Joint BTC Champ show Hosted by YLC BTC
Joint Border Terrier Clubs Champ Show Sunday 6th May 12018 Judge: Melanie Lewis (Tonromel) Dogs: 177 + 10 NFC Entries: 201
Best in Show: OakYard Out N'About At Dassett
Best Puppy in Show: Ridgebow Two Hoots
Res best in Show : Ch.Stineval Napoleon JW
Best Opposite Sex : Oakyard On Song
Dog CC: Oakyard Out N'About T Dassett
Res Dog CC: Ch. Stineval Napoleon JW
Best Dog Puppy: Ridgebow Two Hoots
Bitch CC: Oakyard On Song Res
Bitch CC: Brankell Double Or Quits JW
Best Bitch Puppy: Glebeheath Fingers On Lips
Best Veteran: AM, CAN CH Cedarhill Beyond The Stars (re.import)
Minor Puppy Dog: 4 -0
1: Dasset Last Waltz
2: Northborders Marlon Brando
3: Thornheswin New Begining
Res: Kensteen Taff
Puppy Dog: 11 -2
1: Ridgebow Two Hoots
2: Brackenfell Rock The Boat For Vandamere
3: Brackenfell Born To Be Alive
Res: Ianteg Cream Cookie
VHC: Twigglestone Steps To Heven
Junior Dog: 8-0
1: Dandyhow Captain Morgan
2: Brackenfell Rock The Boat For Vandamere
3: Brackenfell Born To Be Alive
Res: Otterpaws Mountain High
VHC: Onthill Solomon's Seal
Yearling Dog: 6-2
1: Fieldseach Firecracker
2: Bowencloud Busy Bee JW
3: Remony For A'That
Res: Fieldsearch Jump Jack Flash
Novice Dog: 4-0
1: Brackenfell Born To Be Alive
2: Northborders Marlon Brando
3: Jrasamuyr Campbell Black
Res: Adrival Midnight Rebel
Graduate Dog:2-0
1: Tarkaswell Smart Move To Otterwood
2: Remony For A'That
Post Graduate Dog:9-2
1: Otterpaws Muninn
2: Karison Kustard
3: Chorbeck Space Cowboy JW
Res: Tyneaster Undercover Agent For Vandamere
VHC: Glenbucket Whiskey Mac
Mid Limit Dog:5 -0
1: Oakyard Out N'About At Dassett
2: Mysulan Going Solo JW
3: Howethwaite In Voice
Res: Rhozzum Gwilym
VHC: Breckgreen Soldier Blue
Limit Dog:16 -0
1: Hawcoat Mr Fixit
2: Dandyhow Friendly Fire At Chevinor ShCm
3: Lairhope Highland Chief Of Tweedburn
Res: Loughaugh Linx To Grindlewald
VHC: Stowthorney Mr Tickle JW
Open Dog: 12 -6
1: Ch. Stineval Napoleon JW
2: Ch Ballieswells Glengyle at Glebeheath
3: Howthwaite Grainsgill
Res: Ch. Karison Kosta
VHC: Flutorum Artful Dodger
Veteran Dog :6 -1
1: Ch./AM, Can Ch. Cedarhill Beyond The Stars JW Re-Import
2: Ch. Cobstoneway River Magic JW ShCm
3: Beaconpike Red Saturn
Res: Ch. Lairhope Lord Of The Glen At Tweedburn
VHC: Onthill Super Trooper
Special Working Dog or Bitch :
1: European Ch Stonechester Apostrophe Von Jrasamuyr
2: European Ch Stonechester Question Von Jrasamuyr
Minor Puppy Bitch:5 -3
1: Beaconpike River Sky
2: Kensteen Towy
Puppy Bitch:12 -4
1: Glebeheath Fingers On Lips
2: Glebeheath Fingers Crossed For Ottaswell
3: Badgerbeck Tiny Dancer At Blubabel
Res: Venery Moonlight Shadow VHC: Crazy Train And I Love Her
Junior Bitch:15 -1
1: Ravenside Calima
2: Onthill Crystal Rock
3: Glebeheath Finger Licking
Res: Picer Beth Chatto JW
VHC: Nottorg Nostalgia
Yearling Bitch : 13 -3
1: Oakyard On Song
2: Mansergh Paint By Numbers
3: Stineval Kordia JW
Res: Merumhor Blue Jasmine
VHC: Chorbeck Angel Eyes
Novice Bitch:12 -2
1: Mansergh Brush And Palette
2: Glebeheath Fingers On Lips
3: Glebeheath Fingers Crossed For Ottaswell
Res: Beaconpike Rivers Sky
VHC: Lockhaugh Twix At Bevmar
Graduate Bitch: 3-0
1: Mansergh Paint By Numbers
2: Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath
3: Otterwood Domina Candesco
Post Graduate Bitch:12 -4
1: Hartleycoop Sula By Onthill
2: Foxfactor Fancy Free
3: Totherend Blue Jean Topsy
Res: Carrickfarm Mara
VHC: Wadeslia Madonna Saxheath
Mid Limit Bitch:13 -4
1: Glebeheath Maiden Name At Oakyard
2: Ridgebow Pendleton Witch
3: Foxpaw Revelation JW
Res: Karison Krumble
VHC: Howthwaite Gold Dust
Limit Bitch:8 -2
1: Cobstoneway Love Song JW ShCm
2: Sulan Strictly Blues Dancin’
3: Comberdown Stitch
Res: Irton Scotch Mist
VHC: Remony Frosted Ivy JW ShCm
Open Bitch: 14 -2
1: Brankell Double Or Quits
2: Benattivo Fire Flower JW
3: Ch. Otterbobs Xolana
Res: Ch. Tarkeswell Double Agent J W ShCm
VHC: IR Ch. Ploughdown Paloma
Veteran Bitch: 8-1
1: Beaconpike Nightsky At Brackenfell
2: Beaconpike In A Storm
3: Int Am Ch./Can Ch. Sulan Fancy Free
Res: Carrickfarm Mika ShCm
VHC:Ch. Howthwaite In Violet
6th May 2018
Thank you to the Officers and Committee of the Yorks. Lancs. and Cheshire BTC (the host Club for this year) for the invitation to officiate at the Joint BTCs Championship Show and to my two Stewards, Graham Richardson and Bridget Singh, for their invaluable help and assistance on the day. Thank you to the exhibitors for giving me a super entry for the breed of 187 exhibits (includes 10 NFC) making 201 entries, for the privilege of allowing me to judge your dogs and also for the sporting manner in which my decisions were accepted.
The standard in both sexes was pleasing and in some classes there were some strong contenders. There were some very nice youngsters which I thought looked most promising and feel sure will go on to have a bright future. Size of some of the exhibits was rather concerning, although from ringside they may have looked in proportion, hands on they were just far too big.
Front movement continues to be of concern but today there was also some poor rear movement. Heads and Mouths were on the whole good with just one or two with incorrect dentition or a missing tooth. Noticeably some exhibits were quite heavy in ear which detracts from the typical border look. Coats were variable, feet on the majority were good, being firmly padded. All males were entire and the temperaments displayed by the exhibits whilst going over them was good, although I was conscious of a few outside of the ring being rather vocal, especially when other dogs and their handlers passed by.
1 Spafford's Dassett Last Waltz In proportion for age, well presented in a harsh coat with a good pelt and good topline, moved soundly and with such confidence for one so young, good bone and neat feet.
2 North's Northborders Marlon Brando a taller dog with a good jacket and pelt. Head is in proportion but he is a tad heavy in ear, moved well behind but needs to tighten slightly in front, good topline.
3 Boyd's Thorneheswin New Beginning b & t with good jacket and nice front. A shade heavy in ear, he has good expression with good mouth and was very attentive to his handler. Good length of body with racy hindquarters, he has small feet with firm pads. Just needs to settle on the move.
PUPPY DOG: 11 (1)
1 Duxbury's Ridgebow Two Hoots has a strong head with neat ears, good eye and keen expression. Well muscled, he was shown in the correct jacket, spanned with ease and has a super pelt, good tail and tailset. He moved well on his firmly padded neat feet. I was pleased to award him BPD and Best Puppy In Show.
2 Pollit's Brackenfell Rock The Boat For Vandamere has a good head, strong muzzle and is well proportioned. Good front movement but a shade close behind at times. Nicely presented and handled he spanned well and had a new jacket of good texture, but couldn't match the topline or tailset of the winner.
3 Single's Brackenfell Born To Be Alive not much to choose between this one and the 2nd placed dog and I see that they are full litter siblings. Good head and strength of muzzle, spanned easily, he has a good pelt and moved out steadily on good feet. I preferred his topline but 2nd scored for showmanship and coat.
1 Irving's Dandyhow Captain Morgan Just out of puppy he is nice for size. Well proportioned, he has a good head with keen expression, narrow front, good shoulder and well ribbed back. Easy to span he has nice free movement, a good topline and tailset. Just right for bone he has tight firmly padded feet.
2 Brackenfell Rock The Boat For Vandamere (2nd in Puppy)
3 Brackenfell Born To Be Alive (3rd in Puppy).
1 Pearson and Towers' Fieldsearch Firecracker a taller dog, has a masculine head with nice dark points, good jaw and strong teeth, narrow front, well ribbed back he had the harshest of jackets, racy hindquarters and stands on good feet. He moved with purpose and looked good in profile.
2 Ruth's Bowencloud Busy Bee JW a lot of similarities between these two dogs and I note that they share the same sire. An upstanding dog who was presented in excellent condition. Has a strong head and jaw, large teeth, narrow front and is well proportioned throughout. He was in a good jacket and retained his topline on the move, just needs to tighten slightly in front.
3 Gregory's Remony For A' That does not have the strength of head as the first two, has a good jaw and correct bite. Lovely straight front with good length of body, racy in hindquarters with good firm feet, moved soundly.
1 Brackenfell Born To Be Alive (3rd in Puppy and Junior)
2 North's Northborders Marlon Brando (2nd in Minor Puppy).
3 Khatchikian's Jrasamuyr Campbell Black unplaced in the puppy class, a b & t of a lighter build. Not as strong in head, good mouth, narrow front and racy quarters. Moved steadily, being better in front than behind, easily spanned.
1 Hollingsbee's Tarkaswell Smart Move To Otterwood a bit full of himself on the table initially but soon settled. Rather a nice dog who appealed for size. Good head, neat ears, keen expression and good mouth. Nice reach of neck with good shoulder placement, well ribbed back he has good bone. Easily spanned with a good jacket, pliable pelt and firm topline. Good rear angulation but moving he was a tad loose in front.
2.Remony For A' That (3rd in Yearling).
1 Birrel's Otterpaws Muninn well balanced with good head and expression, large teeth set in a strong jaw, proportioned bodylines, spans with ease and presented in a good jacket. He moved with accuracy retaining his topline. His sound movement securing his placing today.
2 Johnson's Karison Kustard a smaller dog with a lovely head and expression, good length of neck and body proportions. Moved steadily on his firmly padded feet but today could not match the movement or jacket of the winner.
3 Haughton's Chorbeck Space Cowboy JW an eye catching red dog who was more up on the leg and is quite strong in build. He has a moderately broad skull, good strength of muzzle and correct bite but is a shade heavy in ear. Good bodylines and well angulated quarters which he used to advantage when moving.
1 Spafford's Oakyard Out N'about At Dassett Almost two years old he has a pleasing otter shaped head with a keen expression and a powerful jaw with strong teeth, nice reach of neck and shoulder placement and was well ribbed back. His double jacket was of good texture covering a pliable pelt and he spanned with ease. He is very well balanced which was demonstrated by his lovely free movement as he strode around the ring on his neat firmly padded feet. His firm topline and nicely shaped tail completing the picture. I was delighted to award him the Dog CC, his second I understand, and also the ultimate award of Best In Show.
2 Baxter's Mysulan Going Solo JW this b & t was very well balanced, has a good head, correct bite, nice reach of neck and is narrow throughout. Good topline and tailset with a lovely shaped tail. He moved with drive from his well muscled racy hind quarters. Scored for size over 3rd.
3 Barrett's Howthwaite in Voice is of a lighter build and more up on the leg. Good jaw and strong teeth, keen eye and expression, but lacks face furnishings which makes him look plainer in head. Well presented and handled, narrow front, good shoulders and well ribbed back. Underneath his correct double jacket was a good pelt. Moved well.
LIMIT DOG: 16 (4)
1 Larner's Hawcoat Mr Fixit a lovely headed b & t dog, good expression, strong jaw and big teeth. excellent reach of neck, good shoulders and well ribbed back. He had a jacket of harsh texture and so good for colour, covering a fantastic pelt. Not a small dog, but has well proportioned body lines with good angulation and covered the ground so well with his sound free movement.
2 Metcalfe's Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor ShCM a well constructed dog , he has a good head and expression with short muzzle and strong jaw with correct bite. Presented in an excellent jacket, he was easy to span, but today he was a little lethargic. Sound on the move but lacked the showmanship of the winner.
3 Archibald's Lairehope Highland Chief Of Tweedburn a dog with very typical head and expression, nicely proportioned bodylines, straight front, well ribbed and easy to span. Moved steadily retaining his topline. I would have just liked to see a little more verve.
OPEN DOG: 12 (6)
1 Horner's Ch Stineval Napoleon JW he has very good body proportions and is of a handy size. Lovely shaped head, good eye, strong muzzle with good bite and a fervent expression. Harsh in jacket he spans easily and has good thick skin. He strode around the ring with such presence covering the ground well with his free movement to secure this class, the Reserve DCC and Reserve BIS.
2 Guvercin's Ch Baillieswells Glengyle At Glebeheath JW good head with dark eye and keen expression. Well proportioned bodylines, good for bone and has a nice reach of neck. Presented in a good jacket, he was well handled, but today he was a bit lethargic and not moving so positive in front. He has a good topline and a thick tail which he has a tendency to hold to the side when moving, nice for size.
3 Barrett's Howthwaite Grainsgill more up on the leg, he is well balanced, typical in head with neat ears, dark eyes and strong jaw. Well ribbed back he had a good jacket, loose pelt and was easy to span. Moved well on his well padded feet whilst retaining his topline.
1 Dean's Ch/Am. & Can. Ch. Cedarhill Beyond the Stars JW (Re-Import) He certainly doesn't look his 8 years. So typical with a nice head and strong jaw, good neck and shoulders with nicely proportioned body lines. Good topline and tailset. He could certainly show some of the younger dogs how to move which he demonstrated with such accuracy and drive. A worthy champion who I was pleased to award Best Veteran In Show.
2 Spencer's Ch Cobstoneway River Magic JW ShCM just over 8 1/2 years old, another worthy champion who belies his age and is so fit and well balanced. Strong head with good expression and a good jaw. Very well proportioned he has a firm topline and well muscled racy quarters. Well handled, he was presented in a new jacket which was good but could not match that of the winner.
3 Golding's Beaconpike Red Saturn 8 years old and extremely fit, this dog is narrow throughout and so nice for size. Masculine head and dark eye, has a strong jaw and a real varminty expression. Built on good bodylines he had a thick harsh double jacket, the most pliable of pelts, good rib and strong loin. Easily spanned, he is well angulated and moved with drive.
1 Khatchikian's CIB Ch Fr/It/Cro/Slo Stonechester Question Von Jrasamuyr MFH a dog who is up to size and a shade wide in front, he has a masculine head, strong muzzle and good mouth. Very deep in body he has well angulated quarters and good muscle but was not easy to span. He moved better behind than in front.
2 Khatchikian's CIB Ch Fr/It/Cro/Slo/Rsm Stonechester Apostraphe Von Jrasamuyr MFH a bitch who was better for size with a reasonable head and longer in muzzle, has a good mouth and correct bite. She had sufficient bone but was only just spannable. I preferred the topline and tailset of 1.
1 Golding's Beaconpike River Sky a lovely 8 months old puppy, shown in a full double jacket and of a nice breed type. Nicely proportioned head for age with lovely dark eye, good strength of muzzle and excellent bite. Narrow and balanced with good ribs she spanned easily. Nicely angulated quarters, she moved soundly for one so young.
2 Grice and Dodd's Kensteen Towy, was shown in a full jacket which was just passing its best. Almost 8 months old, she had a nice head with a good flat skull and lovely dark points, but is a tad heavy in ear. Good strength of jaw with correct bite, she has well proportioned bodylines and sufficient bone. Moved steadily but needs to slightly tighten in front.
1 Guvercin's Glebeheath Fingers On Lips, very pleasing head, good reach of neck and well proportioned bodylines. Good topline and tailset with racy hindquarters, and has very good feet. Presented in an excellent jacket, her lovely free movement secured her placing. BPB and Reserve BPIS.
2.Hunt's Glebeheath Fingers Crossed For Ottaswell a full litter sister to 1st who is longer cast and was not quite as balanced as she looked to be in the middle of a growth spurt. She has a pleasing head, good eye, straight front, correct jacket and has very neat feet. I preferred the topline and tailset of 1st.
3 Yates' Badgerbeck Tiny Dancer At Bluebabel a b & t who is very typical and good for size, moved well and was presented in a good jacket over a thick pelt, lovely bone and feet.
1 Lowry's Ravenside Calima 16 months old, well presented and is very typical. Lovely shaped head with good jaw and teeth. Her neck was of a moderate length and flowed into her well placed shoulders. Well ribbed back with a good topline and tailset. She had a good jacket of excellent b & t colour. Good front and rear angulation which she demonstrated by her lovely free action as she strode around the ring on very good feet. Lovely for size, she spanned with ease.
2 Ramus' Onthill Crystal Rock just out of puppy, a taller bitch who had a good head and expression, narrow front and well proportioned bodylines with good feet. Presented in a harsh jacket, spanned easily and has a level topline. Moved better in front than behind where she still needs to tone up slightly in muscle.
3 Guvercin's Glebeheath Finger Lickin a full litter sister to 1st and 2nd in the Puppy class. Very balanced and well presented. Typical otter shaped head with nice face furnishings, keen eye, good expression, well proportioned bodylines with everything just right for her age. Lovely topline and tailset and shape of tail. Moved steadily.
1.Parry's Oakyard On Song JW Oakyard On Song JW just coming up to 2 years of age this bitch really appealed and is so typical. She has a lovely feminine head complemented with dark points, good expression, correct mouth. Her nice reach of neck flowed into good shoulders with well carried rib and has a nice topline with well angulated hindquarters. Presented in an excellent jacket she moved effortlessly and looked super in profile. I was somewhat astounded to find out after I had awarded her the Bitch CC that she was in fact a full litter sister to my DCC winner. She was also awarded Best Opposite Sex.
2 Roslin-Williams' Mansergh Paint By Numbers almost 2 years old she appealed for size and was not overdone in any way. She has a nice head with neat ears, keen expression and good mouth. Moderate reach of neck with good shoulder placement, nicely ribbed back and has good bone. Easily spanned, she had a good jacket and pliable pelt. Moved well on her small well padded feet whilst retaining her lovely topline. Not quite as mature yet as the winner.
3 Horner's Stineval Kordia JW lovely for type and size, has a nice head, neat ears, dark eyes and a varminty expression, Strong jaw with correct bite and good teeth. excellent length of body, with nice rib and is well angulated. Moved out well holding her topline, she has a good tailset and very good feet.
1 Roslin-Williams' Mansergh Brush And Palette almost 2 years old she is I note a full litter sister to the second in Yearling and winner of the Graduate Bitch class with similar comments applying. Straight front and narrow throughout she had a good jacket, appeals for size and is well proportioned. Moved positively using her racy hindquarters to advantage.
2 Glebeheath Fingers On Lips (1st Puppy)
3 Glebeheath Fingers Crossed For Ottaswell (2nd Puppy).
1 Mansergh Paint By Numbers (2nd Yearling)
2 Heathcote's Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath balanced with a feminine head, neat ears, dark eye and keen expression. Good length of back with racy hindquarters, good bone and feet but could not match the movement or jacket of 1st, but scored for size over 3rd.
3 Hollingsbee's Otterwood Domina Candesco JW not a small bitch, is quite rangy and with enough bone. Strong in head with good ears, mouth and expression. Good neck, shoulders and ribs, was well presented and handled to advantage. Moved soundly.
1 Ramus' Hartleycoop Sula By Onthill an eye catching bitch with a nicely shaped skull, keen eye, nice expression and good mouth. Good reach of neck, narrow front and good shoulder placement. Well ribbed back she has sufficient bone, good racy quarters and good feet. Presented in a very fit condition, she strode out well with her sound free movement securing her placing.
2 Stockley's Foxfactor Fancy Free, lovely for size, feminine head, good eye and keen expression. Narrow straight front, good shoulder placement, ribs carried well back with racy quarters . Nice for bone, she has firmly padded feet, good coat and pelt, spans with ease and moved well.
3 Wright's Totherend Blue Jean Topsy good head, eye and expression on this b & t but just a tad heavy in ear, nice reach of neck and balanced throughout with well angulated quarters and good feet. Good jacket and pelt, was easy to span and has a nice topline and tailset. Moved soundly albeit at times a shade wide behind.
1 Parry's Glebeheath Maiden Name At Oakyard, the dam of both of my CC winners. Feminine head, with dark eye and keen expression, Good muzzle, strong jaw and correct bite. Balanced and nice for size with good shoulder placement and ribs. Well presented, she looked good in profile moving out soundly on her very neat feet.
2 Duxbury's Ridgebow Pendle Witch a b & t who had a slightly fuller coat but still of a good texture. Excellent head and expression, with a good reach of neck, narrow in front, well ribbed back with a firm topline and correct tailset. Correct size and good for bone she moved and showed with an abundance of vigour.
3 Fulker's Foxpaw Revelation JW appealed for type. Lovely shaped head with dark points and keen expression. Narrow throughout, she has everything in proportion and is well balanced, Good coat and topline, she spanned with ease and has good rear angulation. She has a lot of ring presence and moved out soundly on her small neat feet.
1 Stevens' Cobstoneway Love Song JW ShCM a well constructed bitch of a nice size with a lovely head, strong muzzle, and correct bite. Moderate reach of neck, clean shoulders and good rib, she had a good jacket and pelt and was spannable. She moved well in the class, retaining her topline and has neat feet. In the challenge she was a little lethargic and although she kept her good front action she moved a shade close behind.
2 Baxter's Sulan Strictly Blues Dancin' a well presented b & t with a good head and strong muzzle and correct mouth. Straight and narrow in front with a good neck and well proportioned bodylines, good tailset and racy quarters, she moved enthusiastically covering the ground well on her firmly padded feet, whilst retaining her topline.
3 Higham's Comberdown Stitch has a strong but feminine head, good strength of jaw and correct bite. Narrow front, built on good bodylines with racy hindquarters. Nice for bone, she has a firm topline and a well set tail which she carries correctly. Today she was short of coat although there was sufficient evidence of texture. Moved soundly on her very neat small feet.
OPEN BITCH: 14 (3)
1 Brannan's and Kelly's Brankell Double Or Quits JW a well presented g & t bitch with a feminine head, keen expression and strong short muzzle. Nice reach of neck with excellent lay of shoulder and lovely body proportions with good bone. Well ribbed back and easily spanned, she had a jacket of good texture and good pelt. Good topline with a nicely shaped short tail. She moved with accuracy in front and with drive from behind from her well angulated racy hindquarters to secure her placing. Reserve BCC.
2 Girling's Benattivo Fire Flower JW very typical and well presented, she was close up on 1. Excellent head and expression, with a good strength of jaw and correct bite. Well proportioned throughout she had a good jacket and pelt, nice tailset and spanned with ease. Lovely for size, she has a good reach of neck and firm topline and moved with drive from her racy hindquarters.
3 Gilpin's Ch Otterbobs Xolana lovely for type and well presented, feminine head, good expression, keen eye and good strength of muzzle. She is well proportioned throughout with a level topline and good tailset. Her coat was of a good texture, her pelt pliable and was easily spanned. She has firmly padded feet and is correct for bone. Moved well.
1 Hall and Ellis' Beaconpike Night Sky At Brackenfell 8 years old and extremely fit, easy to span and was well presented in a good jacket. Nice head and strong muzzle with correct bite, balanced body proportions, and a firm topline. Moved with drive and enthusiasm to secure her place in this lovely class of Veterans.
2 Golding's Beaconpike In A Storm a full litter sister to 1 and similar comments apply. Presented in a very fit condition, good double jacket, narrow with well proportioned bodylines, she spans with ease. Moved well.
3 Baxter's Int/Am/Can. Ch Sulan Fancy That 11 years old and certainly belies her age with her very fit condition and sound movement. Nice head and expression, good jacket of the correct texture, pliable pelt and easily spanned. Good shoulder placement and length of back with nice tail set.
Melanie Lewis (Judge)