length of rib and strong loin. Moved well with good reach and drive. Coat in good condition with thick pelt. Showed really well RBD
2nd Metcalfe's Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor blue/tan dog has a nice balanced head, moved well both ways good length of rib. He has a tight harsh coat and was presented in good condition with firm muscle tone. Very close decision just preferred front of 1st.
OD 4 (0A)
1st Lorraine & Thomas's Raleniro Second Time Around grizzle/tan dog balanced head with good width and depth of muzzle. He is well constructed looks good in profile. He moved well with good reach and drive and had good muscle tone. Coat was almost there just lacked a little depth. He showed really well to head this good class.
2nd Johnson's Ch Karison Kosta grizzle/tan dog with quality right through. He has a good head was presented in good coat and firm condition. He is narrow throughout with an excellent front. He seemed very unsettled today which cost him the class.
MPB 4 (1A)
1st Price's Oxcroft Jessie 8mths grizzle/tan bitch feminine head which will improve with maturity. Smart in outline, good undercoat with harsh tight top coat which was just a little short of depth. Very narrow with good front and rib moved well.
2nd Peacock's Ragatam Chit Chat 7mths blue/tan bitch presented in full coat which was harsh and dense with good pelt. Strong head with keen expression, preferred rear movement of 1st.
PB 4 (1A)
1st Pickering's Picer Beth Chato 11mths grizzle/tan bitch a quality pup with a lovely feminine head of correct proportions. In excellent coat which was harsh and dense with thick pelt. She has good length of rib and strong loin, moved well with drive BPB RBPIS
2nd Harker's Fieldsearch Forward Cry 11mths grizzle/tan bitch nice head with good depth of muzzle. A little short in rib with longer loin. Coat was in good order with harsh top coat. Preferred movement of 1st.
JB 8 (1A)
1st Taylor's Nottorg Nostalgia 12mths grizzle/tan bitch quality bitch with good proportioned balanced head, narrow front, good top line and length of rib. She moved well with good stride and drive. Really liked this one and considered for top honours.
2nd Jones's Borterra Ruby Tuesday 13mths grizzle/tan bitch in good harsh coat with thick pelt, well balanced moved well both ways. Close decision preferred head and expression of 1st.
NB 7 (0A)
1st Taylor's Nottorg Nostalgia
2nd Heathcote's Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath grizzle/tan presented in fit hard condition, in good coat. Balanced head with good ear set dark eye with keen expression. Preferred movement of 1st.
PGB 11 (5A)
1st Johnson's Karison Krumble grizzle/tan top quality bitch with a lovely head strong but feminine with a keen expression. Very well presented in excellent coat, narrow throughout straight front with good neck and shoulders. Moved straight and true with good stride and drive. Really caught my eye and delighted to award her BB & BIS
2nd Taylor's Picer Angelica to Nottorg grizzle/tan well constructed bitch with a balanced head in correct proportion. Moved ok both ways. Lacking a little in coat today.
LB 7 (2A)
1st Duxbury's Ridgebow Rusty Rivet grizzle/tan presented in excellent coat, good length of rib , strong loin. Good quarters which she used well on the move to drive round the ring. Strong head with keen expression. Pleased to award to her RBB
2nd Wright's Borderxpress Miss Potter grizzle/tan nicely balanced head with good ear placement. Smart in outline with a tight harsh coat. Moved well straight and true, just preferred rib and depth of coat of 1st.
OB 2 (1A)
1st Heathcote's Vallemoss Drama Queen via Saxheath stood alone presented in good coat of dense harsh texture, head ok but lacks depth of muzzle, moved ok.
SBD/B 9 (0A)
1st Jones's Borterra Ruby Tuesday
2nd Lorraine's Raleniro New Rose blue/tan bitch was 3rd in a strong PG class, nicely balanced bitch with good construction, coat in good order harsh and dense with a quality pelt. Moved ok both ways just preferred the width & depth of muzzle of 1st.
VD/B 8 (2A)
1st Inness's Grettacs the Wizard grizzle/tan 8 year old dog who belied his age, he looked good in profile he is well constructed which showed in his movement which was straight and true with good drive. Balanced head with keen expression, presented in good firm condition, he was in good coat which was harsh and dense. Pleased to award him BV BD BOS & RBIS
2nd Fraser & Butler's Ch Blue Tutu via Ycart blue/tan bitch almost 12 years old balanced head with keen bright expression she was in firm muscled condition with a harsh tight coat. She moved out well both ways.
Judge John Todd (Roxess)