YLC BTC January 25th Open Show

Mr Bob Blackley (Vaevictus)
Entries: 49 Dogs making 60 Entries 1 NFC
BIS: Ridgebow Pendle Witch
Reserve Best In Show: Bardenfox Queen of the Road
Best Opposite Sex: Valicetarn Blue Cosmos at Beaconpike
Best Puppy: Valicetarn Blue Cosmos at Beaconpike
Best Dog: Valicetarn Blue Cosmos at Beaconpike
Reserve Best Dog: Ridgebow Two Hoots
Best Puppy - Dog: Valicetarn Blue Cosmos at Beaconpike
Best Bitch: Ridgebow Pendle Witch
Reserve Best Bitch: Bardenfox Queen of the Road
Best Puppy - Bitch: Foxwater House Of Jazz
Minor Puppy Dog : 4-0
1st - Valicetarn Blue Cosmos at Beaconpike ( Golding)
2nd - Glen Mara Oh Viedo At Kersfell ( Sneddon)
3rd Master Mufasad ( Clay)
Res - Weststar Lone Ranger ( Swain)
Puppy Dog 2-0
1st - Glen Mara Oh Viedo At Kersfell ( Sneddon)
2nd - Cedarhill Melt In The Mouth ( Dean).
Junior Dog 1-0
1st - Mysulan Easy Ryder ( Jepson)
Novice Dog 1-0
1st - Glen Mara Oh Viedo At Kersfell
Post Graduate Dog 5-1
1st - Borderstream Zodiak ( Ward)
2nd - Mysulan Easy Ryder
3rd - Billyboy Blue At Chevinor ( Metcalfe)
Res - Kensteen Boogie Nights ( Ryan)
Limit Dog
1st - Tarkaswell Smart Move To Otterwood ( Hollingsbee)
2nd -Borderstream Zodiak
3rd - Oxcroft Jethro ( Price)
Res- mySulan Easy Rider
Open Dog 6 - 3
1st - Ridgebow Two Hoots ( Duxbury)
2nd - Tarkaswell Smart Move To Otterwood (Hollingsbee)
3rd - Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor ShCM ( Metcalfe)
Minor Puppy Bitch 2-0
1st - Foxwater House Of Jazz ( Spence)
2nd - Glenorchy Reiver ( Davies)
Puppy Bitch 2-0
1st - Karison Koprosma At Staynorwood ( Richardson)
2nd - Picer Martha Logen (Pickering)
Junior Bitch 6-2
1st - Bardenfox Queen of the Road ( Broomhead)
2nd - Goxfell Reivers Rose (Stamp & Joyce)
3rd - Bardenfox Princess Of Dene (Charnock)
Res - Otterwood Diodem ( Hollingsbee)
Novice Bitch no entries
Post Graduate Bitch . 5-2
1st - Brackenfell Double Dutch At Foxwater (Spence)
2nd - Nottorg Nostalgia JW ShCM ( Taylor)
3rd - Borderstream Maisey ( Ward)
Limit Bitch . 11-2
1st - Ridgebow Pendle Witch ( Duxbury)
2nd - Marsirdan Jemima Puddle ( Service)
3rd - Beaconpike Venus ( Golding)
Res - Bardenfox Tale as Old as Time ( Broomhead)
VHC - Carrock Caelan ( Fawcett)
Open Bitch 2-1
1st - Ridgebow Rusty Rivet (Duxbury)
Special Beginners Dog or Bitch 4-1
1st- Goxfell Reiver Rose
2nd -Borderstream Zodiak
3rd -Dymanti Roman Warrior at Nottorg ShCm
Veteran Dog or Bitch 4-0
1st - Beaconpike Red Saturn (Golding)
2nd - Stoneygin Mo Cuishle ( Rayner)
3rd - Vallemoss Drama Queen via Saxheath ( Heathcote)
Res - Dymanti Roman Warrior at Nottorg ShCM
YLC BTC OPEN SHOW 20th April 2019

Judge Graham Richardson (Staynorwood)
Best In Show: Cedarhill Ghost Writer JW
Best Puppy - Dog: Northborders Footman
Reserve Best In Show: Brackenfell Rock The Boat For Vandamere JW
Best Opposite Sex: Sulan Strictly Blues Dancin'
Best Dog: Cedarhill Ghost Writer JW
Reserve Best Dog: Brackenfell Rock The Boat For Vandamere JW
Best Bitch: Sulan Strictly Blues Dancin'
Reserve Best Bitch: Foxcraig Magic Diamond
Best Puppy - Bitch: Foxfactor Fire Cracker
Best Veteran: Int/Am/Can CH Sulan Fancy That
Minor Puppy Dog
1st:Norths-Northborders Footman
2nd: Houghtons-Chorbeck Strike A Pose
Puppy Dog
1st: Swinns, Weststar Lone Ranger
2nd: Houghtons, Chorbeck Move To The Music
Junior Dog
1st: Deans, Cedarhill Melt In The Mouth
Novice Dog
1st : Northborders Footman
2nd :Marrs, Redfox Dusty
Post Graduate Dog
1st: Pollitts Brackenfell Rock The Boat For Vandamere JW RBIS
Limit Dog
1st: Fraser & Butlers, Holdenelms Worth The Wait Via Ycart
2nd: Norths, Northborders Marlon Brando JW
Open Dog
1st: Flemings Cedarhill Ghost Writer JW
2nd: Baxters Mysulan Going Solo JW
3rd: Atkinson,Tojamatt Rhythm N'blues at Raedwulf
Res: Fletchers Wadesleia Mr Herriot
VHC Metcalfe's Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor ShCM
Minor Puppy Bitch
1st: Flemings Brankell Countdown
2nd; Fawcetts Carrock Curiosity
3rd: Willmitts Goldenmill Harvest Fantasy
Res :Thomas & Thomas , Blaisdon Step Above
Puppy Bitch
1st Stockleys Foxfactor Fire Cracker
2nd: Smiths - Azurelle Wisteria Pixie
Junior Bitch
1st : Baxters Mysulan Go Easy
2nd: Broomheads Bardenfox Queen of the Road
3rd: Fraser & Butlers Ycart Hunts Bays N Stays
Res: Dixons Otterpaws Lyin Eyes
VHC: Hollingbee's Otterwood Diodem JW
Novice Bitch
1st : Foxfactor Fire Cracker
2nd : Azurelle Wisteria Pixie
Post Graduate Bitch
1st Hollingsbee's Otterwood Domina Candesco JW
2nd: Fletchers Wadesleia Dear Prudence
3rd : Heathcotes Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath
Limit Bitch
1st :Baxters Sulan Strictly Blues Dancin'
2nd : Dixon's Foxcraig Magic Diamond
3rd : Stockleys Foxfactor Fancy Free
Open Bitch . All Absent
Special Beginners Dog or Bitch
1st :Dixons Otterpaws Lyin Eyes
2nd :Metcalfe Billyboy Blue At Chevinor
3rd Azurelle Wisteria Pixie
Res - Redfox Dusty
Veteran Dog or Bitch
1st Baxters,Int/Am/Can Ch Sulan Fancy That
2nd Marr's Ruelata Acrobat At Redfox
3rd: Heathcotes Vallemoss Drama Queen via Saxheath
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show 20/4/2019
Judge: Mr Graham Richardson (Staynorwood)
I would like to thank the Officers and Committee for inviting me to judge their Open Show and also the sporting way in which the exhibitors accepted my decisions. Also thank you to my stewards Anna Duxbury and Bridget Singh for keeping the ring moving smoothly throughout the day. Most exhibits were shown in a fit condition although there were one or two that were a little over weight and nervous on the day.
Minor Puppy - Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - Northborders Footman (Miss J North Smart 8 month old ,withh otter head with correct scissor bite good, Nice length of neck leading into well laid shoulders. Spannable.Narrow straight front ,good length of rib with well angulted rear, Double jacket with loose pelt. Well set on tail.Moved out well. Pleased to award him B.P.I.S.
2nd - Chorbeck Strike A Pose (Mrs H Haughton) 6 Month old, Narrow throughout, good shoulders with a narrow front. Spannable, good harsh coat and thick pelt, moved well.
Puppy - Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st - Weststar Lone Ranger (Mrs C Swain) 10 month old with typical otterhead, correct scissor bite good length of neck with well laid shoulders narrow throughout. Harsh double coat with thick loose pelt , well angulated rear, good tail set which was carried well on the move.
2nd - Chorbeck Move To The Music (Mrs H Haughton) 6 month old with straight narrow front,good shoulders ,spannable with good length of rib ,short on coat today. A little unsettled on the move which should settle with maturity.
Junior - Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st - Cedarhill Melt In The Mouth (Mrs C Dean) Smart looking young dog with a typical otterhead,strong jaw with big teeth. Good length of back, narrow in front .spannable, correct double coat with thick pelt. Tail set on well and carried well. Good rear angulation, strode out well around the ring.
Novice - Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - Northborders Footman (Miss J North) See M.P.D,
2nd - Redfox Dusty (Mr & Mrs D B Marr). 3 Year old a bit shorter and heavier than 1st place , thick coat , short carrot tail , unsettled on the move
Post Graduate - Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st - Brackenfell Rock The Boat For Vandamere JW (Mr S Pollit) 23 month old balanced dog. Strong otter head with scissor bite, big teeth. Narrow throughout ,harsh double jacket with thick pelt. Good length of rib, well angulated and muscled rear . Moved with ease. Pleased to award him R.B.I.S.
Limit - Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - Holdenelms Worth The Wait Via Ycart (Mr K K Fraser & Mrs T J Butler) Smart looking, balanced 2yr old with good otterhead and scissor bite , Straight narrow front with well placed shoulders.Shown in good harsh double coat ,moved well around the ring.Considered for top awards
2nd - Northborders Marlon Brando JW (Miss J North) Second smart dog in this class with a good otterhead with neat ears and correct bite Good length of neck leading into well laid shoulders. Narrow throughout and good tail set . Moved with ease around the ring. Could easily swap places with 1st on another day.
Open - Dog Entries: 7 Absentees: 1
1st - Cedarhill Ghost Writer JWg (Mrs M Fleming). Balanced, 3 yr old shown in correct double coat . Lovely masculine otterhead with good bite.Narrow spannable and good length of rib, with well angulated rear. Tail well set on and carried well on the move ,moved with ease around the ring. Pleased to award him B.I.S.
2nd - Mysulan Going Solo JW (Mrs S J Baxter) Blue and tan with correct otterhead ,shown in harsh coat.Spannable. Level top line with carrot tail ,moved out well.
Minor Puppy - Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st - Brankell Countdown (Mrs M Fleming) .6 mth old pup balanced and in proportion , narrow straight front ,good length of neck and rib correctly angulated rear, moved with ease.
2nd - Carrock Curiosity (Ms J Fawcett) 7 month old, narrow throughout. Shown in good double jacket ,with thick pelt. Moved well.
Puppy - Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st - Foxfactor Fire Cracker (Mrs K D Stockley) Balanced bitch with femine head, correct scissor bite with neat ears. Good front,good rear angulation , narrow throughout , loose thick pelt with a good coarse double coat. Well set on tail which was carried well on the move
2nd - Azurelle Wisteria Pixie (Mrs D Smith) Blue and tan , a heavier type pup than 1st, a bit nervous on move today unfortunately.
Junior - Bitch Entries: 11 Absentees: 4
1st - Mysulan Go Easy (Mrs S J Baxter) Typy blue and Tan , shown in good fit condition. Typical otterhead with scissor bite ,good reach of neck leading into well laid shoulders and narrow straight front. Neat feet. Narrow in body with good length of rib , nicely angulated stifle, strode out well .
2nd - Bardenfox Queen of the Road (Mr I & Mrs J Broomhead ) Another smart femine looking bitch. Good otter head with neat ears set on correctly . Scissor bite with big teeth, narrow front and well set shoulders.Good length of rib, level topline, coarse double jacket with thick loose pelt.Short carrot tail set on correctly. Neat feet. Moved out well. Could easily change place with 1st on another day.
Novice - Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - Foxfactor Fire Cracker (Mrs K D Stockley) See puppy bitch
2nd - Azurelle Wisteria Pixie (Mrs D Smith) See puppy
Bitch Post Graduate - Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st - Otterwood Domina Candesco JW (Mr M J & Mrs J M Hollingsbee) Typical otterhead with scissor bite.Neat ears set on well. Good reach of neck leading to well laid shoulders. Shown in harsh double coat ,thick loose pelt ,well angulated stifle , moved out well,
2nd - Wadesleia Dear Prudence (Mrs H A & Mr A Fletcher) Not as strong in head as 1st. Correct scissor bite and big teeth. good legth of rib well angulated rear . A little unsettled on the move today.
Limit - Bitch Entries: 8 Absentees: 5
1st - Sulan Strictly Blues Dancin' (Mrs S J Baxter) Blue and tan, with feminine otterhead. Good reach of neck with good shoulders. Narrow straight front , correct double jacket with loose pelt. Level topline with well set on tail carried well as she strode out. Peased to award her Best bitch.
2nd - Foxcraig Magic Diamond (Mrs J Dixon) Racy bitch, narrow throughout ,good in shoulder ,good length of rib, moved out well around the ring
Open - Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 5
Special Beginners Dog or Bitch Entries:5 Absentees1
1st - Otterpaws Lyin Eyes (Miss A M Dixon) Correcct otterhead with well set, neat ears. Correct scissor bite.Well laid shoulders , narrow straight front. Neat feet, Good harsh jacket. Moved well.
2nd - Billyboy Blue At Chevinor (Mrs H A Metcalfe) . Blue and tan , harsh double jacket. Well angulated hind quarters , moved ok
Veteran - Dog or Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st - Int/Am/Can CH Sulan Fancy That (Mrs S J Baxter) 12 yr old shown in fit condition for her age. Good bite. Narrow in front and ribs, well set on tail and well angulated hind quarters which helped her move with ease .
2nd - Ruelata Acrobat At Redfox (Mr & Mrs D B Marr) 1`3 yr old , a little heavier than 1st , shown in good jacket moved ok . 3rd - Vallemoss Drama Queen via Saxheath (Mrs A Heathcote)
YLC BTC Champ Show .Sept 2019

Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
Entries: 142 Dogs making 167 entries plus 3 NFC
Best In Show: Cashelrock Black Bush
Best Puppy: Achouffe McKay's Fable
Reserve Best In Show: Ragatam Essence JW
Best Opposite Sex: Ragatam Essence JW
Dog CC: Cashelrock Black Bush
Res Dog CC: Tojamatt Rhythm N'Blues at Raedwulf
Best Puppy - Dog: Achouffe McKay's Fable
Bitch CC: Ragatam Essence JW
Res Bitch CC: Alcumlow Bloom
Best Puppy - Bitch: Lairehope Ocean Charm
Minor Puppy Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st - Reedwater Doc Holliday By Dassett (Mrs S Spafford)
2nd - Oakyard Outspoken (Mr J Parry)
3rd - Lairehope Starman (Mr P & Mrs K Lothian)
Res - Blackmine Blue Marble (Mr P McCarron)
Puppy Dog Entries: 7 Absentees: 0
1st - Achouffe McKay's Fable (Mrs S McKay) Best dog Puppy & Best Puppy in Show
2nd - Thornheswin Ring Of Fire (Mr J C Dixon)
3rd - Etterbern Edenbank Ranger (Mrs L & Mr L J Reynolds)
Res - Chorbeck Move To The Music (Mrs H Haughton)
VHC - Karison Klaus (Miss K Johnson)
Junior Dog Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st - Achouffe McKay's Fable (Mrs S McKay)
2nd - Blaisdon One Step Beyond To Fevstone (Mrs D Bullen)
3rd - Obaircre Red (Mr J Graham)
Res - Eco Ryder (Mrs C Hopkins)
Yearling Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 2
1st - Cedarhill Melt In The Mouth (Mrs C Dean)
2nd - Dassett Last Waltz JW (Mrs S Spafford)
3rd - Mysulan Easy Ryder (Mrs J Shorthouse)
Res - Lairehope Bear Bejewelled (Mr P & Mrs K Lothian)
Novice Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - Thornheswin New Beginning (Mrs C E & Mr R F Boyd)
2nd - Kentixen Mint Imperial At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)
Post Graduate Dog Entries: 8 Absentees: 0
1st - Cashelrock Black Bush (Mr K H & Mrs D Moore)- DOG CC
2nd - Stowthorney Wicker Man JW (Mr R Brewster & Ms J Green)
3rd - Fieldsearch Firecracker (D Pearson & A Towers)
Res - Onthill Nighthawk (Mr V J & Mrs M Pearce)
VHC - Billyboy Blue At Chevinor (Mrs H A Metcalfe)
Limit Dog Entries: 15 Absentees: 3
1st - Tojamatt Rhythm N'blues at Raedwulf (Mr M & Mrs V Atkinson)- RES DOG CC
2nd - Mysulan Going Solo JW (Mrs S J Baxter)
3rd - Dandyhow Captain Morgan (Mrs K Irving)
Res - Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM (Mrs H Haughton)
VHC - Cedarhill Authorisation (Mrs J Alpe)
Open Dog Entries: 7 Absentees: 2
1st - CH Ridgebow Two Hoots (Mr N & Mrs A Duxbury)
2nd - Lairehope Highland Chief Of Tweedburn (Mrs C Archibald)
3rd - Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor ShCM (Mrs H A Metcalfe)
Res - Blaisdon Bow Brilliant (Mr J N & Miss A J Thomas)
VHC - Glenbucket Whisky Mac (Mrs A Howard)
Special Beginners Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st - Thornheswin New Beginning (Mrs C E & Mr R F Boyd)
2nd - Kentixen Mint Imperial At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)
3rd - Eco Ryder (Mrs C Hopkins)
Veteran Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st - CH Lairehope Lord of the Glen At Tweedburn (Mrs C Archibald) Best Veteran
2nd - Blue Duke Of Cumbria At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)
Minor Puppy Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st - Lairehope Ocean Charm (M P & Mrs K Lothian) -Best Bitch Puppy
2nd - Blackmine Blue Pearl At Chorbeck (Mrs H Haughton)
3rd - Etterbern Everglade (Mr L Reynolds & Miss S Marston - Pollock)
Res - Rumorgrey Rado (Mrs S Morgan)
Junior Bitch Entries: 15 Absentees: 6
1st - Ragatam Essence JW (Miss T Peacock)- BITCH CC
2nd - Carrock Curiosity (Ms J Fawcett)
3rd - Foxfactor Fire Cracker (Mrs K D Stockley)
Res - Otterbobs Georgia Blue (Mr J R & Mrs H Gilpin)
VHC - Blaisdon Step Above (Miss A Thomas & Mr J Thomas)
Yearling Bitch Entries: 9 Absentees: 3
1st - Irton Sovay (Mr D & Mrs A Fryer)
2nd - Hightarn Nighthawk (Mr B & Mrs L Rostron)
3rd - Mysulan Go Easy (Mrs S J Baxter)
Res - Alcumlow Portobello Road (Mr P, Mrs B & Miss R Barber)
VHC - Otterpaws Lyin Eyes (Miss A M Dixon)
Novice Bitch Entries: 8 Absentees: 5
1st - Blackmine Blue Pearl At Chorbeck (Mrs H Haughton)
2nd - Crosby Dark Duchess At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)
3rd - Oakyard Orchestrated (Mr D & Mrs C Nightingale)
Post Graduate Bitch Entries: 16 Absentees: 1
1st - Alcumlow Bloom (Mr P, Mrs B & Miss R Barber) –RES BITCH CC
2nd - Bardenfox Queen of the Road (Mr I & Mrs J Broomhead)
3rd - Karison Koprosma At Staynorwood (Mr G & Mrs C Richardson)
Res - Thornheswin Old Magic (Mr J C Dixon)
VHC - Glenbucket Highland Queen (Mrs N Anderson & Mrs A Howard)
Limit Bitch Entries: 19 Absentees: 9
1st - Oakyard On Song JW (Mr J Parry)
2nd - Otterbobs Duchess (Mr J R & Mrs H Gilpin)
3rd - Northborders Lady Mary (Miss J North)
Res - Caznray Just A Mystery From Thornheswin (Mr J C Dixon)
VHC - Keebank Withy Song (Mrs L Rostron)
Open Bitch Entries: 13 Absentees: 5
1st - Mansergh Paint By Numbers (Miss A Roslin Williams)
2nd - CH Chorbeck Gossip Girl At Blackmine JW (Miss Tracey James & Mrs Michelle Render)
3rd - Sulan Strictly Blues Dancin' (Mrs S J Baxter)
Res - Remony Frosted Ivy JW ShCM (Mrs A Gregory)
VHC - Totherend Blue Jean Genie (Mr R G & Mrs E A Wright)
Special Beginners Bitch Entries: 7 Absentees: 2
1st - Hightarn Nighthawk (Mr B & Mrs L Rostron)
2nd - Otterpaws Red Red Wine (Mrs J M Dixon)
3rd - Foxwater House Of Jazz (Mrs J Spence)
Res - Foxwater Back In Business (Miss N Segrott & Mr Mason)
VHC - Oakyard Orchestrated (Mr D & Mrs C Nightingale)
Veteran Bitch Entries: 7 Absentees: 2
1st - Hollowmoor Casilva (Mrs A D Williams)
2nd - Orangecastle Zaurak at Foxfactor (Mrs K D Stockley)
3rd - Keycharm Miss Muffet at Keebank (Mrs L Keeffe)
Res - Wings of Speed at Otterpaws (Miss Dixon)
VHC - Crosby Dark Duchess At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)
Special Open Dog or Bitch Holding a Working Certificate.Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st - July Rex Boy At Obaircre (Mr J Graham)
YLC Border Terrier club Championship show 22nd Sept 2019
May I take the opportunity to thank the Club and its members for inviting me to judge at this show, and for the super warm hospitality I received. Special thanks to my ring stewards Carolyn Richardson and Julie North, for being efficient and keeping me on track.
I found no bad mouths and as always in our breed, coats at various stages. Lots of spannable dogs and bitches which I like.
I would like to say a huge thank you to the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to go over their dogs, this was a real honour and I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
(Mpd 4 /0.abs)
1st Mrs S Spafford. Reedwater Doc Holiday by Dassett (G/t) Typical head with dark eye and strong muzzle ,good front , pleasing topline and tail set, harsh double coat and loose pelt, good mover,
2nd Mr J Parry. Oakyard Outspoken (G/t) Another nice puppy with a good bite pleasing head, good in front, topline and tail is set on well, in good coat and moved well.
(Pd 7/0abs)
1st Mrs S Mckay Achouffe Mckays Fable. (G/t) A nice sized pup of 11 months, well - constructed , a strong masculine border type head with correct bite and big teeth, narrow front and well placed shoulders , ribbed well back and good loin , good topline and tailset , moved well both ways. , easily spanned, not a lot of coat today which I forgave as coats come and go but I liked what else there is. BPD BPIS
2nd Mr C Dixon Thornheswin Ring of Fire. Another good head with neat dark ears. In good jacket and plenty of pelt. Good topline easy to span good bone tight feet on thick pads and moved well.
(Jd 4/0abs)
1st Mrs S Mckay Achouffe Mckays Fable.
2ndMrs D Bullen. Blaisdon One Step Beyond to Fevstone. (G/t) good head, expression and dentition, good reach of neck, good level topline and good angulation front and rear, thick pelt and harsh jacket, moved well .
(Yd 6/2abs)
1st .Mrs C Dean. Cedarhiill Melt in The Mouth. (G/t) Masculine head with dark eye, big teeth in a strong jaw. Straight front, enough bone, tight feet with thick pads, level topline and good bend of stifle, a nice thick loose pelt and harsh jacket. Moved soundly and presented and handled very well.
2nd .Mrs S Spafford.CH Dassett Last Waltz JW.
Super head with lovely dentition and good expression. good for size, Coat, pelt and tail set all good. Well angulated front and rear and moving soundly on good feet,
(Nd 2/0abs)
1st .Mrs C Boyd. Thornheswin New Beginning (B/t) typical head with keen expression, strong in muzzle, with big strong teeth, b& t with ticking throughout, thick loose pelt, good topline and underline, good thick pads, moved OK.
2nd .Mrs A Johnson. Kentixen Mint Imperial at Roseghyll (G/t) Pleasing Head good front and topline, easy to span with good bone moved OK.
(Pgd 8/0abs)
1st .Mr & Mrs K H Moore. Cashelrock Black Bush. First line of standard essentially a working terrier, this dog is just that. I think he could get just about anywhere. Grizzle and tan dog with a beautiful otter head, ears close to cheek, Lovely dark eyes, strong muzzle with big strong teeth. He has well laid shoulders and narrow front following right through lovely topline and tail set. good length of rib and strong loi. Easily spanned. Fantastic harsh jacket and stood on good tight feet and moved well. CC & BOB.
2nd . Mr R Brewster & Ms J Green. (G/t) Stowthorney Wicker Man. Another lovely masculine head, neat ears, correct bite with a strong muzzle. His front is straight with good bone and good feet with thick pads, correct ribs and spanned with ease. His coat was harsh, nice topline and well angulated hindquarters. movement was good both ways.
(Ld 15/3abs)
1st . Mr M & Mrs VL Atkinson. Tojamatt RhythmN’Blues At Raedwulf. (G/t) Typical otter head with well-placed dark eyes broad skull and small neat ears. Good reach of neck level topline and carrot tail set on well. He has good length of rib and loin and spanned well, good angulation both front and rear, moved well both ways. RCC.
2nd .Mrs S Baxter. Mysulan Going Solo. (B/t) very well balanced, has a good head, correct bite, nice reach of neck and is narrow throughout. Good top line and tail set with a lovely carroty tail. He moved with drive from his well put together hind quarters.
1st .Mr N & Mrs A Duxbury. Ridgebow two Hoots. (G/t) Typical head and expression. dark eye, neat ears, good strong teeth. Nicely balanced with flowing lines. Handy size. Well ribbed back. Liked his length of leg and neat tight feet. Not a lot of coat but good thick pliable pelt. Correct shoulders and hind quarters. Covers the ground well on the move.
2nd . Mrs C.A. Archibald. Lairhope Highland Chief at Tweedburn. Typical head and expression, strong loin with good bend of stifle, shown in excellent harsh jacket dense undercoat and loose thick pelt,
(Sbd 4/0abs)
1st .Mrs C Boyd. Thornheswin New Beginning.
2nd .Mrs A Johnson. Kentixen Mint Imperial at Roseghyll.
1st . Mrs C.A. Archibald. CH Lairhope lord of the glen at Tweedburn. 10years old dog with a good head and dark eye, good mouth and well laid shoulders. He had a lovely thick pelt, level top line and a good tail set, moved out well.
2nd . Mrs A Johnson. Blue duke Of Cumbria At Roseghyll. 8 years of age and looking well. nice head and still well balanced overall, neat feet and moved well.
1st .Mr P &Mrs K Lothian. Lairhope Ocean Charm. (B/t) Feminine puppy not quite 9 months, excellent head with good eyes, ears and expression, narrow front and body, good topline, racy hindquarters with a short carrot like tail set on well, good hard coat with lots of ticking, showed well for her handler. BPB
2nd .Mrs H Haughton Blackmine Blue Pearl at Chorbeck (B/t) Another nice puppy with a typical head, good ear set, strong jaw with big teeth, good in neck, narrow right through with good bone standing on tight feet.
1st . Mr K Green. Terabyte Uptown Girl. (G/t) Good head and neck, well laid shoulders, well ribbed back and strong loin, good topline and well angulated hind quarters. Lovely overall conformation and outline. A little unsettled in the challenge for BPB
2nd .Mr R.G & Mrs E A Wright . (B/t) Totherend Myrna Loy. Nice bitch with a Good length of rib on a balanced body. Good bend of stifle, signs of coat coming through and pliable thick pelt. Nice feminine head.
(Jb /15/3abs)
1st . Tracey Peacock. Ragatam Essence JW. (G/t) good feminine head with strength of muzzle a dark eye and correct bite, straight narrow front, nice reach of neck , level topline held on the move , good bend of stifle enough of bone standing on thick pads, a hard double jacket with a thick pliable pelt and easy to span. Moved very well. BCC & RBIS.
2nd . Judith Fawcett. Carrock Curiosity. (G/t) Good head, nice ears. Nice length of neck with lovely topline and tail set, good coat with thick pelt. Good front angulation and well laid- back ribs, easily spannable. Good tail set.
(Yb/ 9/2abs)
1st .D&A Fryer. Irton Savoy. (G/t) good head with a keen expression. Short muzzle with large correct teeth. Good length of neck and straight front with small neat feet and thick pads. Coat coming through on a thick pliable pelt and spanned easy, with nice length of rib. Good angulation and in fit hard condition. Moved well.
2nd Mr B & Mrs L Rostron. Hightarn Nighthawk. (B/t) narrow throughout, possessing a thick and ample pelt on this b&t which had ample ticking. Narrow in front with good bone, standing on super tight feet with thick pads, very typical in head with good expression.
1st Mrs H Haughton. Blackmine Blue Pearl at Chorbeck.
2nd Mrs A Johnson. Crosby dark Duchess at Roseghyll. (G/t) typical head balanced body harsh coat on a thick pelt moved OK
1st .MR.Mrs&Miss Barber. Alcumlow Bloom. (B/t) moved well both ways. Has a nice head good reach of neck and a well put together front, good topline and tail set, shown in harsh coat with plenty of ticking, thick pelt and easily spanned. Showed well for her handler. RBCC
2nd . Mrs J & Mr I Broomhead.Bardenfox Queen Of The Road. (G/t ) Typical head with a strong jaw and correct teeth, nice reach of neck, well laid shoulders and good topline and tail set and moved true both ways.
1st . Mr J Parry. Oakyard On Song JW. (G/t) Otter type head with Dark eye, correct neat well set ears big teeth in a good jaw. She’s a handy size. Neat front with good bone, narrow through body and easily spanned. Moved well both ways,
2nd . Mr & Mrs Gilpin. Otterbobs Duchess. (G/t) Lovely racy outline. Smart attractive bitch with good pelt and movement. Unfortunately, her coat let her down today.
1st .Miss A Roslin-Williams. Mansergh Paint by Numbers. (G/t) Typical head with 1/3rd to 2 thirds proportions flowing onto good neck. Very well laid shoulder, narrow throughout, well ribbed back and Good length of loin easily spanned, good rear angulation, well carried tail. Moved well.
2nd Miss T James & Mrs M Render. CH/IR, CH/GER CH/INT CH. (G/t) Chorbeck Gossip Girl at Blackmine JW CW18
Lovely head, good strong muzzle, nice ear, good eye. Lovely neck and shoulder, good bone and balance. Best of feet, shown in a good coat. Preferred movement on first.
1st . Mr B & Mrs L Rostron. Hightarn Nighthawk.
2nd .Mrs J Dixon . Otterpaws Red Red Wine. (G/t) Typical head with neat ears, dark eye and good bite, harsh coat on a thick pelt moved OK.
1st . Mrs A D Williams. Hollowmoor Casilva. (G/t) of 11years showing well for her age nice head, good topline and tail set good bone and still moving with drive.
2nd. Mrs K Stockley. Orangecastle Zaurak At Foxfactor. (G/t) nice condition, in excellent coat, good head, nice outline and balance.
(Special open D or B Holding a working certificate)
1st . Mr J Graham. July Rex Boy at Obairce . (G/t) Standing alone in this class but very worthy of his 1st prize and worthy also of his W/Cert. A fit masculine dog. Well- made throughout, good head and dark eye with good expression. Strong muzzle with large teeth and good under jaw, a good harsh jacket and thick pelt, in super condition and super muscle tone, short tail well set on. And moved well.
Judge Mr A Horner Stineval